Training and professional background
Research interests
Participation in research projects
Other international activities
Main publications and conferences
 | In progress: PhD in Linguistic Sciences
Thesis title: Input influence on early vocabulary acquisition in french children Supervisor : Sophie Kern
Individual, social and linguistic features can explain variability observed in early vocabulary acquisition. One original feature of this work is to combine focus on both quantity and quality of input with an assessment of activity context influence. Indeed influences of quantitative and qualitative aspects of input on early lexicon development are clearly showed in previous study. In addition, other research has described language development and input differences according to activity type. However, most of these studies have restricted their analyses to one or two activity contexts for example free play and book-reading, and linked these activities to input and older development skills such as literacy. Thus, activity context is seldom studied throughout longitudinal corpus data and its relationship to early vocabulary acquisition has never been examined so far.
While taking into account the results of previous studies, the goal of this thesis is to pay specific attention to input inter-individual and intra-individual variability according to contexts and families’ activities to explain children’s developmental trends.
More precisely, in order to shed light on early vocabulary acquisition, we analyze the productions of 10 French monolingual children from first word to beginning of grammar in interaction with their caregivers and close family at the children’s homes.
Another special feature to this work is the ethological approach adopted for the observation and analysis of activity: we have observed all the activities in longitudinal spontaneous data recordings made at the children’s home.
 | 2009/2011: MSc , Animal and human behavior (Rennes, 35) |
 | 2006/2009: BSc , Biology of organisms (Montpellier, 34) |
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 | Comparaisons translinguistiques de l'input langagier |
 | Early vocabulary acquisition (1-3 years) |
 | Word frequency |
 | Input characteristic |
 | Context and activity |
 | Child ethology
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 | 2012-2015 : PREMS Project, Phonological development and input influences on first words.
Project coordinator: S. Kern. |
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 | 2015-2016, Cognitive Sciences, Semester 3: human language and animal communication Psychology Institute - Lyon University |
 | 2014-2015, Cognitive Sciences, Semester 3: human language and animal communication Psychology Institute - Lyon University |
 | 2013-2014, Cognitive Sciences Semester 3: human language and animal communication, Psychology Institute - Lyon University
Semester 2: cognitive psychology of development, Psychology Institute - Lyon University |
 | 2012-2013, Cognitive Sciences,
Semester 3: human language and animal communication, Psychology Institute - Lyon University
Semester 2: cognitive psychology of development, Psychology Institute - Lyon University |
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 | 2015
Summer School: EMCL7 – 7th Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics workshop (Joao Pessoa, Brazil, August 2-8)
 | 2014
Summer School: ISOLDE – The Summer School on Infant Studies On Language Development in Europe (Potsdam, Germany, July 7-11)
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PhDs and master thesis
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Glas, L., 2011, "Développement langagier au cours de la période préscolaire : différences sexuées et influence de l’environnement langagier. Sous la direction de Stéphanie Barbu, Alban Lemasson,et Jean-Pierre Chevrot ", Rapport de stage Master 2, Laboratoire d'éthologie animale et humaine, Université de Rennes 1, Rennes |
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Glas, L., 2011, "Le sexe, un facteur de variabilité interindividuelle
dans le langage ? Mise en évidence, dynamique développementale
et déterminants. Sous la direction de Stéphanie Barbu, Alban Lemasson et Jean-Pierre Chevrot", Mémoire bibliographique de master 2, Laboratoire d'éthologie animale et humaine, Université de Rennes 1, Rennes |
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Glas, L., 2010, "Les échanges vocaux chez la mone de Campbell (Cercopithecus campbelli campbelli) : utilisation, perception. Sous la direction d’ Alban Lemasson et Stéphanie Barbu", Rapport de stage Master 1, Laboratoire d'éthologie animale et humaine, Université de Rennes 1, Rennes |
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Glas, L., Rossi, C., Hamdi, R., Batailler, C. & Bellemmouche, H., 2018, "Activity types and child-directed speech: a comparison between French, Tunisian Arabic and English", Canadian Journal of Linguistics / Revue canadienne de linguistique, 63, pp. 633-666 |
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Barbu, S., Nardy, A., Chevrot, J.P., Guellaï, B., Glas, L., Juhel, J. & Lemasson, A., 2015, "Sex differences in language across early childhood: Family socioeconomic status does not impact boys and girls equally", Frontiers in Psychology, 6, pp. 1894 ((article))
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Lemasson, A., Glas, L., Barbu, S., Lacroix, A., Guilloux, M., Remeuf, K. & Koda, H., 2011, "Youngsters do not pay attention to conversational rules : is this so for nonhuman primates? ", Scientific Reports, 1:22 (Article)
Conferences with proceedings
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Glas, L. & Kern, S., 2014, "Lien entre acquisition des premiers mots chez des enfants francophones monolingues et leur environnement langagier", actes de 30èmes Journées d’Étude sur la Parole, Le Mans, France, 23-27 juin 2014, pp. 484-493 (poster) |
Conference presentations
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Glas, L. & Kern, S., 2018, "Recueil de données et acquisition lexicale : effet de la variation situationnelle et différences interindividuelles", Colloque de la Société Française pour l’Étude du Comportement Animal, Rennes, France, 19-21 juin (poster) |
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Glas, L. & Kern, S., 2015, "Early vocabulary development in French monolingual children and activity types", Workshop on Infant Language Development, Stockholm, June 10-12 |
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Kern, S., Chenu, F. & Glas, L., 2015, "Role of frequency and phonetic complexity on first words order of acquisition", Child Language Symposium, University of Warwick, 20th - 21st July 2015 |
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Glas, L. & Rossi, C., 2014, "Activity contexts and early vocabulary development: a cross linguistic study", Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics, Washington D.C., United States, March 14-16, 2014 (poster) |
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dos Santos, C., Kern, S. & Glas, L., 2014, "Noun and predicate acquisition are different: evidence from input frequency and neighbourhood density", 13th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 14-18, 2014 (poster) |
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Barbu, S., Glas, L., Guellaï, B., Nardy, A., Chevrot, J. & Lemasson, A., 2014, "Family socioeconomic status and gender influences on children’s verbal skills and sociolinguistic uses: A developmental perspective across the preschool years", 13th International Congress for the Study of Child Language (IASCL), Amsterdam, 14-18 juillet (poster) |
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Barbu, S., Glas, L., Guellaï, B., Nardy, A., Chevrot, J.P. & Lemasson, A., 2013, "Family socioeconomic status and gender differences in early language acquisition: SES does not impact equally upon boys and girls", Child Language Seminar , Manchester, 24-25 juin |
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Barbu, S., Guellaï, B., Glas, L., Nardy, A., Chevrot, J.P. & Lemasson, A., 2013, " « Des zombrils et des nânes » : quand le milieu socio-économique a un impact différent sur le développement langagier des filles et des garçons", Colloque de la Société Française pour l’Etude du Comportement Animal, Dijon , Novembre 2013 |
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Glas, L. & Kern, S., 2013, "Effet de la fréquence d’exposition sur l’acquisition des premiers mots ", Colloque de la Société Française pour l’Etude du Comportement Animal, Dijon, Novembre 2013 |
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Glas, L. & Kern, S., 2013, "Développement de l'enfant: aptitudes motrices, sociales et langagières", Fête de la science, Privas , 12 et 13 octobre (poster) |
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Barbu, S., Glas, L., Guellaï, B., Nardy, A., Chevrot, J.P. & Lemasson, A., 2012, "Gender and language: Family socio-economic status does not impact equally upon boys and girls", 5th Gender Development Research Conference, San Francisco, 2012, avril (poster) |
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Rimbaud, S., Bedoin, N., Boulenger, V., Canault, M., Chenu, F., Glas, L., Jisa, H. & Kern, S., 2012, "Axe LDI ", 11ème forum des Sciences Cognitives, Paris , 31 mars (poster) |
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Barbu, S., Guellaï, B., Glas, L., Nardy, A., Chevrot, J.P. & Lemasson, A., 2011, "Gender differences in language vary according to family socioeconomic status: what influence
has mothers’ and fathers’ input during early childhood?
", 12th International Congress for the Study of Child Language (IASCL)
, Montréal, 2011 Juillet |
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Lagner, P., Meguerditchian, A., Vuillaume, R., Gaudin, S., Mirault, J., Glas, L., Bellicot, A., Coulon, C. & Vauclair, J., 2010, "Ambipréférence manuelle chez le babouin (Papio anubis) en captivité pour une tâche de coordination bimanuelle spontanée. ", Colloque Société Francophone De Primatologie, Aix-en-Provence, 2010 Octobre |