Training and professional background
Research interests
Awards and research grants
Participation in research projects
Main publications and conferences
| 2012-2017: PhD in Linguistics
Grammar of Siriono, a Tupi-Guarani language in Bolivia. Supervisor: Françoise Rose |
| Spring 2015 : Visiting Student Researcher at the University of California, Berkeley. Supervision: Lev Michael. |
| September 2012: Workshop Training for the HRELP Grantees. SOAS. University of London |
| January 2012: Intensive Seminar Introduction to fieldwork linguistics, laboratory LLACAN, INALCO, Villejuif (France). (Resp. Nicolas Quint & Paulette Roulon-Doko) |
| 2010-2012: MA in Linguistics - Language Description and Typology
Université Lumière Lyon 2, Dynamique Du Langage Laboratory |
| 2007-2010: Undergraduate, Licence in Linguistics at the Stendhal University, Grenoble |
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| Evolution of the Tupi-Guarani languages in Bolivia, mainly the Sirionoan clade: Siriono, Yuki, Jorá. |
| Documentation et description of Siriono (Tupi-Guarani) |
| Endangered languages in Bolivia |
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| 2015: 2 months in Bolivia, in the Siriono territory. HRELP Grant #IGS0185. |
| 2014: 3 months in Bolivia, in the Siriono territory. HRELP Grant #IGS0185. |
| 2013: 4 months and half in Bolivia, in the Siriono territory. HRELP Grant #IGS0185. |
| 2012: 2 months in Bolivia, in the Siriono territory. HRELP Grant #IGS0185. |
| 2011: 2 months in Bolivia, in the Siriono territory. Funding: Regional Explora'Sup grant |
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| 2012-2015: PhD Grant by the Labex ASLAN |
| 2012-2015: Individual Graduate Scholarship from Hans Rausing Endangered Languages Project for the project "Documentation of Siriono" (Grant #IGS0185) |
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| 2014-2016: Project of structural comparison of Tupi-Guarani languages leads by Françoise Rose and Lev Michael. Including Natalia Chousou-Polydouri, Zachary O’Hagan, Emily Clem, Keith Bartolomei, Sébastien Flavier, Windy Daviet, Paola Granado Columba, Eva-Maria Rößler and Sergio Meira. |
| 2015 : Contribution to the Tupí-Guaraní Comparative Lexical Dataset organized by Lev Michael, Natalia Chousou-Polydouri, Vivian Wauters, Zachary O’Hagan, Keith Bartolomei. Update of Siriono with field data and inclusion of Jorá data from the sources compiled with Swintha Danielsen. |
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| 2015-2016: Teaching assistant for General Linguistics (morphology, syntax), 1st year undergraduate, Linguistics Department, Université Lumière Lyon 2. (Resp. Anetta Kopecka) (53h) |
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Gasparini, N. & Dicarere Mendez, V., 2015, "Diccionario Siriono", Trinidad, Bolivie, Editorial Tiempos del Beni, 111 p. (pdf, Couverture)
PhDs and master thesis
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Gasparini, N., 2012, "Observations sociolinguistiques et esquisse de la phonologie du siriono, langue tupí-guaraní de Bolivie", Mémoire de Master 2, Sciences du langage, Lumière Lyon 2 (pdf)
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Gasparini, N., 2011, "L'expression du nombre dans les langues tupí-guaraní", Mémoire de Master 1, Sciences du langage, Lumière Lyon 2 (pdf)
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Danielsen, S. & Gasparini, N., 2015, "News on the Jorá (Tupí-Guaraní): sociolinguistics, description, and classification", Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, 10:2, pp. 441-466 (pdf)
Conferences with proceedings
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Danielsen, S. & Gasparini, N., 2017, "Discovering two almost extinct languages in Bolivia: Jorá and Guarasu", actes de 18e Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences du Langage, Paris, 11 Juin 2015, pp. 1-13 (disponible sur HAL)
Conference presentations
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Gasparini, N., 2017, "Directives in Siriono", Atelier de morphosyntaxe, Lyon, 17 mars 2017 |
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Gasparini, N., 2017, "Fabrication des dictionnaires : démarche savante, science participative, projet collaboratif", Journées d'étude dictionnaire francophone, regards croisés sur la lexicopoïèse, Université Lyon 3, Lyon, 17 novembre 2017 (vidéo)
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Gasparini, N., 2016, "Table ronde Corpus en langues amérindiennes et humanités numériques", Temps, espace et société dans les langues autochtones d'Amérique du Sud à l'époque coloniale, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, 8-9 février 2016 |
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Gasparini, N., 2016, "Epistemics in Siriono", Atelier de morphosyntaxe, Lyon, 8 avril 2016 |
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Chousou-Polydouri, N., Gasparini, N., Michael, L., O'Hagan, Z. & Rose, F., 2016, "Reconstructing Negation Morphemes and Constructions in the Tupí-Guaraní Family", Amazonicas VI, Leticia, Colombie, 24/04/2016 |
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Gasparini, N., 2015, "I wish, I will, I want: directives in Siriono (Tupi-Guarani)", Symposium on Amazonian Linguistics, Berkeley, 24 avril 2015 (pdf)
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Lévêque, L. & Gasparini, N., 2015, "Le Wiktionnaire", Journées du logiciel libre, Lyon, 28 mars |
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Gasparini, N., Danielsen, S., Chousou-Polydouri, N., O'Hagan, Z., Bartolomei, K. & Michael, L., 2015, "Southern Tupí-Guaraní Languages: Combining classification with areal linguistics", The 18th Annual Workshop on American Indigenous Languages, Santa Barbara, 18 mai 2015 (diapos)
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Chousou-Polydouri, N., Michael, L., O'Hagan, Z., Gasparini, N. & Rose, F., 2015, "Phylogenetic Analysis of Morphosyntactic Data. A case study of Negation in Tupí-Guaraní", Societas Linguistica Europeae, Leiden, 8 October 2015 (HAL)
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Gasparini, N., Daviet, W. & Danielsen, S., 2015, "¿Quién es parte de mi familia lingüística? Sobre los tupí-guaraní en Bolivia", Jornadas Tierras Bajas, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, 15 octobre 2015 (pdf)
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Gasparini, N., 2014, "Jorá, siriono et langues tupi-guarani de Bolivie", Atelier Langue et Histoire, Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage, Lyon, France, 14 janvier 2014 |
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Gasparini, N., Rößler, E.M. & Danielsen, S., 2014, "The Southern Clade of Tupi-Guarani Languages: Adposition Issues", AMAZONICAS V: A Estrutura das Línguas Amazônicas: Fonologia e Sintaxe, Belém, Brazil, May 26-30, 2014 (pdf)
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Gasparini, N., 2014, "Aperçu de la morphosyntaxe du siriono (famille tupi-guarani, Bolivie) à travers l'homophonie", Séminaire DTT, Laboratoire DDL, 7 novembre 2014 |
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Gasparini, N., 2013, "Evolución de las documentaciones: el caso Sirionó", Indigenous languages of Bolivia: theory and praxis. VII Congreso de la Asociación de Estudios Bolivianos, Sucre (Bolivia), 31 juillet 2013 |
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Gasparini, N. & Sans, P., 2013, "Langues de Bolivie : bésɨro et siriono", Atelier de sociolinguistique, Laboratoire DDL, 18 octobre 2013 (diapos)
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Gasparini, N., 2012, "Multiplicity of solutions regarding the number in Tupi-Guarani languages", Communication pour le 54e Congrès International des Américanistes 2012. Symposium Variación histórica y variación inducida por contacto en las lenguas Tupí coordonné par Wolf Dietrich et Sebastian Drude, Vienne, 16 juillet 2012 (pdf)
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Gasparini, N., 2011, "Linguistique de terrain en Bolivie", Présentation proposée aux étudiants de troisième année de Licence dans le cadre du cours de syntaxe de Caroline Imbert, Université Stendhal Grenoble 3, 8 novembre 2011 |
Unpublished paper
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Gasparini, N., 2015, "Libreto Siriono - Mamíferos", Bourse ELDP, pp. 59 (pdf)
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Gasparini, N., 2015, "Libreto Siriono - Peces", Bourse ELDP, pp. 35 (pdf)
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Gasparini, N., 2015, "Libreto Siriono - Aves", Bourse ELDP, pp. 29 (pdf)
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Gasparini, N., 2015, "Frutas de los Sirionos", Bourse ELDP (pdf)