Ultima actualizaci�n : 28/08/2024 |
Recorrido profesional
Otras actividades cientifícas y administrativas
Responsabilidad de proyectos
Distinción y financiamiento
Participación a proyectos
Actividades de encuadramiento
Publicaciones y communicaciones principales
| 2003: DEA National de Neuropsychologie. Université Lyon 2 |
| 2002: Maîtrise de Biologie Cellulaire et Physiologie, mention Neurosciences et Neurobiologie des Fonctions Cognitives. Université Lyon 1.
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| Évaluation de projets de recherche nationaux et internationaux
- APEX (Appel à projets exploratoires) Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Toulouse
- ANR programme blanc
- IDEX Paris Sorbonne Cité
- Appel à projets CHU de Grenoble
- Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Réadaptation (CRIR-CIRRIS), Canada
- Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Humaines (CRSH), Canada
| Membre de divers jurys / comités
- Rapporteur ou examinatrice de jurys de thèse (Univ. Montréal Canada, Univ. Aix-Marseille)
- Soutenances de mémoire d'orthophonie (Univ. Lyon 1)
- Attribution de contrats doctoraux - École Doctorale Neurosciences et Cognition
- Comité de Suivi Individuel de doctorat (ED NSCo, ED 3LA, Lyon)
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| 2023-présent: Rôle de la motricité dans l’asymétrie Source-But (co-PI avec A.C. Roy). |
| 2020-2026: AnchorFL: Anchoring Foreign Language Learning. Financement ANR PRC (co-PI avec A.C. Roy). |
| 2018-2019: PROJECTOIRE : Trajectoire linguistique dans les mouvements de projection du bras (co-PI avec A.C. Roy). |
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| 2024: LabEx ASLAN – Phonègeste (co-PI avec A.C. Roy; 9.8k€). |
| 2024: LabEx ASLAN – Source-But (co-PI avec A.C. Roy; 3.5k€). |
| 2023-2027: ANR PRC – SYNTOOL. Partenaire (PI: C. Brozzoli, IMPACT-CRNL; 565k€). |
| 2020-2026: ANR PRC - AnchorFL (co-PI avec A.C. Roy; 280k€). |
| 2023: Campagne Besoins spécifiques, Université Lyon 2 (9 k€). Equipement de recherche pour le laboratoire. |
| 2018-2019: LabEx ASLAN - PROJECTOIRE (co-PI avec A.C. Roy; 18k€). |
| 2022-2025: RIPEC C3 Prime individuelle. |
| 2015: Appel à projets Dispositif Investissement Scientifique, Université Lyon 2. Responsable de la demande - Equipement Optotrak certus (30 k€). |
| 2014-2017: Prime d’Encadrement Doctoral et de Recherche. |
| 2012-2014: ANR JCJC - ODYSSEE (PI; 130k€). |
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| 2016-2020: Developmental Tool Mastery: Le développement du contrôle sensorimoteur pour l’emploi d’outils mécaniques (ANR PRC; PI: A. Farnè, CRNL-IMPACT) |
| 2011-2012: COREGRAPHY: COgnitive REality of the GRAdient Phonemicity HYpothesis (ANR JCJC, PI: E. Ferragne, CLILLAC-ARP Paris 7). |
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| 2024 - : « Psychologie expérimentale : initiation à la méthode scientifique » - 2ème année, École des Psychologues Praticiens, Lyon.
| 2021-2022: « From sound to meaning: how the motor system gives a hand to language » - Neuroconférence, M2 Recherche Neurosciences fondamentales et cliniques, Université Lyon 1. |
| 2014-présent: "Introduction à la neurolinguistique" - UE Connaissances fondamentales en sciences du langage appliquées à l'orthophonie, 2ème année d’École d'Orthophonie, Institut des Sciences et Techniques de la Réadaptation, Université Lyon 1. |
| 2020-2022: "Introduction aux relations entre cerveau et langage" - UE Voyage dans le cerveau, L3 Neurosciences, Université Lyon 1. |
| 2016-2018: "Langage et Cognition incarnée" - UE Bases neurales de la cognition, M2 Neurosciences fondamentales et cliniques, Université Lyon 1. |
| 2014-2016: "Neurolinguistique: Modèle à deux voies de traitement de la parole" - TD de 3ème année de Licence de Sciences Cognitives, Université Lyon 2. |
| 2013-2015: "Bases cérébrales du langage" - Module Langage et Communication du M2 Handicaps Sensoriels et Cognitifs, Institut des Sciences et Techniques de la Réadaptation, Université Lyon 1. |
| 2012-2014: "Théories situées vs. non situées de la cognition: Le cas du langage" - Neuroconférence, M2 Recherche Neurosciences, Université Lyon 1. |
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| Master 2 Recherche
Neurosciences fondamentales et cliniques, Université Lyon 1
Neuropsychologie, Université Lyon 2
Psychologie cognitive, Université Lyon 2
Sciences cognitives fondamentales, Université Lyon 2
Biosciences, ENS Biologie
Orthophonie, ISTR, Université Lyon 1
| Master 1
Sciences cognitives, Université Lyon 2
Psychologie cognitive et neuropsychologie, Université Lyon 2
Orthophonie, ISTR, Université Lyon 1
Biologie intégrative, Physiologie et Neurosciences, Université Lyon 1
Psychobiologie des comportements, Université Lyon 1
| Licence 3
Sciences de la Vie Majeure Biologie Mineure Humanités, École Supérieure de Biologie-Biochimie-Biotechnologies, Université Catholique de Lyon
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- Département de Psychologie, Université de Montréal: Karim Jerbi.
- Équipe Codage neural et neuroingénierie des fonctions de parole, Institut de l'Audition, Paris: Sophie Bouton.
- Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière, Paris: Sara Sambin (et Centre d’Investigation Clinique Neurosciences, Pitié Salpêtrière), Antoni Valero Cabré.
Tesis de doctorado
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Boulenger, V., 2006, "Le Langage et l'Action: Dynamique des Liens Fonctionnels unissant Verbes d'Action et Contrôle Moteur", Thèse de Doctorat de Neuropsychologie, L2C2-ISC CNRS UMR 5230, Université Lumière Lyon 2 (pdf)
Capitulos en líbros
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Boulenger, V., in press, "Evaluating neural tracking of rhythmic information in speech: somes caveats and challenges", in Rhythms of Speech and Language, Strauss, A. & Meyer, L. (eds), Cambridge University Press (preprint)
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Boulenger, V., 2014, "Cartographie électrophysiologique du langage et de la motricité", in Le langage au bout des doigts, Frak, V. & Nazir, T. (eds), Québec, Presses de l'Université du Québec, pp. 33-59 (cover)
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Nazir, T., Fargier, R., Aravena, P. & Boulenger, V., 2012, "When words trigger activity in the brain’s sensory and motor systems: It is not Remembrance of Things Past ", in Language and action in cognitive neuroscience , Coello, Y. & Bartolo, A. (eds), Psychology Press, pp. 307-318 (cover)
Artículos en revistas
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Mantillo-Ramos, Y., Hincapié-Casas, A., Pascarella, A., Lajnef, T., Jerbi, K. & Boulenger, V., in prep, "Cortical oscillations track changes in speech fundamental frequency at different speech rates", xx, xx |
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Sayyahi, F. & Boulenger, V., 2023, "A temporal-based therapy for children with inconsistent phonological disorder: a case-series", Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 37:7, pp. 65-681 (doi)
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Martel, M., Boulenger, V., Koun, E., Finos, L., Farnè, A. & Roy, A., 2022, "Body representation plasticity is altered in Developmental Coordination Disorder", Neuropsychologia, 166 (online article)
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Boulenger, V., Finos, L., Koun, E., Salemme, R., Desoche, C. & Roy, A., 2022, "Up right, not right up: primacy of verticality in both language and movement", Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (Motor neuroscience), 16:981330 (online article)
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Thibault, S., Py, R., Gervasi, A., Salemme, R., Koun, E., Lövden, M., Boulenger, V., Roy, A. & Brozzoli, C., 2021, "Tool use and language share syntactic processes and neural patterns in the basal ganglia
", Science, 374:6569 (see article)
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Hincapié-Casas, A., Lajnef, T., Pascarella, A., Guiraud, H., Laaksonen, H., Bayle, D., Jerbi, K. & Boulenger, V., 2021, "Neural oscillations track natural but not artificial fast speech: Novel insights from speech-brain coupling using MEG", NeuroImage, 244 (online article)
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Martel, M., Boulenger, V., Koun, E., Finos, L., Farnè, A. & Roy, A., 2021, "Body representation plasticity is altered in Developmental Coordination Disorder", bioRxiv, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.16.456453v1 (bioRxiv)
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Hincapié-Casas, A.S., Lajnef, T., Pascarella, A., Guiraud, H., Laaksonen, H., Bayle, D., Jerbi, K. & Boulenger, V., 2020, "Neural oscillations track natural but not artificial fast speech: Novel insights from speech-brain coupling using MEG", bioRxiv, https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.10.20.344895 (bioRxiv)
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Boulenger, V., Martel, M., Bouvet, C., Finos, L., Krzonowski, J., Farnè, A. & Roy, A., 2020, "Feeling better: tactile verbs speed up tactile detection", Brain and Cognition, 142:105582 (online article)
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Guiraud, H., Bedoin, N., Krifi-Papoz, S., Herbillon, V., Caillot-Bascoul, A., Gonzalez-Monge, S. & Boulenger, V., 2018, "Don't speak too fast! Processing of fast rate speech in children with specific language impairment", PLoS ONE, 13:1 (online article)
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Pulvermüller, F., Moseley, R., Egorova, N., Shebani, Z. & Boulenger, V., 2014, "Motor cognition - Motor semantics: Action Perception Theory of cognitive cortical function", Neuropsychologia, 55, pp. 71-84 (pdf, cover)
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Dekerle, M., Boulenger, V., Hoen, M. & Meunier, F., 2014, "Multi talker background and semantic priming effect", Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, pp. 878 (pdf)
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Fargier, R., Paulignan, Y., Boulenger, V., Monaghan, P., Reboul, A. & Nazir, T., 2012, "Learning to associate novel words with motor actions: Language-induced motor activity following short training", Cortex, 48:7, pp. 888-899 (pdf)
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Boulenger, V., Shtyrov, Y. & Pulvermüller, F., 2012, "When do you grasp the idea? MEG evidence for instantaneous idiom understanding", NeuroImage, 59:4, pp. 3502-3513 (pdf)
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Fargier, R., Ménoret, M., Boulenger, V., Nazir, T. & Paulignan, Y., 2012, "Grasp it loudly! Supporting actions with semantically congruent spoken action words.", PLoS ONE, 7:1, pp. e30663 (pdf)
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Boulenger, V., Hoen, M., Jacquier, C. & Meunier, F., 2011, "Interplay between acoustic/phonetic and semantic processes during spoken sentence comprehension: an ERP study", Brain and Language, 116:2, pp. 51-63 (pdf)
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Boulenger, V., Hoen, M., Ferragne, E., Pellegrino, F. & Meunier, F., 2010, "Real-time lexical competitions during speech-in-speech comprehension", Speech Communication, 52:3, pp. 246-253 (pdf)
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Boulenger, V. & Nazir, T., 2010, "Interwoven functionality of the brain's action and language systems", The Mental Lexicon (Special Issue 'Words and their Meaning: A deep delve from surface distribution into underlying neural representation' 5:2), 118, pp. 231-254 (pdf)
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Boulenger, V., Hauk, O. & Pulvermüller, F., 2009, "Grasping ideas with the motor system: Semantic somatotopy in idiomatic and literal sentence comprehension
", Cerebral Cortex, 19(8), pp. 1905-1914 (pdf)
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Boulenger, V., Mechtouff, L., Thobois, S., Broussolle, E., Jeannerod, M. & Nazir, T., 2008, "Word processing in Parkinson's disease is impaired for action verbs but not for concrete nouns", Neuropsychologia, 46, pp. 743-756 (pdf)
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Nazir, T., Boulenger, V., Roy, A., Silber, B., Jeannerod, M. & Paulignan, Y., 2008, "Language-induced motor perturbations during the execution of a reaching movement", Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61:6, pp. 933-943 (pdf)
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Boulenger, V., Silber, B., Roy, A., Paulignan, Y., Jeannerod, M. & Nazir, T., 2008, "Subliminal display of action words interferes with motor planning: A combined EEG and kinematic study", Journal of Physiology Paris, 102, pp. 130-136 (pdf)
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Boulenger, V., Decoppet, N., Roy, A., Paulignan, Y. & Nazir, T., 2007, "Differential effects of Age-of-Acquisition for concrete nouns and action verbs: Evidence for partly distinct representations?", Cognition, 103:1, pp. 131-146 (pdf)
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Boulenger, V., Roy, A., Paulignan, Y., Deprez, V., Jeannerod, M. & Nazir, T., 2006, "Cross-talk between language processes and overt motor behavior in the first 200 msec of processing", Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18:10, pp. 1607-1615 (pdf)
Communicaciónes con actos
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Guiraud, H., Hincapié, A.S., Jerbi, K. & Boulenger, V., 2018, "Perception de la parole et oscillations cérébrales chez les enfants neurotypiques et dysphasiques ", actes de 32èmes Journées d'Études sur la Parole, Aix en Provence, 4-8 juin, pp. 222-230 (pdf)
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Guiraud, H., Ferragne, E., Bedoin, N., Krifi-Papoz, S., Herbillon, V., Bascoul, A., Gonzalez-Monge, S. & Boulenger, V., 2014, "Perception de la parole rapide chez les enfants présentant une dysphasie expressive", actes de 30èmes Journées d'Études sur la Parole, Le Mans, France, 23-27 juin 2014, pp. 248-256 (pdf)
Conferencias invitadas en congreso
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Boulenger, V., 2022, "From tactile perception to tool use: on the sensorimotor grounding of semantics and syntax", proc. of Workshop “Cognitive Linguistics and Cognitive Neuroscience”, 9th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association , Erfurt, Germany (online conference), March 3rd (abstract) |
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Boulenger, V., 2010, "Quand le système moteur vient à la rencontre du langage: le traitement des verbes d'action.", actes de Société Française de Psychologie, Lille (France), 9 septembre 2010 |
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Boulenger, V., 2009, "When language meets the motor system.", proc. of The Mental Lexicon Symposium, Lund University (Sweden), 9 décembre 2009 |
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Boulenger, V., Hauk, O. & Pulvermüller, F., 2008, "Grasping ideas with the motor system: Semantic somatotopy in idiom comprehension. ", proc. of Annual Workshop on "Concepts, Actions and Objects: Functional and Neural Perspectives", Rovereto (Italy), 24-27 avril 2008 |
Otras conferencias invitadas
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Boulenger, V., 2024, "Du rythme de la parole à la syntaxe: quelles contribution pour le système sensorimoteur?", Séminaire du Laboratoire de NeuroPsychoLinguistique, Toulouse |
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Boulenger, V., 2023, "Exploring new paths on the embodiment of language", Brain and Language Laboratory, Freie Universität, Berlin |
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Boulenger, V., 2022, "How tool use sheds light on embodied syntax", Séminaire Linglunch du Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle, Paris (online), 7 avril |
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Boulenger, V., 2019, "Le cerveau au rythme de la parole: le cas des variations naturelles de débit", Séminaire du LPNC, Grenoble, 5 novembre |
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Boulenger, V., 2018, "Langage et cognition incarnée: le cas des verbes d'action.", Séminaire Embodiment, Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix en Provence, 12 janvier |
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Boulenger, V., 2018, "Oscillatory cortical dynamics during speech perception in adults: a MEG study.", Séminaire de l'Institut de Neuroscience des Systèmes, INSERM/Aix Marseille Université, Marseille, 29 mars |
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Boulenger, V., 2013, "Embodying language in action: Evidence for functional links between action word processing and the motor system", CRC workshop, Dusseldorf, 25 juin |
Otros congresos
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Boulenger, V., Finos, L., Koun, E., Salemme, R., Desoche, C. & Roy, A., 2022, "Up right, not right up: primacy of verticality in both language and movement", ESLP: Embodied and Situated Language Processing, Lille, France, août 2022 (poster) |
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Thibault, S., Py, R., Gervasi, M., Lövden, M., Boulenger, V., Roy, A. & Brozzoli, C., 2021, "Train one, gain two: Tool use and syntactic skills improve each other via shared neural patterns in the basal ganglia", Neural Control of Movement, online, April 20nd-22th |
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Thibault, S., Boulenger, V., Roy, A. & Brozzoli, C., 2019, "Tool-use triggers improvements in syntactic abilities", Cogntive Neuroscience Society meeting, San Francisco, 23-26 march (poster) |
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Thibault, S., Boulenger, V., Roy, A. & Brozzoli, C., 2019, "Neural resources shared by language and tool-use: a basis for tool-use benefits over syntactic abilities", Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, USA, 19-23 octobre |
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Boulenger, V., Guiraud, H., Hincapié, A.S. & Jerbi, K., 2018, "Brain oscillations and speech rate variations: cortical tracking of syllable rate and fundamental frequency in children and adults", Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Québec, 16-18 août (poster) |
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De Pasquale, N., Boulenger, V. & Roy, A., 2018, "The role of vertical motion in pitch representation. A case study of two French metaphors involved in music description", CIM18: Meaning and Music, Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology, Poznan, Pologne, 17-20 octobre |
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Guiraud, H., Boulenger, V. & Pellegrino, F., 2017, "Cortical oscillations and language variation: Towards a cross-linguistic perspective", Linguistic Diversity Meets The Brain: Future directions in the language sciences, Workshop at the Department of Comparative Linguistics, University of Zurich, Zurich (Suisse), 15-17 mai |
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Guiraud, H., Hincapié, A.S., Jerbi, K. & Boulenger, V., 2016, "Coupling of Speech Rhythm and Cortical Oscillations: an MEG Study in Typically Developing Children", Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Genève, 26-30 juin (poster) |
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Hincapié, A.S., Laaksonen, H., Bayle, D., Guiraud, H., Jerbi, K. & Boulenger, V., 2016, "Tracking of Speech Rhythm by Neuronal Oscillations: an MEG Study of Normal vs Fast Speech Processing", Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Genève, 26-30 juin (poster) |
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Bertrand-Dubois, D., Martin, F., Laaksonen, H., Meunier, D., Hincapié, A.S., Zerouali, Y., Guiraud, H., Boulenger, V. & Jerbi, K., 2016, "Does speech processing induce changes in resting-state
brain networks? A MEG study", Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Genève, 26-30 juin (poster) |
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Guiraud, H., Hincapié, A.S., Jerbi, K. & Boulenger, V., 2016, "Speech rhythm and cortical oscillations: a study in typically developing children", Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, New York, 2-5 avril (poster) |
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Guiraud, H., Hincapié, A.S., Jerbi, K. & Boulenger, V., 2016, "Tracking of Speech Rhythm in Typically Developing Children: a MEG Study.", Journées Scientifiques du CERNEC, Saint-Sauveur, 12-13 mars (poster) |
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Guiraud, H., Hincapié, A.S., Jerbi, K. & Boulenger, V., 2016, "Tracking of speech rhythm by cortical oscillations: an MEG study in typically developing children", Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Londres, 17-20 août (poster) |
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Guiraud, H., Jerbi, K., Hincapié, A.S. & Boulenger, V., 2016, "How cortical oscillations track speech rhythm in children: a MEG study", BIOMAG 2016: The 20th international conference on biomagnetism, Séoul (Korea), 1-6 octobre (poster) |
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Hincapié, A.S., Laaksonen, H., Bayle, D., Guiraud, H., Jerbi, K. & Boulenger, V., 2016, "Shifts from normal to fast speech are associated with corresponding shifts in the frequency of neuronal entrainment: An MEG study", BIOMAG 2016: The 20th international conference on biomagnetism, Séoul (Korea), 1-6 octobre (poster) |
Artículos en revistas
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Roy, A. & Boulenger, V., 2019, "La cognition incarnée : Un outil pour l’apprentissage des langues étrangères ?", 57, Lettre des Neurosciences, pp. 14-16 |
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Boulenger, V. & Nazir, T., 2014, "Le langage incarné: Des liens entre sens des mots et système moteur", 46, Lettre des Neurosciences, pp. 10-12 (pdf)
Artículos en periodicos
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Boulenger, V., 2012, "The neuroscience of your brain on fiction (written by Annie Murphy Paul)", New York Times, 17 mars (lien)