Dernière mise à jour : 12/05/2023 |
Formation et parcours professionnel
Thèmes de recherche
Distinctions ou Financements
Principales publications et conférences
| 2022-présent Directrice de Recherche de (DR2) au laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage (DDL), UMR5596. Directeur: Françoise Rose
2014-2022 Chargée de recherche affectée au laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage (DDL), UMR5596. Directeur: Sophie Kern puis Antoine Guillaume |
| 2006-2014 Chargée de recherche première classe au CNRS (recrutée par la section interdisciplinaire 45, rattachée à la commission 26)
Affectée au Laboratoire sur le Langage, le Cerveau et la Cognition, L2C2, UMR5304. Directeur: Tatjana Nazir
| 2005- 2006 Stage post-doctoral à l'Institut des Sciences Cognitives dirigé par le Prof. Jeannerod dans l’équipe Cerveau et Langage dirigée par T. Nazir |
| 2004- 2005 Stage post-doctoral à l'université de Ferrare (Italie), Section de Physiologie Humaine, Unité Neurolab dirigée par le Prof. Fadiga. |
| 2002- 2003: Stage post-doctoral à l'université de Parme (Italie), Section de Physiologie Humaine dirigée par le Prof. Rizzolatti dans l'équipe du Prof. Gentilucci
| 2018 Master 2 Sciences du Langage, Mention Très Bien, Université Lyon II |
| 2017 Master 1 Sciences du Langage, Mention Très Bien, Université Lyon II |
| 2016 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches Université Lyon I - Une approche motrice de la cognition humaine : le cas du schéma corporel et du langage |
| 2001 Doctorat d'Université, Mention Neuropsychologie, Mention Très honorable et Félicitations du Jury. Université Lyon I. Institut des Sciences Cognitives sous la direction des Drs Boussaoud et Paulignan. Le mouvement de préhension: Apport de la cinématique chez l'homme et le singe.
| 1997 DEA National de Neuropsychologie, Mention Très Bien, Université Lyon I.
| 1996 Maîtrise de Psychologie, Mention Assez Bien, Université Lyon II.
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| Interaction entre système moteur et langage
Cognition incarnée et apprentissage d'une langue étrangère
Effet de la plasticité somato-motrice induite par un outil sur la L1
| Utilisation d'outil et plasticité du schéma corporel
Poids des entrées sensorielles dans l'incorporation des outils dans le schéma corporel
Développement du schéma corporel chez l'enfant
| Linguistique cognitive
Primauté de la verticalité dans le langage et l'action
La hauteur exprimée à travers la musique et le langage |
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| 2017-2018 APPI Investigatrice principale avec V. Boulenger
2017-2021 ANR BLANC Partenaire responsable. Coordinateur A. Farnè
2012-2016 ANR SAMENTA Partenaire responsable. Coordinatrice C. Schmitz
2012-2013 Neurodon, appel d'offre de la Fondation pour la Recherche sur le Cerveau. Partenaire responsable. Coordinateur A Farnè
2012 Appel d'Offre CRNL Investigatrice principale avec C. Schmitz et A. Farnè.
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| 2017 M2 Neurosciences Université Lyon 1
2016 L3 Sciences Cognitives Université Lyon 2
2016 Laurea en Psychologie mention Neurosciences (équivalent L3 et M2) Université de Trente, Italie
2010-2015 Coordinatrice du module langage et membre du comité pédagogique du M2-R Neuroscience Université Lyon I
2012 Laurea en Psychologie mention Neurosciences (équivalent M1) Université de Trente, Italie |
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Chapitres dans les ouvrages
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Martel, M., Cardinali, L., Roy, A. & Farnè, A., 2017, "Tool use unravels body morphology representation in the brain", in The subject’s matter, de Vignemont, F. & Alsmith, A. (eds), MIT Press |
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Cardinali, L., Brozzoli, C., Frassinetti, F., Roy, A. & Farnè, A., 2011, "Human tool-use: a causal role in plasticity of bodily and spatial representations", in Tool-use and causal cognition, McCormack, T. (ed), Oxford University Press |
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Fadiga, L., Roy, A., Fazio, P. & Craighero, L., 2007, "From hand actions to speech: evidence and speculations", in Sensorimotor Foundations of Higher Cognition., Haggard, P., Rossetti, Y. & Kawato, M. (eds), ATTENTION AND PERFORMANCE XXII, Oxford University Press |
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Fadiga, L., Craighero, L. & Roy, A., 2006, "Broca’s region: a speech area? In: Broca’s region", in Broca’s region, Grodzinsky, y. & Amunts, K. (eds), Oxford University Press |
Articles de revues
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Thibault, S., Koun, E., Salemme, R., Boulenger, V., Roy, A. & Brozzoli, C., Submitted (preprint), "The tool-use cortical network contributes to semantic neural representations", xx, xx (DOI)
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Tseng, T., Krzonowski, J., Brozzoli, C., Roy, A. & Boulenger, V., 2024 (preprint), "Embodied speech: sensorimotor contributions to native and non-native phoneme processing and learning", PsyArXiv, xx (link to the preprint)
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Thibault, S., Koun, E., Salemme, R., Roy, A., Boulenger, V. & Brozzoli, C., 2024, "Activity in occipito-temporal cortex is involved in tool-use planning and contributes to tool-related semantic neural representations", Neurobiology of Language, 5:4, pp. 1008-1024 |
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Brozzoli, C., Roscigni, L., Dufour, M., Roy, A. & Boulenger, V., 2024, "Un entrainement moteur avec outil pour améliorer le traitement syntaxique chez l’adolescent porteur d’un Trouble Développemental du Langage (TDL)", Rééducation Orthophonique: Perspectives et défis en sciences de l'orthophonie : convergence des recherches sur les troubles du neurodéveloppement, 298 |
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Martel, M., Boulenger, V., Koun, E., Finos, L., Farnè, A. & Roy, A., 2022, "Body representation plasticity is altered in Developmental Coordination Disorder", Neuropsychologia, 166 (online article)
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Boulenger, V., Finos, L., Koun, E., Salemme, R., Desoche, C. & Roy, A., 2022, "Up right, not right up: primacy of verticality in both language and movement", Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (Motor neuroscience), 16:981330 (online article)
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Thibault, S., Py, R., Gervasi, A., Salemme, R., Koun, E., Lövden, M., Boulenger, V., Roy, A. & Brozzoli, C., 2021, "Tool use and language share syntactic processes and neural patterns in the basal ganglia
", Science, 374:6569 (see article)
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Martel, M., Boulenger, V., Koun, E., Finos, L., Farnè, A. & Roy, A., 2021, "Body representation plasticity is altered in Developmental Coordination Disorder", bioRxiv, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.16.456453v1 (bioRxiv)
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Cardinali, L., Zanini, A., Yanofsky, R., Roy, A., de Vignemont, F., Culham, J. & Farnè, A., 2021, "The Toolish Hand Illusion: Embodiment of a tool based on similarity with the hand.", Scientific Reports, 11:2024 |
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Martel, M., Finos, L., Koun, E., Farnè*, A. & Roy, A., 2021, "The long developmental trajectory of body representation plasticity following tool use.", Scientific Reports, 11:559 |
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Martel, M., Fourneret, P., Finos, L., Schmitz, C. & Roy, A., 2020, "Highs and lows in motor control development ", Journal of Motor Behavior, 52:4, pp. 404-417 |
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Boulenger, V., Martel, M., Bouvet, C., Finos, L., Krzonowski, J., Farnè, A. & Roy, A., 2020, "Feeling better: tactile verbs speed up tactile detection", Brain and Cognition, 142:105582 (online article)
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Bahmad, S., Miller, L., Pham, M., Moreau, R., Salemme, R., Koun, E., Farnè, A. & Roy, A., 2020, "Online proprioception feeds plasticity of arm representation following tool-use in healthy aging ", Scientific reports, 10:17275, pp. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-74455-5 (pdf)
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Di Rienzo, F., Barlaam, F., Daligault, S., Delpuech, C., Roy, A., Bertrand, O., Jerbi, K. & Schmitz, C., 2019, "Tracking the acquisition of anticipatory postural adjustments during a bimanual loadlifting
task: A MEG study
", Human Brain Mapping, DOI: 10.1002/hbm.24571 |
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Martel, M., Cardinali, L., Bertonati, G., Jouffrais, C., Finos, L., Farnè, A. & Roy, A., 2019, "Somatosensory-guided tool use modifies arm representation for action", Scientific Reports , 9, pp. 5517 (Lien)
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Pisella, L., Martel, M., Roy, A., Vuillerot, C. & Gonzalez-Monge, S., 2019, "Validation of a simple screening test for elementary visuo-spatial perception deficit", Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 1260 (pdf)
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Curie, A., Friocourt, G., des Portes, V., Roy, A., Nazir, T., Brun, A., Cheylus, A., Marcorelles, P., Retzepi, K., Maleki, N., Bussy, G., Paulignan, Y., Reboul, A., Ibarrola, D., Kong, J., Hadjikani, N., Laquerriere, A. & Gollub, R., 2018, "Basal ganglia involvement in ARX patients: The reason for ARX patients very specific grasping? ", Neuroimage : Clinical , 19, pp. 454-465 (Curie\)
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Cardinali, L., Brozzoli, C., Luauté, J., Roy, A. & Farnè, A., 2016, "Proprioception is necessary for body Schema plasticity: evidence from a deafferented patient", Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10:272, pp. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00272. (pdf)
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Jacquet, P., Roy, A., Chambon, V., Borghi, A., Salemme, R., Farnè, A. & Reilly, K., 2016, "Changing ideas about others' intentions: updating prior expectations tunes activity in the human motor system", Scientific Reports, 31:6, pp. doi: 10.1038/srep26995. |
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Martel, M., Cardinali, L., Roy, A. & Farnè, A., 2016, "Tool-use: an open window into body representation and its plasticity", Cognitive Neuropsychology, 33:1-2, pp. 82-101 (lien pdf)
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Cardinali, L., Brozzoli, C., Finos, L., Roy, A. & Farnè, A., 2016, "The rules of tool incorporation: Tool morpho-functional & sensori-motor constraints", Cognition, 149, pp. 1-5 |
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Huchon, L., Badet, L., Roy, A., Finos, L., Gazarian, A., Revol, P., Bernardon, L., Rossetti, Y., Morelon, E., Rode, G. & Farnè, A., 2016, "Grasping objects by former amputees: the visuo-motor control of allografted hands", Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 34:4, pp. 615-633 |
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Baccarini, M., Martel, M., Cardinali, L., Sillan, O., Farnè, A. & Roy, A., 2014, "Tool use imagery triggers tool incorporation in the body schema", Frontiers in Psychology, 5:492, pp. [doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00492] (Baccarini et al., 2014)
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Curie, A., Nazir, T., Brun, A., ..., A., Roy, A. & des Portes, V., 2014, "The c.429_452 duplication of the ARX gene: a unique developmental-model of limb kinetic apraxia", Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 9, pp. 9-25 |
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Roy, A., Curie, A., Nazir, T., Paulignan, Y., Desportes, V., Fourneret, P. & Déprez, V., 2013, "Syntax at hand: common syntactic structures for actions and language", Plos One, 8(8): e72677 |
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Roy, A. & Arbib, M., 2013, "The syntactic motor system", Gesture, 1:5, pp. 7-37 |
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Cardinali, L., Jacobs, S., Brozzoli, C., Frassinetti, F., Roy, A. & Farnè, A., 2012, "Grab an object with a tool and change your body: tool-use-dependent changes of body representation for action", Experimental Brain Research, 218:2, pp. 259-271 |
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Roby-Brami, A., Hermsdörfer, J., Roy, A. & Jacobs, S., 2012, "A neuropsychological perspective on the link between language and praxis in modern humans", Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 367:1585, pp. 144-60 |
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Cardinali, L., Brozzoli, C., Urquizar, C., Salemme, R., Roy, A. & Farnè, A., 2011, "When action is not enough: tool-use reveals tactile-dependent access to Body Schema", Neurospychologia, 49:13, pp. 3750-7 |
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Gianelli, C., Farnè, A., Salemme, R., Jeannerod, M. & Roy, A., 2011, "The Agent is Right: When Motor Embodied Cognition is Space-Dependent", PLoS One, 6:9, pp. e25036 |
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Cardinali, L., Frassinetti, F., Brozzoli, C., Urquizar, C., Roy, A. & Farnè, A., 2009, "Tool-use induces morphological updating of the body schema", Current Biology, 19:13, pp. 1957 |
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Fazio, P., Cantagallo, A., Craighero, L., D’Ausilio, A., Roy, A., Pozzo, T., Calzolari, F., Granieri, E. & Fadiga, L., 2009, "Encoding of Human Action in Broca's area", Brain, 132:7, pp. 1980-8 |
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Nazir, T., Boulenger, V., Roy, A., Silber, B., Jeannerod, M. & Paulignan, Y., 2008, "Language-induced motor perturbations during the execution of a reaching movement", Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61:6, pp. 933-943 (pdf)
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Boulenger, V., Silber, B., Roy, A., Paulignan, Y., Jeannerod, M. & Nazir, T., 2008, "Subliminal display of action words interferes with motor planning: A combined EEG and kinematic study", Journal of Physiology Paris, 102, pp. 130-136 (pdf)
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Roy, A., Paulignan, Y., Meunier, M. & Boussaoud, D., 2008, "Prehension movements in the macaque monkey: effects of perturbation of object size and location", Experimental Brain Research, 169:2, pp. 182-93 |
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Roy, A., Craighero, L., Fabbri-destro, M. & Fadiga, L., 2008, "Phonological and Lexical Motor Facilitation during Speech Listening: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study", Journal of Physiology (Paris), 102:1-3, pp. 101-105 |
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Boulenger, V., Decoppet, N., Roy, A., Paulignan, Y. & Nazir, T., 2007, "Differential effects of Age-of-Acquisition for concrete nouns and action verbs: Evidence for partly distinct representations?", Cognition, 103:1, pp. 131-146 (pdf)
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Boulenger, V., Roy, A., Paulignan, Y., Deprez, V., Jeannerod, M. & Nazir, T., 2006, "Cross-talk between language processes and overt motor behavior in the first 200 msec of processing", Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18:10, pp. 1607-1615 (pdf)
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Gentilucci, M., Stefanini, S., Roy, A. & Santunione, P., 2004, "Action observation and speech production: study on children and adults", Neurospychologia, 42, pp. 1554-67 |
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Gentilucci, M., Santunione, P., Roy, A. & Stefanini, S., 2004, "Execution and observation of bringing a fruit to the mouth affect syllable pronunciation", European Journal of Neuroscience, 19, pp. 190-202 |
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Gentilucci, M., Roy, A. & Stefanini, S., 2004, "Grasping an object naturally or with a tool: are they guided by a common motor repesentation?", Experimental Brain Research, 157, pp. 496-506 |
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Roy, A., Stefanini, S., Pavesi, G. & Gentilucci, M., 2004, "Early movement impairments in a patient recovering from optic ataxia", Neuropsychologia, 42, pp. 847-854 |
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Farnè, A., Roy, A., paulignan, Y., Rode, G., Boisson, D., Rossetti, Y. & jeannerod, M., 2003, "Right hemisphere dominance in visuomotor control", Neuropsychologia, 41:6, pp. 739-57 |
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Farnè, A., Roy, A., Giraux, P., Dubernard, J. & Sirigu, A., 2002, "Face or hand, not both: perceptual correlates of re-afferentation in a former amputee", Current Biology, 12, pp. 1342-1346 |
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Roy, A., Paulignan, Y., Meunier, M. & Boussaoud, D., 2002, "Effects of object size and location on the kinematics of normal prehension movements in the monkey", Journal of Neurophysiology, 88, pp. 1491-1499 |
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Roy, A., Paulignan, Y., Farnè, A., Jouffrais, C. & Boussaoud, D., 2000, "Hand kinematics during reaching and grasping in the macaque monkey", Behavioral Brain Research, 117, pp. 75-82 |
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Tseng, T., Krzonowski, J., Roy, A., Brozzoli, C. & Boulenger, V., 2024, "Beyond speech production: sensorimotor contribution to native and non-native phoneme perception", 13th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP 2024), Autrans, France, May 13-17, 2024 (poster) |
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Devylder, S., Boulenger, V. & Roy, A., 2024, " L'asymétrie motrice, un des déterminants de l'asymétrie Source/But ?", AFLiCo 9 - "Embodied and Ecolinguistic Approaches to Cognitive Linguistics", Lyon, 15-17 mai |
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Tseng, T., Krzonowski, J., Roy, A., Brozzoli, C. & Boulenger, V., 2024, "Decoding degraded speech in the motor cortex", Embodied and Situated Language Processing, Berlin, 2-5 Oct (conference) |
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Adida, A., Boulenger, V., Roy, A. & Brozzoli, C., 2024, "The impact of tool-use training on syntactic learning in a new language ", Embodied and Situated Language Processing, Berlin, 2-5 Oct (conference) |
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Tseng, T., Krzonowski, J., Roy, A., Brozzoli, C. & Boulenger, V., 2023, "Cortical representations for native and non-native phoneme perception", 5th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL 2023), Marseille, France, October 24-26, 2023. (poster) |
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Boulenger, V., Finos, L., Koun, E., Salemme, R., Desoche, C. & Roy, A., 2022, "Up right, not right up: primacy of verticality in both language and movement", ESLP: Embodied and Situated Language Processing, Lille, France, août 2022 (poster) |
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Thibault, S., Py, R., Gervasi, M., Lövden, M., Boulenger, V., Roy, A. & Brozzoli, C., 2021, "Train one, gain two: Tool use and syntactic skills improve each other via shared neural patterns in the basal ganglia", Neural Control of Movement, online, April 20nd-22th |
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Thibault, S., Boulenger, V., Roy, A. & Brozzoli, C., 2019, "Tool-use triggers improvements in syntactic abilities", Cogntive Neuroscience Society meeting, San Francisco, 23-26 march (poster) |
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Thibault, S., Boulenger, V., Roy, A. & Brozzoli, C., 2019, "Neural resources shared by language and tool-use: a basis for tool-use benefits over syntactic abilities", Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, USA, 19-23 octobre |
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De Pasquale, N., Boulenger, V. & Roy, A., 2018, "The role of vertical motion in pitch representation. A case study of two French metaphors involved in music description", CIM18: Meaning and Music, Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology, Poznan, Pologne, 17-20 octobre |
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Boulenger, V., Krzonowski, J., Roy, A., Witko, A., Bedoin, N., Lemarchand, L. & Marcastel, A., 2016, "Dans la peau d'un Dys", Les Dys au cœur de toutes les attentions., Lyon, 8 octobre |
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Martel, M., Fourneret, P., Finos, L., Vernet, M., Thiollier, M.C., Schmitz, C. & Roy, A., 2015, "DCD: a failure to control the unexpected", 11th International Conference on Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD11), Toulouse, 2-4 Juillet 2015 (poster) |
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Bouvet, C., Moreno, S., Cheylus, A., Farnè, A., Boulenger, V. & Roy, A., 2015, "Touched by words: How tactile verbs can affect somatosensory perception?", Embodied Situated Language Processing 2015, Lyon, 29-30 juillet (poster) |
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Martel, M., Cardinali, L., Jouffrais, C., Finos, L., Farnè, A. & Roy, A., 2014, "Proprioception alone drives Body Schema plasticity", Cognitive Neuroscience Society 21, Boston, MA, United States, April 5-8, 2014 (poster) (PosterCNS_2014)
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Martel, M., Sonié, S., Pirat, E., Kassaï-Koupai, B., Schmitz, C. & Roy, A., 2014, "I know it's heavy but I can't make anything of it before I feel It", Annual Meeting of the International Society for Autism Research, Atlanta, GA, United States, May 14-17, 2014 (poster) (PosterIMFAR_2014)
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Boulenger, V., Silber, B., Roy, A., Paulignan, Y., Jeannerod, M. & Nazir, T., 2007, "Language and Action : Common Neural Substrates for Action Word Processing and Motor Control.
", Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, New York (USA), mai 2007 (poster) |
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Boulenger, V., Roy, A., Paulignan, Y., Jeannerod, M. & Nazir, T., 2006, "Language and Action: Cross-talk between action verb processing and motor action", FENS Forum, Vienne (Austria), juillet 2006 (poster) |
Articles dans magazines
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Roy, A. & Boulenger, V., 2019, "La cognition incarnée : Un outil pour l’apprentissage des langues étrangères ?", 57, Lettre des Neurosciences, pp. 14-16 |