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  Principales publications et conférences


Chapitres dans les ouvrages

Park, J. & Van Leeuwen, F., 2015, "Evolutionary perspectives on social identity ", in Evolutionary perspectives on social psychology, Zeigler-Hill, V., Welling, L. & Shackelford, T. (eds), New York, Springer, pp. 115-125

Articles de revues

Van Leeuwen, F., Parren, N., Miton, H. & Boyer, P., 2018, "Individual Choose-to-Transmit Decisions Reveal Little Preference for Transmitting Negative or High-Arousal Content ", Journal of Cognition and Culture, 18:1-2, pp. 124-153


van Leeuwen, F., Miton, H., Firat, R. & Boyer, P., 2016, "Perception of Gay Men as Defectors and Commitment to Group Defense Predict Aggressive Homophobia ", Evolutionary Psychology, 14:3


Boyer, P., Firat, R. & Van Leeuwen, F., 2015, "Safety, threat, and stress in intergroup relations: A coalitional index model", Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10, pp. 434-450


Van Leeuwen, F., Hunt, D. & Park, J., 2015, "Is obesity stigma based on perceptions of appearance or character? Theory, evidence, and directions for further study", Evolutionary Psychology, in press


Van Leeuwen, F., Koenig, B., Graham, J. & Park, J., 2014, "Moral concerns across the United States: Associations with life-history variables, pathogen prevalence, urbanization, cognitive ability, and social class", Evolution and Human Behavior, 35, pp. 464-471


Park, J. & Van Leeuwen, F., 2014, "The asymmetric behavioral homeostasis hypothesis: Unidirectional flexibility of fundamental motivational processes", Review of General Psychology, 18:2, pp. 89-100


Park, J., Van Leeuwen, F. & Chochorelou, Y., 2013, "Disease-avoidance processes and stigmatization: Cues of substandard health arouse heightened discomfort with physical contact", Journal of Social Psychology, 153:3, pp. 212-228


Van Leeuwen, F., Park, J., Koenig, B. & Graham, J., 2012, "Regional variation in pathogen prevalence predicts endorsement of group-focused moral concerns", Evolution and Human Behavior, 33, pp. 429-437


Park, J., Van Leeuwen, F. & Stephen, I., 2012, "Homeliness is in the disgust sensitivity of the beholder: Relatively unattractive faces appear especially unattractive to individuals higher in pathogen disgust", Evolution and Human Behavior, 33, pp. 569-577


Van Leeuwen, F., Park, J. & Penton-Voak, I., 2012, "Another fundamental social category? Spontaneous categorization of people who uphold or violate moral norms", Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, pp. 1385-1388


Van Leeuwen, F. & Park, J., 2009, "Perceptions of social dangers, moral foundations, and political orientation", Personality and Individual Differences, 47, pp. 169–173

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