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Françoise ROSE

Lab Director
Cellule Com'
CNRS Senior Researcher

 04 72 72 64 63


Teams :     DiLiS 

  Research interests
  Scientific activities
  Supervised theses and dissertation
  Other international activities
  Main publications and conferences



Documentation and description of under-described Amazonian languages

  • Documentation of Teko (Emérillon) - French Guiana
  • Documentation of Mojeño Trinitario - Bolivia
  • Grammar of Mojeño Trinitario - Bolivia



  • accent, nasality, rhythmic syncope



  • person indexation, predication, subordination, serial verbs, reduplication, associated motion, diminutives, expression of similarity, noun-verbal predication, demonstratives and epistemic modality, TAME on nouns



  • adposition/subordinator syncretism
  • sociative causation
  • genderlects


    Comparative, areal and diachronic lingusitics

  • Tupi-Guarani and Arawak
  • shift in person indexation, origin of serial verbs, vowel deletion, finitization, hierarchical indexation systems, diminutives
  • Amazonian linguistics, language contact




    Co-organizer of the Morphosyntax Workshop, Lyon (2008-2022), with A. Guillaume and M. Duzerol


    Co-organizer with Anita Obenaus of the workshop Clara (Classifiers in Arawak languages), Lyon, September 9th 2024


    Co-organizer with Brigitte Pakendorf of the workshop Fillers and placeholders at the 14th meeting of the association for Linguistic Typology, Austin, December 15-17 2022.


    Co-organizer with Adam Tallman, Magdalena Lemus Serrano, and Minella Duzerol of the workshop Constituency, wordhood, and the morphology-syntax distinction: description and typologys online, April 2021


    Co-organizer with Thiago Chacon, Rosa Vallejos, Magdalena Lemus Serrano, Denis Bertet, Léa Mouton of the workshop Noun categorization: from grammar to communicative interaction Lyon, April 18-19 2019


    Co-organizer with Frank Seifart of the symposium Arawakan linguistic and cultural identities of the 54th International Congress of Americanists (ICA), Vienna, Austria, 15-20 July 2012


    Co-organizer with Denis Creissels and Antoine Guillaume of the International Congress Syntax of the World's Languages 4, Lyon, 23-26 September 2010


    Co-organizer with Lev Michael and Frank Seifart of the symposium Lenguas arawak: estrategias de aumento de valencia at the Internationsl Congress Amazónicas III: Fonología y sintaxis, National University of Colombia, Bogotá, 19-24 April 2010


    Co-organizer with A. Guillaume of the International Workshop on Argument coding systems in Bolivian Lowland Languages, Villejuif, 5-7 April 2007




    4 décembre 2017. Intervention Description de langues amazoniennes, dans le cadre du cours Morphosyntaxe et typologie, L3 de Sciences Du Langage, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble (2h).


    17 mars 2017. Intervention Genderlects in the World Languages, dans le cadre du cours Languages of the world (Prof. E. Pederson), Linguistics Department, University of Oregon, Eugene (1h).


    6 September - 10 September 2016: Typology of Amazonian languages. European Summer Schhol in Linguistics Typology, Porquerolles.


    12-14 July 2010: Workshop Mojeño Linguistics (15h), Workshop in linguistics for indigenous teachers of lowland Bolivia (in Trinidad), Autonomous University Gabriel René Moreno de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.


    29 June-2 July 2009: Class Amazonian languages. 3L International Summer School on Language Documentation and Description, School of Oriental and African Studies, London


    22 and 24 July 2008 : Workshop on Mojeño Linguistics, Workshop in linguistics for indigenous teachers of lowland Bolivia (in San Borja), Autonomous University Gabriel René Moreno de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia




    PhD theses


    Master thesis:




    August 2016 - June 2017: International Scholar at the University of Oregon, Eugene


    August 2013: Student of the Historical Sociolinguistics Summer School, Lesbos (Greece).


    June-July 2009: Teacher at the 3L International Summer School on Language Documentation and Description, School of Oriental and African Studies, London.


    January-March 2007: Visiting Scholar at the Research Center for Lingusitic Typology (RCLT), Latrobe University, Melbourne, Australia.


    Winter 2003: exchange student at the Department of Linguistics of the University of Californie at Santa Barbara, United-States, EURODOC grant.


    February 2002: visitor at the Laboratorio de Linguas Indigenas, University of Brasilia, Brazil (Dir. Aryon Rodrigues), Aires Culturelles grant


    member of the following organizations: Grupo de Trabalho as Linguas Indigenas, Linguistic Society of America, Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of America, Association for Linguistic Typology, Historical Sociolinguistics, Société de Linguistique de Paris


    Summer 2001: Student at the Linguistic Institute du LSA




    Rose, F., 2024, "Mojeño Trinitario classifiers: a multilocus and multifunctional system", 7, Cadernos de Etnolingüística, 126 p., Série Monografias, 978-0-9846008-6-1 (ISBN-13) / 0-9846008-6-8 (ISBN-10) (editor)  (pdf, Couverture)


    Rose, F., 2011, "Grammaire de l'émérillon teko, une langue tupi-guarani de Guyane française", 10, Louvain, Peeters, XX-489 p., Langues et Sociétés d'Amérique traditionnelle (editeur)

    PhDs and master thesis

    Rose, F., 2011, "De la synchronie à la diachronie : double perspective sur les langues amazoniennes", Habilitation à Diriger les recherches, Sciences Du Langage, Université Lyon 2


    Rose, F., 2003, "Morphosyntaxe de l'émérillon. Une langue tupi-guarani de Guyane française", Thèse de Doctorat, Département des Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2, 678 p.  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2000, "Eléments de phonétique, phonologie et morphophonologie de l'émérillon (Teko)", Mémoire de DEA, Sciences du langage, Université Lyon 2, 211 p.  (pdf)

    Edited books

    Van linden, A. & Rose, F. (eds), 2023, "Special Issue: Re-assessing the explanatory potential of the alienability contrast", 61:6, De Gruyter, 302 p., Linguistics (journal issue)


    Guillaume, A. & Rose, F. (eds), 2011, "Argument-encoding systems in Bolivian Amazonian languages", 77:4, International Journal of American Linguistics, 162 p. (journal issue)

    Chapters in books

    Lemus Serrano, M. & Rose, F., Accepté, "Negation in Yukuna", in Negation in the Languages of the World, Miestamo, M. & Veselinova, L. (eds), Language Science Press


    Rose, F., accepté, "One more thing ‘thing’ can do in Tupí-Guaraní languages : the Teko filler", in Fillers: hesitatives and placeholders , Pakendorf, B. & Rose, F. (eds), Research on Comparative Grammar, Languages Science Press


    Rose, F., 2023, "Word classes in Maweti-Guaraní languages", in The Oxford Handbook of Word Classes, van Lier, E. (ed), Oxford Handbooks, Oxford University Press  (preprint)


    Rose, F., 2023, "Reflexive constructions and middle marking in Mojeño Trinitario", in Reflexive constructions in the world's languages, 3, Janic, K., Puddu, N. & Haspelmath, M. (eds), Research on Comparative Grammar, Berlin, Language Science Press, pp. 765-791 (editor)  (PDF)


    Rose, F. & Van linden, A., 2022, "The derivational use of classifiers in Western Amazonia", in Binominal lexemes in cross-linguistic perspective: Towards a typology of complex lexemes,, 62, Pepper, S., Masini, F. & Mattiola, S. (eds), Empirical Approaches to Language Typology, Empirical Approaches to Language Typology, De Gruyter, pp. 237-276  (preprint)


    Rose, F., 2018, "Are the Tupi-Guarani hierarchical indexing systems really motivated by the person hierarchy?", in Typological Hierarchies in Synchrony and Diachrony, Cristofaro, S. & Zúñiga, F. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 290-307  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2018, "Nonverbal predication and the nonverbal clause type of Mojeño Trinitario", in Nonverbal predication in Amazonian languages, Overall, S., Vallejos, R. & Gildea, S. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 53-84  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2018, "A typology of languages with both grammatical gender and genderlects", in Non-canonical gender systems, Fedden, S., Audring, J. & Corbett, G. (eds), Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 211-246 (page of editor)  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2016, "On Finitization", in Finiteness and Nominalization, Chamoreau, C. & Estrada Fernández, Z. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 347-372  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2015, "Innovative complexity in the pronominal paradigm of Mojeño. A result of contact?", in Borrowed morphology, Gardani, F., Arkadiev, P. & Amiridze, N. (eds), Berlin, De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 239-265  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2014, "Mojeño Trinitario", in Lenguas de Bolivia, vol3. Oriente, Crevels, M. & Muysken, P. (eds), Plural Editores, pp. 59-97  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2014, "When vowel deletion blurs reduplication in Mojeño Trinitario", in Reduplication in South-American languages, Goodwin Gómez, G. & van der Voort, H. (eds), Leiden, Brill, pp. 375-399  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2014, "Irrealis and negation in Mojeño Trinitario", in Negation in Arawak languages, Michael, L. & Granadillo, T. (eds), Leiden, Brill, pp.  216-240  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2012, "Borrowing of a Cariban number marker into three Tupi-Guarani languages", in Morphologies in Contact, 10, Vanhove, M., Stolz, T., Urdze, A. & Otsuka, H. (eds), STUF, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, pp. 37-69  (pdf)


    Guillaume, A. & Rose, F., 2010, "Sociative causative markers in South-American languages: a possible areal feature", in Essais de typologie et de linguistique générale. Mélanges offerts à Denis Creissels, Floricic, F. (ed), Lyon, ENS Editions, pp. 383-402  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2009, "A hierarchical indexation system: the example of Emerillon (Teko)", in New Challenges in Typology, Epps, P. & Arkhipov, A. (eds), Berlin/New York, Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 63-83  (pdf)


    Rose, F. & Renault-Lescure, O., 2008, "Contact-induced changes in Amerindian Languages of French Guiana", in Aspects of language contact. New Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Findings with Special Focus on Romancisation Processes, Stolz, T., Salas Palomo, R. & Bakker, D. (eds), Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 349-376  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2007, "As particularidades da língua Emerillon entre as línguas Tupí-Guaraní: O caso da marcação de pessoa", in Línguas e Culturas Tupí, Rodrigues, A. & Cabral, A. (eds), Campinas, Curt Nimuendajú, pp. 325-332  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2005, "Reduplication in Tupi-Guarani languages: going into opposite directions", in Studies on Reduplication, Hurch, B. (ed), Empirical Approaches to Language Typology 28, Berlin/New York, Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 351-368  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2002, "My hammock = I have a hammock. Possessed nouns constituting possessive clauses in Emérillon (Tupi-Guarani).", in Línguas Indígenas Brasileiras. Fonologia, Gramática e História. Atas do I Encontro Internacional do GTLI da ANPOLL, 1, Cabral, A. & Rodrigues, A. (eds), Belem, Brésil, CNPQ & Universidade federal do Para, pp. 392-402  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2024, "Teko Ideophones: description of a word class", Linguistic Typology at the Crossroads, 4:1, pp. 91–146 (journal issue)


    Rose, F., 2021, "Mojeño Trinitario", Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 2021, pp. 1-19 (paper)


    Rose, F., 2019, "Similar but different: the functions of the Mojeño Trinitario root expressing similarity", Faits de Langues, 50:1, pp. 227-245 (journal issue, DOI)  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2019, "Rhythmic syncope and opacity in Mojeño Trinitario", Phonological data and analysis, 1:2, pp. 1-25 (open access journal issue)


    Rose, F., 2019, "From classifiers to applicatives in Mojeño Trinitario: a new source for applicative markers", Linguistic Typology, 84:2, pp. 435-466 (journal issue, DOI)  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2018, "The rise and fall of Mojeño diminutives through the centuries", Studies in Language, 42:1 (journal issue)  (pdf)


    de Carvalho, F. & Rose, F., 2018, "Comparative reconstruction of Proto-Mojeño and the phonological diversification of Mojeno dialects", Liames, 18:1, pp. 7-48 (journal issue)  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2015, "When "you" and "I" mess around with the hierarchy: a comparative study of Tupi-Guarani hierarchical indexation systems", Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências humanas , 10:2, pp. 347-369 (journal issue)


    Rose, F., 2015, "On male and female speech and more: categorical gender indexicality in indigenous South American languages", International Journal of American Linguistics, 81:4, pp. 495-537 (journal issue)  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2015, "Associated motion in Mojeño Trinitario: some typological considerations ", Folia Linguistica, 49:1, pp. 117-158 (journal issue)  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2013, "Finitization. A shift of dependency-coding strategy from Proto-Tupi-Guarani to Emérillon", Diachronica, 30:1, pp. 27-60 (journal issue)  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2013, "Le genre du locuteur et de l'allocutaire dans les systèmes pronominaux: genre grammatical et indexicalité du genre ", Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, 108:1, pp. 381-417 (journal issue)  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2013, "Los generolectos del mojeño ", Liames, 13, pp. 115-134 (journal issue)  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2012, "Competition for the object status: the effects of referential factors in derived and non-derived ditransitive verbs in Mojeño Trinitario", Linguistic Discovery, 10:3, pp. 17-36 (journal issue)


    Guillaume, A. & Rose, F., 2011, "Introduction to argument-encoding systems in Bolivian Amazonian languages", International Journal of American Linguistics (Special issue on 'Argument-encoding systems in Bolivian Amazonian languages', edited by A. Guillaume & F. Rose), 77:4, pp. 459-468 (journal issue)  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2011, "Who is the third person? Fluid transitivity in Mojeño Trinitario", IJAL, 77:4, pp. 469-494 (journal issue)  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2010, "Dialectes en danger : les derniers locuteurs du mojeño javeriano de Bolivie", Faits de Langues. Linguistique de terrain sur langues en danger: locuteurs et linguistes, 35/35, pp. 255-264 (journal issue)  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2009, "The origin of serialization. The case of Emerillon", Studies in Language, 33:3, pp. 644-684 (journal issue)  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2008, "L’incorporation nominale en émérillon : une approche lexicale et discursive ", Amerindia, 31, pp. 87-112 (journal issue)


    Rose, F., 2008, "A typological overview of Emerillon, a Tupi-Guarani language from French Guiana", Linguistic Typology, 12:3, pp. 431–460 (journal issue)  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2007, "Action répétitive et action répétée : aspect et pluralité verbale dans la réduplication en émérillon", Faits de Langues, 29:La réduplication, pp. 125-143 (journal issue)  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2006, "Le syncrétisme adpositions/subordonnants. Proposition de typologie syntaxique", Faits de Langues, 28:Coordination et subordination : typologie et modélisation, pp. 205-216 (journal issue)  (pdf)


    Gordon, M. & Rose, F., 2006, "Emérillon stress: a phonetic and phonological study", Anthropological Linguistics, 48:2, pp. 132-168 (journal issue)  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2003, "Le marquage des personnes en émérillon (Tupi-Guarani) : un système d'accord hiérarchique", Faits de Langues, 21, pp. 107-120 (journal issue)  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2002, "Le problème de la nasalité dans l'inventaire phonologique de l'émérillon", Amérindia, 26-27 , pp. 147-172 (journal issue)

    Conferences with proceedings

    Gordon, M. & Rose, F., 2019, "Acoustic correlates of metrical proeminence in Mojeño Trinitario", proc. of Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Canberra, 08/08/2019, Calhoun, S., Escudero, P., Tabain, M. & Warren, P. (eds), Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc. (poster) (editor page)  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2005, "L’origine des constructions verbales en série de l’émérillon ", actes de La notion de "construction verbale en série" est-elle opératoire?, Programme Prédicats complexes et séries verbales de la Fédération de Typologie , Paris, 9 décembre 2004


    Rose, F., 2002, "My hammock = I have a hammock. Possessed nouns constituting possessive clauses in Emérillon (Tupi-Guarani)", proc. of I Encontro do GTLI, Belem, Brésil, 8-10 octobre 2001, CNPQ & Universidade federal do Para


    Rose, F., 2002, "Cross-referencing in Emerillon (Tupi-Guarani): a hierarchical agreement system", proc. of Fourth Workshop on American Indigenous Languages, Santa Barbara, 6-7 juillet 2001, Santa Barbara Papers In Linguistics, 11, pp. 71-84

    Invited and keynote conferences

    Rose, F. & Obenaus, A., 2023, "Avances y carencias en la documentación y descripción de idiomas mojeños", proc. of Primer Encuentro Internacional Arawak, Universidad de la Guajira, Colombie, 03/05/2023 (video)  (slides)


    Rose, F., 2019, "The History of Prepositions in Mojeño Trinitario", proc. of Diacronía y adposiciones: origen y evolución, Hermosillo, Mexique, 14-15 novembre 2019 (video)  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2009, "Borrowing of a Cariban number marker into some Tupi-Guarani languages", proc. of Morphologies in Contact, Bremen, 1er octobre 2009


    Rose, F., 2008, "Profil typologique de l'émérillon, une langue tupi-guarani de Guyane française", actes de Société de Linguistique de Paris, Paris, 15 mars 2008

    Invited presentations

    Rose, F., 2024, "Le mot baʔe « chose » veut aussi dire autre chose : étude des fillers du teko (tupi-guarani)", Ciclo de conversatorios Jo-Paraquaria, Paris, 22/02/2024


    Rose, F., 2017, "Rhythmic syncope. A long journey from underlying representation to surface form in Mojeño Trinitario", Department of Linguistics Colloquium, Santa Barbara, 6 avril 2014


    Rose, F., 2017, "Syncope. Rhythmic syncope and differential syncope in Mojeño Trinitario", Department of Linguistics Colloquium, Austin, 1 May 2017


    Rose, F. & Bakker, P., 2016, "A typological survey of genderlects", Colloquium of the Linguistics Department, University of Oregon, Eugene, 7 octobre 2016 (video)


    Rose, F. & Bakker, P., 2014, "Les générolectes", Séminaire Typo ULM, ENS Ulm, Paris, 14 mars 2014


    Rose, F., 2011, "Competition between finite and non-finite nominalizations in Mojeño Trinitario", Séminaire du PICS Complexité syntaxique et diversité typologique, Paris, 12-14 octobre


    Rose, F., 2010, "Diversity and variation: distribution of typologically diverse dependent constructions in Mojeño Trinitario", Séminaire du PICS Complexité syntaxique et diversité typologique, Université de Sonora à Hermosillo (Mexique), 15-16 novembre 2010


    Rose, F., 2009, "The polyfunctionality and development of the Trinitario general subordinator te", Seminario de complejidad sintáctica, Université de Sonora à Hermosillo, 12 novembre 2009

    Conference presentations

    Pakendorf, B. & Rose, F., 2024, "Placeholders and related items: reassessing the typology", Placeholders in East and West, Tübingen, 9-11/10/2024


    Rose, F., 2024, "Thoughts on the development of multi-loci classifier systems", ClAra: Classifiers in the Arawakan languages, Lyon, 09/09/2024


    Pakendorf, B. & Rose, F., 2024, "Placeholders and related items: reassessing the typology", Placeholders in East and West, Tübingen, 10/10/2024


    Rose, F. & Vuillermet, M., 2022, "Genderlects : a (South)American feature ? ", SSILA annual meeting, online, 21 janvier 2022  (slides)


    Rose, F., Vuillermet, M. & van Dam, K., 2021, "Reassessing the Areality of Sociative Causation", SSILA Annual Meeting, online, 8 janvier 2021 (poster)  (slides)


    Rose, F., 2021, "Epistemicity in Mojeño Demonstratives", Evidentiality and Modality , Montpellier, 11 juin 2021


    Rose, F., 2021, "The Discourse Functions of Mojeño Trinitario Classifiers in Verbs", Amazônicas 8 , Brasilia/online, 2 juin 2021  (slides)


    Chousou-Polydouri, N., van Dam, K., Inman, D., Vuillermet, M., Easterday, S., Rose, F. & Bickel, B., 2021, "Mapping linguistic areas: a preliminary case study in South America", SALSA, University of Virginia, 29 juin 2021


    Chousou-Polydouri, N., Inman, D., Vuillermet, M., van Dam, K., Easterday, S. & Rose, F., 2021, "Is there a typological profile of isolates ?", SLE, online, 1er septembre 2021


    Rose, F., 2019, "The Functions of Mojeño Trinitario Verbal Classifiers in Discourse", Noun Categorization: from Grammar to Communicative Interaction, Lyon, 18/04/2019  (slides)


    Rose, F., Krzonowski, J. & Fillon, M.L., 2019, "The prosodic integration of Teko ideophones", SLE Annual Meeting, Leipzig, 21/08/2019  (pdf)


    Gordon, M. & Rose, F., 2019, "Acoustic correlates of metrical proeminence in Mojeño Trinitario", International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, 2019 (poster)


    Rose, F., 2018, "Nominal sources for applicative markers? Classifiers in Mojeño (Arawak, Bolivia)", Syntax of the World Languages 8, Paris, 03/09/2018


    Gordon, M., Applebaum, A., Chacon, T., Martin, J. & Rose, F., 2018, "A cross-linguistic study of phonetic correlates of metrical structure in under-documented languages", 176th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Victoria, Canada, 05/11/18


    Rose, F., 2017, "Nominal TAME marking in Mojeño", WAIL, Santa Barbara, 12-13 mai 2017  (handout)


    Rose, F., 2017, "Epistemics and/or evidentiality in Mojeño demonstratives", Symposium on Amazonian Languages II, University of Berkeley, 9 avril 2017  (handout)


    Rose, F. & Chousou-Polydouri, N., 2017, "A comparative study of genderlects in the Tupi family", SSILA Annual Meeting, Austin, 6 janvier 2017  (slides)


    Rose, F., Lemus Serrano, M., Eraso, N. & Chacon, T., 2017, "A new look into Arawak-Tukanoan contact: the Yukuna-Tanimuka bidirectional hypothesis", SSILA Annual Meeting, Austin, 6 janvier  (slides)


    Rose, F., 2017, "Diverging engagement expressed by a demonstrative ?", SLE, Zürich, 11/09/17


    Bakker, P. & Rose, F., 2017, "Genderlects: gender-differentiated results of language contact", Language Contact in Times of Globalization 4, Greifswald, 16/03/2017


    Lemus Serrano, M. & Rose, F., 2016, "Arawak languages and language contact, with a special focus on Wayuunaiki", Intermediate Area Workshop, DDL, Lyon, 6 April 2016


    Chousou-Polydouri, N., Gasparini, N., Michael, L., O'Hagan, Z. & Rose, F., 2016, "Reconstructing Negation Morphemes and Constructions in the Tupí-Guaraní Family", Amazonicas VI, Leticia, Colombie, 24/04/2016


    Rose, F., 2015, "Le diminutif mojeño à travers les siècles ", MorphEm, Lyon, 29-30 avril 2015


    Rose, F., 2015, "Reconstructing two functionally-related Tupi-Guarani ta- clauses", Diachronic Morphosyntax in South American Languages, Lyon, 28-30 May 2015  (slides)


    Rose, F., 2015, "When grammatical gender and genderlects interact", Transalpine Typological Meeting, Lyon, 7 October 2015


    Chousou-Polydouri, N., Michael, L., O'Hagan, Z., Gasparini, N. & Rose, F., 2015, "Phylogenetic Analysis of Morphosyntactic Data. A case study of Negation in Tupí-Guaraní", Societas Linguistica Europeae, Leiden, 8 October 2015 (HAL)


    Rose, F., 2015, "The interaction of genderlects with grammatical gender", Societas Linguistica Europeae, Leiden, 3 September 2015


    Bakker, P. & Rose, F., 2014, "The development of the Garifuna language, from an Arawak language and a Carib Pidgin", Society for Caribbean Linguistics, Aruba, 5-8 August 2014


    Bakker, P. & Rose, F., 2014, "Genderlects: gender-differentiated results of language contact", Grammatical Hybridization and Social Conditions, Leipzig, 16-18 October 2014


    Rose, F., 2013, "The emergence of articles in Mojeño", Workshop on Languages with and without articles, Paris, 28/02-01/03


    Rose, F., 2013, "Les distinctions de parler hommes / femmes en Amérique du Sud", Société de Linguistique de Paris, Paris, 20 avril


    Rose, F., 2013, "Deconstructing the person hierarchy as an explanation of the synchrony and diachrony of Tupi-Guarani indexing systems", Association for Linguistic Typology 10, Leipzig, 16 août 2013


    Rose, F., 2013, "A hybrid class of affixes in the Mojeño Trinitario verb", Morphology and its interfaces, Lille, 12-13 septembre 2013


    Bakker, P. & Rose, F., 2013, "Genderlects and intentional language change ", Workshop on Intentional (Contact-Induced) Language Change, Leiden, 27-28 septembre 2013


    Rose, F., Pakendorf, B. & Fressard, C., 2013, "Une journée de chercheur", Fête de la Science, Privas, 12-13 octobre 2013 (poster)


    Rose, F., 2012, "When "you" and "I" mess around with the hierarchy. A comparative study of Tupi-Guarani hierarchical indexation systems", 54th International Congress of Americanists, Symposium on Historical variation and variation by contact among the Tupí languages, Vienne, 16-20 juillet 2012


    Rose, F., 2011, "Competition for the object status: the effects of referential factors in derived and non-derived ditransitive verbs in Mojeño Trinitario", Workshop on Referential Hierarchies in Three-Participant Constructions, Lancaster University, 20-22 mai 2011


    Rose, F., 2011, "Utterance verbs: a special class of trivalent verbs in Mojeño Trinitario", AFLICO, Lyon, 26 mai 2011


    Rose, F., 2011, "Morphological and prosodic structure of the Trinitario verb", Americanist Meeting: Word-formation in South American languages, University of Leipzig, 24 juin 2011


    Rose, F., 2010, "Irrealis and negation in Mojeño Trinitario, a South Arawak language", SSILA Winter Meeting, Baltimore, 8 janvier 2010


    Rose, F., 2010, "Transitividad fluida y polifuncionalidad de un marcador de causativo en Mojeño Trinitario", A Estrutura de Línguas Amazônicas: Fonologia e Gramática III, session spéciale Augmentation de valence dans les langues arawak, Bogota, 21 avril 2010


    Rose, F., 2008, "A shift in dependency-marking: from Proto-Tupi-Guarani to Emérillon (away from non-finiteness)", Syntax of the World's Languages III, Berlin, 25 septembre 2008


    Rose, F., 2008, "The word-prosodic system of Mojeño Trinitario and pervasive vowel deletion", A Estrutura de Línguas Amazônicas: Fonologia e Gramática II , Recife, 27 novembre 2008


    Rose, F., 2008, "From nominalization to finite subordination – historical change in the coding of dependency in a Tupi-Guarani language", A Estrutura de Línguas Amazônicas: Fonologia e Gramática II, Recife, 24 novembre 2008


    Rose, F. & Guillaume, A., 2007, "Sociative causative markers in South-American languages: a possible areal feature.", Conférence annuelle de la Linguistic Society of America (LSA), session de la Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA), Anaheim (Los Angeles, États-Unis), 4-7 janvier


    Rose, F., 2007, "Agreement in Mojeño Trinitario: specifying or not who the 3rd person is", Argument Coding Systems in Bolivian Lowland Languages, Paris, 5 avril 2007


    Rose, F. & Vanhove, M., 2007, "Discours rapporté direct et prosodie en émérillon et en bedja", Colloque CerLiCO Grammaire et Prosodie, Nantes, 2 juin 2007


    Adamou, E., Dunham, M., Robert, S., Rose, F. & Vanhove, M., 2007, "Exploring Prosodic Parameters for a Typology of Conditional and Temporal Clauses", ALT 7, Paris, 27 septembre 2007


    Rose, F., 2007, "Interesting Typological Features of Emérillon (Tupi-Guarani)", RCLT Seminar, LaTrobe University, Melbourne, 31 janvier 2007


    Rose, F., 2007, "Sociative causation in South-America", Research Seminar on Linguistics and applied linguistics, University of Melbourne, 23 mars 2007


    Guillaume, A. & Rose, F., 2007, "A typology of sociative causative: between causatives and applicatives", 7ème colloque de l'Association Internationale de Linguistique Typologique, Paris, 25-27 septembre


    Rose, F., 2006, "Preliminary sketch of Mojeño Trinitario phonology", Taller de lenguas amazónicas y otras, Lyon, 12-13 mai 2006


    Rose, F., 2003, "Serial verbs and gerunds in Emérillon: a shift from marked subordination to serialization, ", SSILA Annual Meeting, session spéciale "Complex predicates in the Americas", Atlanta, Etats-Unis, 2 janvier 2003

    Movie or radio

    Rose, F., 2007, "Description de langues amazoniennes dans une perspective typologique, entretien filmé conduit par E. de Pablo (FMSH-ESCoM), Archives Audiovisuelles de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines et Sociales ", 1h30 (vidéo)


    Rose, F., 2003, "La disparition des langues, entretien avec Bruno Rougier diffusé sur France Info le 4 août 2003", 3 minutes

    Online Data

    Rose, F., 2024, "Teko filler baʔe", Url


    Rose, F., 2023, "Teko ideophones", Url


    Rose, F., 2022, "Mojeño Trinitario DoReCo data set", Url


    Guillaume, A. & Rose, F., 2020[2006], "Questionnaire on sociative causative", Url


    Rose, F., 2018, "Corpus mojeño trinitario", Url


    Rose, F., 2014, "Données audio et textuelles de l'émérillon (teko)", Url


    Rose, F., 2013, "Teko collection", Url


    Rose, F., 2007, "Collection Mojeño Trinitario", Url

    Unpublished paper

    Rose, F., 2013, "Questionnaire sur l'indexicalité du genre (du locuteur et/ou de l'interlocuteur)", CNRS  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2013, "Questionnaire on genderlects", CNRS  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2013, "Cuestionario sobre la indexicalidad del género (del hablante o del oyente)", CNRS  (pdf)


    Rose, F., 2013, "Questionário sobre a indexicalidade do gênero do falante e/ou do ouvinte", CNRS  (pdf)


    Rose, F., Pakendorf, B. & Fressard, C., 2013, "Poster Une journée de chercheur", CNRS


    Rose, F., 2004-présent, "Base de données textuelles et lexicales du Mojeño Trinitario", Toolbox


    Rose, F., 2000-présent, "Base de données textuelles et lexicales de l'émérillon", Toolbox

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