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Coordinator of the research axis DiLiS
CNRS Researcher (with Habilitation)

 04 72 72 65 46



Teams :   DiLiS  COVALI 

  Training and professional background
  Research interests
  Scientific activities
  Participation in research projects
  Other international activities
  Main publications and conferences



2022-... : Chargé de Recherche (HDR) CNRS, Dynamique Du Langage

2017-2021 : Senior Lecturer, University of Western Australia (Perth)

2016-2017 : Australian Research Council's DECRA Fellowship, University of Sydney

2014-2015 : Post-doctorante ASLAN, Dynamique Du Langage

2010-2013 : Doctorante à l'Australian National University (Canberra)


2022 : Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (Université Lyon 2 Lumière, dir. François Pellegrino)


2014 : Doctorat de Linguistique (Australian National University, dir. Nicholas Evans)


2005 : Doctorat de Philosophie (Université Paris 8, dir. Antonia Soulez)




Can the language we speak change the emotions we feel?


Languages, expressivity and emotions

  • Typology of the linguistic encoding of emotions across the world's languages
  • Expressive ressources: morphology (e.g. diminutives, augmentatives, reduplication), interjections, prosodie...
  • Semantic and lexical typology of in the domain of emotion and intellection
  • Figurative representations of emotions
  • Methodology and documentation of the linguistic encoding of emotions


Description of Australian languages

  • Gunwinyguan languages (Arnhem Land, Northern Territory): Dalabon, Rembarrnga, Kunwok
  • Kriol (northern Australian creole)
  • Argument structure and valency operations (reflexives, applicatives), aspect and modality, possessive constructions, possession classes, discourse structure...
  • Evaluative morphology (diminutives, reduplication)
  • Lexical semantics of the domains of emotions, intellection and traditional-knowledge concepts


Creoles and language shift

  • Linguistic and cultural implications of language shift
  • Linguistic ecology and sociolinguistic attitudes towards Kriol
  • The linguistic encoding of emotions in Kriol: lexicon, metaphors, prosody, interjections...
  • Grammatical description of Kriol as spoken in the Barunga region : aspect, modalité, structure du discours...


Linguistic communication and community engagement

  • Documentation of minority languages
  • Methods to document the linguistic encoding of emotions, for linguists
  • Tools for language documentation in the emotional domain, for communities
  • Collaboration with community organisations around local projects
  • Role of digitisation of local language collections


La langue que l'on parle peut-elle influencer les émotions que l'on ressent?


Langues, expressivité et émotions

  • Typologie de l'encodage linguistique des émotions dans les langues du monde
  • Ressources expressives : morphologie (ex. diminutifs, augmentatifs, réduplication), interjections, prosodie...
  • Typologie sémantique et lexicale dans le domaine des émotions et de l'intellection
  • Représentations figuratives des émotions
  • Méthologie et documentation de l'encodage linguistique des émotions


Description des langues australiennes

  • Langues gunwinyguan (Arnhem Land, Territoire du Nord) : dalabon, rembarrnga, kunwok
  • Kriol (créole du nord de l’Australie)
  • Structures actancielles et opérations de valence (constructions réflexives, applicatives), aspect et modalité, contructions possessives, classes de possession, organisation du discours...
  • Rôle du corps dans les représentations figuratives des émotions
  • Morphologie évaluative (diminutifs, réduplication)
  • Sémantique lexicale dans le domaine des émotions, de l'intellection et des concepts du savoir traditionnel


Créoles et changement linguistique

  • Implications linguistiques et culturelles du changement linguistique
  • Ecologie linguistique et sociolinguistique du kriol
  • L'encodage des émotions en kriol : lexique, métaphores, prosodie, interjections...
  • Description grammaticale du kriol parlé dans la région de Barunga : aspect, modalité, structure du discours...


Documentation linguistique et engagement communautaire

  • Documentation de langues minoritaires
  • Méthodes pour la documentation de l'encodage linguistique des émotions à destination des linguistes
  • Outils pour la documentation du domaine des émotions à destination des communautés
  • Collaboration avec des organisations communautaires autour de projets locaux
  • Rôle de la digitisation des collections linguistiques locales




2022-2025 : Co-rédactrice en chef du Journal de la Société des Océanistes
Avec Jessica De Largy Healy (CNRS LESC, Laboratoire d'Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative)

2023-2027 : Membre du Comité d'Ethique de la Recherche de l'Université de Lyon




Funded projects and research groups

  • 2023 : Coordinating InterjecT1, ASLAN
    Work Package 1 : Functional and semantic typology of interjections across the world, with Aimée Lahaussois (CNRS HTL) & Yvonne Treis (CNRS LLACAN)
    Work package 2 : Interjections and vocalisations (pain, disgust, joy), with Christophe Coupé (HKU), François Pellegrino (CNRS DDL) & Kasia Pisanski (CNRS DDL)

  • 2022-2024 : Australian Linguistic Society Research Grant
    ‘Domestic uses of fire in past and present Australia: what language can tell us’
    Luisa Miceli (Linguistics, UWA), Ingrid Ward & Emilie Dotte-Sarout (Archaeology, UWA)

  • 2022-2025 : Linkage Project Grant, Australian Research Council
    ‘Life after digitisation: future-proofing Western Austraila’s vulnerable cultural heritage’.
    Helena Grehan (Murdoch University), Ben Smith (UWA), Paul Arthur (Edith Cowen University) & Clint Bracknell (University of Queensland)
    With Western Australian Language Centres: Mirima Dawang Woorlab-gerring (Kununurra), Wangka Maya (Port Headland), Kimberley Language Resource Centre (Halls Creek) & Irra Wangga (Geralton).

  • 2021-2023 : Discovery Project Grant (Australian Research Council)
    ‘Landscape, language and culture in Indigenous Australia’
    Intra- and cross-linguistic variation of linguistic descriptions of space.
    Bill Palmer (University of Newcastle), Alice Gaby (Monash University) & Joe Blythe (Macquarie University)

  • 2020-... : Member of FEMIDAL project, coordinated by Patrick Caudal (CNRS, LLF)
    ‘Formal/Experimental Methods in In-Depth Descriptions of Australian Indigenous Languages’

  • 2013-... : ‘Frames’ project within ‘TransferS’ Labex



Affiliations à l'étranger

  • 2022-...: Adjunct in the School of Social Sciences The University of Western Australia, Perth

  • 2014-2022: Affiliate Member of the Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language (Australian National University, University of Melbourne, University of Western Sydney, University of Queensland)



Ponsonnet, M., 2020, "Difference and repetition in language shift to a creole. The expression of emotions", Routledge (link)


Ponsonnet, M., 2014, "The language of emotions: The case of Dalabon (Australia)", John Benjamins Publishing Company, 466 p. (publisher link, open archive link)  (Couverture)


Ponsonnet, M., 2014, "The Language of Emotions, The casz of Dalabon (Australia)", John Benjamins Publishing Company


Jacob, S., Grundmann, P. & Ponsonnet, M., 2012, "La peinture aborigène", Paris, La Nouvelle Scala, Sentiers d'art


Ponsonnet, M., 2008, "Les nouveaux chants du kangourou", Paris, Autrement


Ponsonnet, M. & Grundmann, P., 2008, "Australie, Collection ‘L’état du monde, Histoire, Société, Culture’", Paris, La Découverte

PhDs and master thesis

Ponsonnet, M., 2022, "Towards a semantic typology of feelings The linguistic encoding of emotions across languages, and what it tells us", Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches, rapport de synthèse , SDL , Université Lyon 2 Lumière, 130 p. (link)


Ponsonnet, M., 2013, "The language of emotions in Dalabon (Northern Australia)", Mémoire de thèse, Linguistics, School of Culture, History and Language, Australian National University (link)

Edited books

Ponsonnet, M., Hoffmann, D. & O'Keeffe, I. (eds), 2020, "Emotion, body and mind across a continent: Figurative representations of emotions in Australian Aboriginal languages", Pragmatics & Cognition, special issue 27(1) (link)


Ponsonnet, M. & Vuillermet, M. (eds), 2018, "Morphology and emotions across the world’s languages", John Benjamins, Special issue of Studies in Language, 42(1), 295 p., John Benjamins, 0378-4177 (link, ingenta connect)  (Couverture)


Travési, C. & Ponsonnet, M. (eds), 2015, "Les conceptions de la propriété foncière à l’épreuve des revendications autochtones : possession, propriété et leurs avatars", Marseille, pacific-credo Publications, 306 p.


Ponsonnet, M., Dao, L. & Bowler, M. (eds), 2012, "Proceedings of the 42nd Australian Linguistic Society Conference – 2011. (Canberra, 1-4 Dec 2011)", Canberra, ANU Research Repository

Chapters in books

Ponsonnet, M., 2024, "ANGER in Dalabon: “Nasty diseases and invasive species”", in Metaphors of ANGER across languages: Universality and variation, Kövecses, Z., Benczes, R. & Szelid, V. (eds), Mouton De Gruyter (link)


PONSONNET, M., 2024, "ANGER in Dalabon: “Nasty diseases and invasive species”", in Metaphors of ANGER across languages: Universality and variation, KÔVECSES, Z., BENCZES, R. & SZELID, V. (eds), Mouton De Gruyter


Ponsonnet, M., 2023, "The affordances of ‘face’ in Dalabon, Gunwinyguan, non-Paman-Nyungan, Australia", in Embodiment in cross-linguistic studies. The 'face'. , Pattillo, K. & Wasniewska, M. (eds), Leiden, Boston, Brill (link)


Ponsonnet, M., 2023, "The affordances of ‘face’ in Dalabon, Gunwinyguan, non-Paman-Nyungan, Australia", in Embodiment in cross-linguistic studies. The 'face'., Pattillo, K. & Wasniewska, M. (eds), Leiden, Boston, Brill, pp. 277-299


Ritz, M.E. & Ponsonnet, M., 2023, "Time, Language and Thought: What language can tell us about our concepts of time", in Everywhen. Australia and the language of deep history, McGrath, A., Rademaker, L. & Troy, T. (eds), The University of Nebraska Press, pp. 165-192 (link)


Ponsonnet, M., 2023, "Possession", in Oxford Guide to Australian languages, Bowern, C. (ed), Oxford University Press, pp. 243-252 (link to open archive)


Ponsonnet, M., 2023, "Interjections", in Oxford Guide to Australian languages, Bowern, C. (ed), Oxford University Press, pp. 564-572 (link to open archive)


Ponsonnet, M., 2022, "Emotional language: A brief history of recent research", in Approaches to Language and Culture, Völkel, S. & Nassenstein, N. (eds), De Gruyter, pp. 307-335 (link)


Ponsonnet, M., 2022, "Emotional relativity and cross-cultural research on emotions", in Language and Emotion. An international handbook, vol. 2, Schiewer, G., Altarriba, J. & Ng, B. (eds), De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 1031-1061 (link)


Ponsonnet, M., 2021, "Transfer and applicative constructions in Gunwinyguan languages (non-Pama-Nyungan, Australia)", in Give constructions across languages, Bouveret, M. (ed), John Benjamins, pp. 121-143 (link)


Mushin, I. & Ponsonnet, M., 2021, "Country, People and Language in Carpentaria", in Alexis Wright, Carpentaria, Castro-Koshy, E. & Lehartel, T. (eds), Ellipse (link)


McConvell, P. & Ponsonnet, M., 2018, "Generic term of subsections (‘skins’): sources and semantic networks", in Skins, kin and clans, McConvell, P. & Kelly, P. (eds), Résultats Postdoc ASLAN, Canberra, ANU Epress, pp. 271-315


Ponsonnet, M., 2017, "Les métaphores de la colère en dalabon : universalité et particularités", in L’expression des émotions : syntaxe et sémantique, Tersis, N. & Boyeldieu, P. (eds), Paris, ENS Editions, pp. 531-556


Ponsonnet, M., 2016, "Emotion nouns in Australian languages. A case study and a preliminary survey ", in Language, Land and Story in Australia, Austin, P., Koch, H. & Simpson, J. (eds), Londres, EL Publishing


Ponsonnet, M., 2016, "Reflexive, reciprocal and emphatic functions in Barunga Kriol", in Loss and renewal. Australian languages since colonization, Meakins, F. & O'Shannessy, C. (eds), Berlin, Mouton De Gruyter, pp. 297-332


Ponsonnet, M. & Evans, N., 2015, "Emotional valuation in Dalabon diminutives", in The Edinburgh Handbook of Evaluative Morphology, Grandi, N. & Kortvelyessy, L. (eds), Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, pp. 401-407


François, A. & Ponsonnet, M., 2013, "Descriptive linguistics", in Theory in social and cultural anthropology, McGee, J. & Warms, R. (eds), Los Angeles et al., Sage, pp. 184-187


Ponsonnet, M., 2011, "La tension anthropologique chez Wittgenstein", in Wittgenstein en confrontation. Cahiers de philosophie du langage, 8, Perrin, D. & Soutif, L. (eds), Paris, L'Harmattan, pp. 141-160


Ponsonnet, M., 2009, "Cinéma et scepticisme: l’objectif ment ?", in L’image en ‘je’ ou l’art de représenter un engagement personnel, Robic-Diaz, D. (ed), Paris, L'Harmattan


Stephenson, A., Ponsonnet, M. & Allassonnière-Tang, M., 2024, "‘Reflexemes’ – a first cross-linguistic insight into how and why reflexive constructions encode emotions", STUF - Language Typology and Universals, 77:1, pp. 141-188 (link)


Yacopetti, E. & Ponsonnet, M., 2024, "A semantic typology of emotion nouns in Australian Indigenous languages", Australian Journal of Linguistics, 44:11, pp. 29-68 (open access link)


YACOPETTI, E. & PONSONNET, M., 2024, "A semantic typology of emotion nouns in Australian Indigenous languages", Australian Journal of Linguistics, 44:1, pp. 29-68 (link)


Ponsonnet, M., Coupé, C., Pellegrino, F., Garcia Arasco, A. & Pisanski, K., 2024, "Vowel signatures in emotional interjections and nonlinguistic vocalizations expressing pain, disgust, and joy across languages", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 156:5 (open access link)


Ponsonnet, M., 2023, "Synthèse : Les langues autochtones australiennes. Écologie et idéologies", Journal de la Société des Océanistes, 156, pp. 85-101 (open access link)


Ward, I., Ponsonnet, M., Miceli, L., Dotte-Sarout, E. & Rustandi, J., 2023, "How linguistic data can inform archaeological investigations: an Australian case study around combustion features", Open Archaeology, 9:1, pp. doi.org/10.1515/opar-2022-0312 (open access link)


Brown, C. & Ponsonnet, M., 2023, "Event plurality and the verbal suffix ‑(a)bad in Australian Kriol", Journal of Pidgin and Creole Language, online (link)


Ponsonnet, M., 2022, "The Linguistic Embodiment of Emotions. A Study of the Australian Continent", Ethos, 50:2, pp. 153-183 (link)


Palmer, B., Hoffmann, D., Blythe, J., Gaby, A., Pascoe, B. & Ponsonnet, M., 2021, "Frames of spatial reference in five Australian languages", Spatial Cognition and Computation, https://doi.org/10.1080/13875868.2021.1929239 (link)


Brown, C. & Ponsonnet, M., 2021, "Constraints on subject elision in northern Australian Kriol: Between discourse and syntax", Australian Journal of Linguistics, 41:3, pp. 287-313 (link)


Laughren, M. & Ponsonnet, M., 2020, "Ear and belly in Warlpiri descriptions of cognitive and emotional experience", Pragmatics & Cognition, 27:1, pp. 240-271 (link)


Ponsonnet, M. & Laginha, K.J., 2020, "The role of the body in descriptions of emotions. A typology of the Australian continent", Pragmatics & Cognition, 27:1, pp. 20-82 (link)


Luk, E. & Ponsonnet, M., 2019, "Discourse and pragmatic functions of the Dalabon 'ergative' case-marker", Australian Journal of Linguistics, 39:3, pp. 287-328 (link)


Ponsonnet, M. & Vuillermet, M., 2018, "Morphology and emotions: A preliminary typology.", Maïa Ponsonnet & Marine Vuillermet (eds.), Morphology and emotions across the world’s languages, Special issue of Studies in Language:42(1), pp. 1-16 (link)


Ponsonnet, M., 2018, "Expressivity and performance. Expressing compassion and grief with a prosodic contour in languages of the Gunwinyguan region (northern Australia)", Journal of Pragmatics, 136, pp. 76-96


Ponsonnet, M., 2018, "Lexical semantics in language shift. Comparing emotion lexica in Dalabon and Barunga Kriol (northern Australia)", Journal of Pidgin and Kriol languages, 33:1, pp. 92-35


Ponsonnet, M., 2018, "A preliminary typology of emotional connotations in morphological diminutives and augmentatives", Studies in Language, 42:1, pp. 17-50


Ponsonnet, M., 2018, "Expressive values of reduplication in Barunga Kriol (northern Australia)", Studies in Language, 42:1, pp. 226-255


Ponsonnet, M., 2017, "Conceptual representations and figurative language in language shift. Metaphors and gestures for emotions in Kriol (Barunga, northern Australia)", Cognitive Linguistics, 28:4, pp. 631-671 (link)


Ponsonnet, M., 2017, "Conceptual representations and figurative language in language shift. Metaphors and gestures for emotions in Kriol (Barunga, northern Australia)", Cognitive Linguistics, 24:4, pp. 631-671


Ponsonnet, M., 2015, "Nominal subclasses in Dalabon (South-Western Arnhem Land)", The Australian Journal of Linguistics, 35:1, pp. 1-52 (link)


Ponsonnet, M., 2014, "Les rôles de kangu « ventre » dans les composés émotionnels du dalabon (Australie du Nord) : entre figuratif et littéral ", Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, 109:1, pp. 415-461


Ponsonnet, M., 2014, "Figurative and non-figurative uses of body-parts in descriptions of emotions in Dalabon (Northern Australia)", International Journal of Language and Culture, 1:1, pp. 98-130 (cliquez ici)


McConvell, P. & Ponsonnet, M., 2013, "Results and prospects in the study of semantic change: A review of From polysemy to semantic change (M. Vanhove ed.)", Journal of Language Contact, 6:1, pp. 180-196


Ponsonnet, M., 2011, "Les figures du doute en langue dalabon (Australie du Nord)", Journal de la Société des Océanistes, 132:1, pp. 151-164


Ponsonnet, M., 2011, "Brainwash from English? Barunga Kriol speakers views about their language", Anthropological Linguistics, 52:2, pp. 160-183


Ponsonnet, M., 2010, "Aspects of the semantics of emotions and feelings in Dalabon (South-Western Arnhem Land)", The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 20:3, pp. 367-389


Ponsonnet, M., 2009, "Aspects of the semantics of intellectual subjectivity in Dalabon (South Western Arnhem Land)", Australian Aboriginal Studies, 2009:1, pp. 17-28


Ponsonnet, M., 2007, "Recognizing victims without blaming them: A moral contest? ", Autralian Aboriginal Studies, 2007:1, pp. 58-68

Conferences with proceedings

Ponsonnet, M., 2014, "Documenting the language of emotions in Dalabon (Northern Australia). Caveats, solutions and benefits "Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory 4, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 6-8 Décembre 2013, Belkadi, A., Chatsiou, K. & Rowan, K. (eds), pp. 1-13 (cliquez ici)


Ponsonnet, M., 2012, "Body-parts in Dalabon and Barunga Kriol: Matches and mismatches"42nd Australian Linguistic Society Conference, Canberra, Australie, 1-4 décembre 2011, ANU Research Repository, pp. 351-387 (cliquez ici)

Conference presentations

Ponsonnet, M., 2015, "Représentations des émotions en Terre d'Arnhem", Séminaire du Centre de Recherche et de Documentation sur l'Océanie, Marseille, janvier 2015


Ponsonnet, M., 2014, "Emotion metaphors in Dalabon (Northern Australia)", Séminaire du Swiss Centre for Affective Sciences, Swiss Centre for Affective Sciences, Genève, juin 2014


Ponsonnet, M., 2013, "Documenting the language of emotions in Dalabon. Caveats, solutions and benefits", Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory 4, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Londres, 6-8 Dec 2013


Ponsonnet, M., 2013, "Métaphores émotionnelles et stratégies de gestion des émotions", Colloque e-Toile Pacifique, EHESS, Paris, Oct 2013


Evans, N. & Ponsonnet, M., 2013, "Emotional valuation in Dalabon diminutives", 12th Australian Languages Workshop, University of Queensland, Mars 2013


Ponsonnet, M., 2013, "Body-parts in linguistic representations of emotions in Dalabon", International symposium: Australian Aboriginal Anthropology Today: Critical Perspectives from Europe, Musée du Quai-Branly, Paris, Janv 2013


Ponsonnet, M., 2013, "Les diminutifs en dalabon", Groupe de recherche Fédération TUL sur les émotions, Villejuif, CNRS Haudricourt, Janv 2013


Caudal, P., Ponsonnet, M. & Van Egmond, M.E., 2012, "The semantics of verbal predicates across Australian languages: Some structural observations", 43rd Australian Linguistic Society Conference, University of Western Australia, Perth, Dec 2012


Ponsonnet, M., 2012, "Les langues australiennes : langues menacées, langues émergentes", Conférence de la Société des Océanistes , Musée du Quai-Branly, Paris, Nov 2012


Ponsonnet, M., 2012, "Emotions and abstract attributes of the person in Dalabon", 7th European Australianist Workshop, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Londres, Apr 2012


Ponsonnet, M., 2012, "Features of emotionally loaded speech in Dalabon", Séminaire de l’Australian National University, Australian National University, Canberra, Sep 2016


Ponsonnet, M., 2011, "Body-parts in Barunga Kriol and Dalabon: Matches and mismatches", 42rd Australian Linguistic Society Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, Dec 2011


Ponsonnet, M., 2011, "Expression de la propriété foncière parmi le groupe dalabon", Journées d’étude sur la propriété foncière, Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch (Sion, Suisse), CREDO (CNRS), Centre de recherche et de documentation sur l'Océanie, Université Aix-Marseille, Oct 2011


Ponsonnet, M., 2011, "Les composés émotionnels en dalabon, langue polysynthétique d’Australie du Nord", Groupe de recherche Fédération TUL sur les émotions, Villejuif, CNRS Haudricourt, Sep 2011


Ponsonnet, M., 2010, "Documentation de la langue dalabon : contexte et perspectives", Journées d’étude sur la documentation et l’archivage, CREDO, CNRS, Centre de recherche et de documentation sur l'Océanie, Université Aix-Marseille, Oct 2010


Ponsonnet, M., 2010, "The belly and the brain in the conceptions of feelings: Questioning variations in a multilingual context", Invitée, Séminaire du département d’anthropologie de l’Université de Sydney, University of Sydney, Sydney, May 2010


Ponsonnet, M., 2009, "Brainwash from English? ", Conférence du Comité international permanent des linguistes (CIPL), School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Londres, Juin 2009


Ponsonnet, M., 2009, "Wittgenstein, l’anthropologie, et vice versa", Séminaire de Jacques au Collège de France, Collège de France, Paris, Janv 2009


Ponsonnet, M., 2009, "Les figures du doute en langue dalabon et la primauté épistémique du social", Invitée, Séminaire du CREDO, Centre de recherche et de documentation sur l'Océanie, Université Aix-Marseille, Dec 2009


Ponsonnet, M., 2009, "Language, truth and rules in the Dalabon and Kriol languages of Northern Australia", Multidisciplinary workshop "The Study of Signs and Contemporary Questions on Human Nature" (invitée), University of Bergen, Norvège, Nov 2009


Ponsonnet, M., 2008, "Semantics of mind in South-Western Arnhem Land: From Dalabon to Kriol – contemporary shifts? ", Conférence de l’European Society for Oceanists (ESfO), Vérone, Italie, Aug 2008


Ponsonnet, M., 2008, "Grammatical confusions and linguistic relativity: An anthropological perspective", Rencontres wittgensteiniennes internationales ‘Wittgenstein and the Mind’, Skjolden, Bergen University, Norvège, Juin 2008


Ponsonnet, M., 2008, "Sexualité et visibilité", Invitée, Séminaire Anthropologie de la perception, Sexualité et visibilité, May 2008


Ponsonnet, M., 2006, "Wittgenstein, philosophy, and common sense ", Rencontres wittgensteiniennes internationales ‘Wittgenstein en Confrontation’, Paris-8-Saint-Denis/Maison des sciences de l'homme, Paris, Oct 2006


Ponsonnet, M., 2006, ": Ethnography as a hard fact: Philosophy and the anthropological data", Conference annuelle de l’Australian Anthropological Society, James Cook University, Cairns, Australie, Sep 2006


Ponsonnet, M., 2006, "Can you not remember – structure of language and processes of mind: The case of Dalabon", Conférence internationale ‘Language, Culture and Mind’, Paris, Juillet 2006


Ponsonnet, M., 2022, "Review of How Emotions are Made in Talk (Robles J.S. and Weatherall A. eds.)", Journal of Pragmatics, 200, 180-183


Ponsonnet, M., 2019, "Recirculating Songs. Revitalising the singing practices of Indigenous Australia (Wafer J. et Turpin M. eds.)", Aboriginal History, Canberra


Ponsonnet, M., 2017, "Les émotions dans le discours/Emotions in Discourse (Blumenthal P., Novakova I. et Siepmann D. eds.). ", Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 111(2). , Paris


Ponsonnet, M., 2013, "Mythes, missiles et cannibales. Le récit d’un premier contact en Australie (Dousset L.)", Anthropological Forum, 23(3)


Ponsonnet, M., 2008, "Le défi indigène (Glowczewski B. and Henry R. ed.)", L'Homme, 187/188


Ponsonnet, M., 2014, "Dalabon Emotion Glossary. Second draft.", Canberra, Australie, pp. 34 (cliquez ici)

Electronic source

Ponsonnet, M., 2021, "Emotion Language Australia", Broad audience website., www.emotionlanguageaustralia.com (open access link)


Ponsonnet, M., 2013, "No beetle? Wittgenstein’s ‘grammatical illustions’ and Dalabon emotion metaphors", History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences blog, McElvaney James (cliquez ici)


Ponsonnet, M., 2012, "A culturally informed corpus of Dalabon", ELDP Project, Endangered Languages Archive (cliquez ici)


Ponsonnet, M., 2011, "The Australian tradition of multilingualism and the post-colonial context", Sorosoro, Antoinre Launey (cliquez ici)


Ponsonnet, M., 2011, "The ideology of monolingualism in the Australian context", Sorosoro, Antoine Launey (cliquez ici)


Ponsonnet, M., 2009, "Aspects de la subjectivité intellectuelle en Dalabon (Sud-Ouest Arnhem, Australie). Trad. française. ", Texto!, François Laurent

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