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Responsable Bibliothéque

 04 72 72 65 70



Teams :   DiLiS 

  Training and professional background
  Research interests
  Awards and research grants
  Main publications and conferences

Current Position:

Since February 2024, I have held the position of Research Engineer in data production, processing, analysis, and surveys at the Dynamique Du Langage laboratory.

Doctoral Thesis Summary:

My doctoral thesis, defended in December 2022, focuses on the representation of the alveolar trill to better understand its distribution in the languages of the world. The trill is examined through the prism of its representation in transcriptions, acoustics, grammars and phonemic databases. Data from the Illustrations of the IPA published in the Journal of the International Phonetic Association, sound recordings accompanying the Illustrations, the Sound Comparisons collaborative project, over 600 books describing languages and PHOIBLE were collected. The various observations obtained from the data show that, like rhotics, trill varies. The acoustic data suggest that the characterisation of what is generally labelled as a trill in the languages of the world is not unique, although similarities in segmental substance exist between languages. The results of the various analyses of the languages studied support the idea that the realisation of the trill as a segment with (at least) two contacts is not frequent, unlike tap and flap. The development of the International Phonetic Alphabet and its guidelines, as well as the training of linguists, has contributed to the over-representation of r. The results show that trill is an infrequent allophone for most languages, which tends to complicate the classification of languages according to the presence or absence of the segment.




2019-2022 PhD in Linguistics, "La réprésentation du trill en typologie: de l'acoustique à l'inventaire phonémique", directed by Dan Dediu (ICREA, Barcelona) and François Pellegrino (DDL, Lyon) - Thesis defended on December the 19th 2022

Laboratoire Dynamique du Language

2017-2019 Master’s degree in Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics, "General Linguistics" major (Research), with high distinction.

Université Paris-Diderot - Paris 7

2014-2017 Bachelor’s degree in Science, Technology, Health, major Life Sciences, in an intensive Biology and Linguistics program, with credit.

Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6

2016-2017 Third year of the double degree Biology-Linguistics (Paris 6 - Paris 4) in an exchange program

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

2014-2017 Graduate degree of Arts, Letters, Languages, major Letters, in French Language and Computer Techniques, with distinction

Université Paris-Sorbonne - Paris 4




Linguistic variation


Phonetics-phonology interface






PhD scholarship:

2019-2022 IDEXLyon Fellowship, University of Lyon, France




Travaux dirigés :

2021 TD - Linguistique française (2ème semestre, 20h), Université Lumière Lyon 2, France



PhDs and master thesis

Anselme, R., 2022, "La représentation du trill en typologie : de l’acoustique à l’inventaire phonémique", Thèse, École doctorale Lettres, Langues, Linguistique & Arts (ED 484), Université Lumière Lyon 2  (PDF, Couv')


Anselme, R., 2019, "La troncation en français", Mémoire de M2, U.F.R. Linguistique, Université Paris-Diderot, 123, 123 p.  (PDF, Couv')


Anselme, R., 2018, "Le passé surcomposé en français", Mémoire de M1, U.F.R. Linguistique, Université Paris-Diderot, Paris, 34 p.


Anselme, R., Pellegrino, F. & Dediu, D., 2023, "What’s in the r? A review of the usage of the r symbol in the Illustrations of the IPA", Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 53:3, pp. 1003-1032 (DOI)


Anselme, R., Bonami, O. & Burnett, H., 2021, "Polysémie et troncation des noms en -ion en français", Verbum : revue de linguistique, 43:1, pp. 97-118

Conferences with proceedings

Anselme, R., Pellegrino, F. & Dediu, D., 2022, "R you sure that your /R/ is trilled ? A methodological caveat", proc. of The evolution of language: Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE), Kanazawa, Japan, 06/09/2022, Ravignani, R., Asano, R., Valente, D., Ferretti, F., Hartmann, S., Hayashi, M., Jadoul, Y., Martins, M., Oseki, Y., Rodrigues, E., Vasileva, O. & Wacewicz, S. (eds), Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE) (abstract) (HAL)

Invited presentations

Anselme, R., 2021, "Discussion on the < r > - Thesis progress", DiLiS - Atelier Origines de la diversité, Lyon (online)

Conference presentations

Anselme, R., 2022, "Variation in trilling: Phonetic realization of /r/ and /ɾ/", ConSOLE 30 - Conference of the Student Organisation of Linguistics in Europe, Online (initially: Nantes), 25-27 janvier 2022 (poster)


Anselme, R., 2022, "Comparaison des réalisations de la consonne rhotique en Europe : Cas des branches romane et slave", COLDOC 2022 - Colloque de doctorants et de jeunes chercheurs en Sciences du langage du laboratoire MoDyCo (CNRS UMR 7114), Nanterre, 30-31 mai 2022


Anselme, R., 2022, "Caractérisation du trill /r/ et du tap/flap /ɾ/ à partir de descriptions issues de grammaires", RFP2022 : 19èmes rencontres du Réseau Français de Phonologie / 19th Meeting of the French Phonology Network, Porto, 7-9 juin 2022


Anselme, R., 2021, "What if trills weren’t really trilled? An investigation of trills and taps in 212 articles from the Illustrations of the IPA", r-atics7, Lausanne, 18-19 novembre 2021


Anselme, R., Bonami, O. & Burnett, H., 2019, "Polysémie et troncation des noms en -ion en français", Journée d’étude : Sémantique pour les ressources en Morphologie Dérivationnelle, Toulouse, 08 juillet 2019 (PDF)

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