My Mongolian name is Nargil, I prefer to use this name in academic works.
My PhD project is descriotion of morphosyntax and areal study on a nearly endangered language Solon (Northern Tungusic).Solon is spoken in Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolian (China). Based on the 2020 census data and my soliolinguistic analysis there are around 19,000 Solon speakers, however the language proficiency of Solon among younger generations are declining drastically. Solon is stronglly influenced by Mongolian, especially the Hailar Solon (spoken in Ewenke Autonomous banner region).This contact-induced studies would be one part of my PhD project. Additionally, as a native Mongolian, I personally interested in the studies on Mongoic languages.
 | 2021-currently:
PhD student:
University Lumiere Lyon2 & CNRS (Lyon, France); The syntax of Solon Evenki (Northern Tungusic) in an areal and typological perspective, directed by Brigitte Pakendorf (CNRS). |
 | 2020-2021:
Lab assistant:
Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing,China).
 | 2017-2022:
Master student:
Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Beijing, China); Multi-verb Construction in Mongolian, directed by Sodbaater (CASS). |
 | 2013-2017:
Minzu University (Beijing, China); Causative Construction in Mongolian. |
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 | Morphosyntax |
 | Language contact |
 | Tungusic languages |
 | Mongolic languages |
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 | 21/07/2024-27/07/2024 Summer school in Vilnius(Lithuania): Linguistic data from fieldwork to R. |
 | 12/09/2022-23/09/2022 Summer school in Fréjus (France): Semantic Shifts: From lexicon to grammar. Diachronic. |
 | 06/09-2021-10/09-2021 Summer school in Paris (France): International School in Linguistic Fieldwork (FieldLing). |
 | 07/2016-08/2016 Internship at Sauron Ga Information Center of Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia). |
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 | 25/03/2023-25/05/2023 Fieldwork project: Solon (Northern Tungusic) Multilingualism – Sociolinguistics and Contact Effects (MultiSolon), site: Ewenke banner, Hulunbuir, China. |
 | 02/2022-02/2023 Remote fieldwork project: The syntax of Solon Evenki (Northern Tungusic) in typological perspective (SynSolon). |
 | 01/07/2017-15/08/2017 Supported fieldwork by语宝工程 [Chinese Language Resources Protection Project]: Documentation of minority languages- Ar khorqin variety of Mongolian, co-worked with Sodbaatar (CASS),site: Ar Khorqin banner, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia.
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 | 31/10/2024-01/10/2024 Short-term research grants from Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Exchange study at linguistic department of University of Mainz, supervised by Andrej Malchukov. |
 | 05/2024-07/2024 Labex ASLAN, Université de Lyon, training project: Summer school in Vilnius: Linguistic data from fieldwork to R (FieldR), amount: 952 euros. |
 | 03/2023-06/2023 Labex ASLAN, Université de Lyon, fieldwork project: Solon (Northern Tungusic) Multilingualism – Sociolinguistics and Contact Effects (MultiSolon), amount: 4800 euros. |
 | 02/2022-02/2023 Labex ASLAN, Université de Lyon,remote fieldwork project: The syntax of Solon Evenki (Northern Tungusic) in typological perspective (SynSolon), amount: 4042 euros. |
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 | 03/2023-06/2023 Labex ASLAN, Université de Lyonfunded member: Solon (Northern Tungusic) Multilingualism – Sociolinguistics and Contact Effects (MultiSolon) |
 | 02/2022-02/2023 Labex ASLAN, Université de Lyonfunded member: SynSolon (The syntax of Solon Evenki ( Northern Tungusic) in typological perspective) |
 | 2019-currently: National Social Science Fund Project of ChinaAs a member: Innovation of Linguistic Theory Based on Chinese Mongolian |
 | 07/2017-12/2018 Yu Bao Gong Cheng (语宝工程; Chinese Language Resources Protection Project)As a member: Recording of Minority Languages: Arkhorqin Dialect of Mongolian |
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 | 03/2023 Invited class at Université Lumière Lyon 2, Cours en Licence et en Master de Sciences du Langage, under Alice Vittrant. |
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PhDs and master thesis
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Na, R., 2020, "现代蒙古语书面语多动词结构 [Multi-Verb Constructions in Written
Mongolian]", Master thesis, Ethnology and Anthropology department, Graduate school of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (GSCASS), Beijing |
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Na, R., under review, "The language ecology and endangerment of Solon: an analysis based on recent fieldwork", Language Documentation and Conservation, |
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Na, R., 2021, "Monγol hele-ni ügeisgel-yin ai [Negation in Mongolian]", Monγol hele bičig [Mongolian literature and language], 4, pp. 32-43 |
Invited presentations
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Na, R., 2024, "Solon in contact with Mongolian: sociolinguistic and linguistic evidence on verbal complex predicates", linguistic typology colloquium of university of Mainz , Mainz, Germany , 21/10/2024 |
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Na, R., 2023, "The Language ecology and endangerment of Solon (a Northern Tungusic language): an analysis based on recent fieldwork", Laboratory Seminar of DDL , Lyon, France |
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Na, R., 2022, "Causative Constructions in Mongolian", Seminar ‘Crosslinguistic regularity in diachronic semantic change: Typology and contact in Asia’ by Hilary CHAPELL (EHESS-CRLAO), Paris, France, 06/2022 |
Conference presentations
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Na, R., 2024, "Contact-induced change in Solon: the grammaticalization of the generic verb of speech", 57th Societas Linguistica Europaea, Helsinki, Finland , 21/08/2024-24/08/2024 |
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Na, R., 2024, "Mongolian influence in Solon: The formation of verbal complex predicates", Mongolian Language in Contact , Prague, Czech Republic, 15/10/2025-16/10/2024 |
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Cong, S., Na, R., Pakendorf, B. & Stoynova, N., 2024, "Valency patterns across Northern Tungusic: internal vs. contact-induced changes as
revealed through corpora ", 15th International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Singapore, 04-06 December |
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Liu, X. & Na, R., 2021, "A Dialect Corpus Designed for Language Identification [in Chinese]", 16th National conference on Man-machine Speech Communication of
China , Xuzhou, China , 10/2021 |
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Na, R., 2019, "Multi-Verb Constructions in Barin Dialect of Mongolian [in Chinese]", 3rd Conference of Linguistic Typology of Chinese Minority Languages, Chengdu, China, 11/2019 |