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Scientific mediation

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The Dynamique Du Langage research unit has been involved for several years to share its knowledge and share it with the general public. This moment of sharing and transmission is made via participation in scientific events, recurrent scientific mediation actions such as the science festival, the Pop'Science festival, the day of the DYS, the week of the brain ... and well others.
Come and discover the activities we offer.


Since 2013, we've been developing a range of scientific mediation workshops around the research unit's research themes. We offer three activities per workshop, but each activity can be offered independently. These workshops have been developed with the general public in mind, so they are suitable for both children and adults (click on the images for a description in French of the workshops):

Sounds in language 
At the heart of sounds of the world's languages!
Child language acquisition 
How do we learn to speak?
Brain & Language 
Where is language in the brain?
Language diversity 
L'incroyable diversité des langues dans le monde
Linguistic diversity around a game

ASLAN -  Université de Lyon -  CNRS -  Université Lumière Lyon 2 -  MSH-LSE -  IXXI -  DDL :  Contact |  Terms of use |