Impact of litteracy on information processing
Contact person
Florence CHENU , Audrey MAZUR PALANDRE , Harriet JISA
Scientific framework and objectives
The use of structures in elaborated monologue texts requires a high degree of automatic control over grammatical rules (Levelt 1989). All speaker/writers must perform a number of decisions during the production of a text and these decisions will have ramifications on the choice of structures used. It is the trace of these decisions in the produced text which is the object of study in this research operation.
What is the impact of learning to read and write on children’s developing grammatical competence ? Literacy brings to the child a new way of processing information – in comprehension during reading and production during writing. It is extremely trivial to say that children write as they speak. Our aim is to demonstrate the opposite hypothesis: children learn to speak as they write.
Financial support
- Fondation Spencer
Université de Tel Aviv
- Ministerio de Educación
Université de Barcelone
- Programme de recherche CPER
SHS “Corpus oraux” 2003-2006 - ACI : Internationalisation des Sciences Humaines et Sociales
New ways of analysing and improving oral and written texts in children and adolescents MENESR 2004-2008 - ANR Non thématique
lexical and syntactic flexibility strengthening in children and adolescents' oral and written expression ANR 2005-2008
- Berman, R., Jisa, H., 2000, "A cross-linguistic perspective on voice", Journée d'Étude LaCo (Laboratoire Langage et Cognition), Université de Poitiers, Poitiers, France, 13 décembre 2000
- Berman, R., Jisa, H., 2000a, "Expression de la non-implication du locuteur/scripteur dans son texte", Confédération Française pour le Développement de la Linguistique Appliquée, Université d'Avignon, Avignon, France, 26-28 octobre 2000
- Berman, R., Jisa, H., 2003, "Competition between constructions : a developmental and cross-modal analysis", Georgetown University Round Table in Linguistics, Washington, D.C., États-Unis, 15-17 February 2003
- Berman, R., Jisa, H., 2002, "Use of middle voice for agent downgrading in Hebrew and French: Developmental and typological perspectives", SRCLD-IASCL, Madison, Wisconsin, États-Unis, 14-20 juillet 2002
- Cautain, C., Chenu, F., Jisa, H., 2008, "Revisions in the written discourse of French children and adolescents", 11th International Conference of the EARLI-SIG Writing, Lund, 11-13 juin 2008
- Chenu, F., Lété, B., Pellegrino, F., 2008, "The quest of a motivated pause threshold for young non-expert writers", Writing Research Across Borders, University of California at Santa Barbara, 22-24 février 2008
- Chenu, F., Lété, B., Pellegrino, F., Jisa, H., Fayol, M., 2008, "Les prédicteurs linguistiques de la dynamique de la production textuelle", Congrès International L'Homme au cœur ses dynamiques sociales, territoriales et culturelles :"regards croisés sur une décennie de recherche" , MSHS Poitiers, 1-3 octobre
- Chenu, F., Lété, B., Pellegrino, F., Jisa, H., Fayol, M., 2008, "Les prédicteurs linguistiques de la dynamique de la production écrite", Colloque France-Québec, L'écriture dans tous ses états, IUFM de Poitiers, 12-15 novembre 2008
- Fayol, M., Jisa, H., Mazur Palandre, A., 2007, "A developmental study of referential cohesion", The first conference of the swedish association for language and cognition, Lund, 29 November-1st December 2007
- Gayraud, F., Jisa, H., Viguié, A., 2001, "Utilisation des outils cohésifs comme indice de sensibilité au registre : une étude développementale", AILE, 14, pp. 3-24
- Jisa, H., Reilly, J., Verhoeven, L., Baruch, E., Rosado, E., 2002, "Cross-linguistic perspectives on the use of passive constructions in written texts", Written Language and Literacy, 5, pp. 163-181
- Jisa, H., Strömqvist, S., 2002b, "Pragmatique et acquisition tardives chez l'enfant : langage oral et langage écrit", in La pragmatique : raisonnement, développement de l'enfant et pathologies, Bernicot, J., Trognon, A., Guidetti, M., Musiol, M. (eds), Nancy, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, pp. 257-265
- Jisa, H., Viguié, A., 2005, "Developmental perspectives on the role of French 'on' in written and spoken expository texts", Journal of Pragmatics, 37, pp. 125-142
- Jisa, H., 2005b, "Developing alternatives for indicating discourse stance", in Perspectives on language and language development: essays in honor of Ruth A. Berman, Ravid, D., Shyldkort, H. (eds), Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 357-374
- Jisa, H., 2004, "Augmenter la cohésion dans des textes narratifs : une étude développmentale du maintien et la réintroduction des sujets grammaticaux", CALAP (Cahiers d'Acquisition du Langage et Pathologie), 24, pp. 33-56
- Jisa, H., 2004, "Growing into academic French", in Later Language Development: Typological and Psycholinguistic Perspectives, TiLAR3 , Berman, R. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins, pp. 135-161, Trends in language acquisition research (TiLAR)
- Jisa, H., 2004, "A developmental study of discourse stance in spoken and written French", Writing 2004, Genève, 20-22 septembre
- Jisa, H., Mazur, A., 2005, "The structure and content of noun phrases in French", Xth International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Berlin, July 25-29
- Jisa, H., Mazur, A., 2006, "Les sujets lourds: considérations développementales en français oral et écrit", Méthodologies actuelles dans les recherches sur les acquisitions tardives en langue maternelle, Université René Descartes, Paris 5, les 03 et 04 juillet 2006
- Jisa, H., Mazur, A., 2006, "L'expression de la causalité : une étude développementale", proc. of Journée d'étude : Des savoirs savants aux savoirs enseignés, Université Paris X, Nanterre, 29 Mars 2006, Presses universitaires de Namur, pp. 33-60, Collection Diptyque
- Jisa, H., Tolchinsky, L., 2005, "Developing a depersonalised discourse stance in typologically different languages: Written expository texts", Xth International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Berlin, July 25-29
- Lété, B., Chenu, F., Fayol, M., Jisa, H., 2008, "Sublexical and Lexical Influences
on Writing during text
production among Fifth- to
Eleventh-Grade French
Children: A Regression-Based
Study", 11th International Conference of the EARLI-SIG Writing, Lund, 11-13 juin
- Mazur Palandre, A., 2009, "Les connexions syntaxiques : considérations contextuelles et développementales", actes de Colloque jeunes chercheurs Praxiling. Analyses du discours et contextes : quelles relations?, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier III, 10-11 mai 2007, Sandré, M. (eds), Lambert-Lucas, pp. 125-136
- Mazur Palandre, A., 2008, "Analyse syntaxique de textes produits dans différents contextes de production ", proc. of Colloque jeunes chercheurs de l'école doctorale "Langage et langues", "Normes, variations, identité et altérité", Institut de Linguistique et Phonétique Générale et Appliquée, Paris, 12 Mai 2007
- Mazur Palandre, A., 2007, "Later language development: syntactic packaging in written and spoken French.", proc. of The Second Oxford Linguistics Postgraduate Conference , Oxford, 21 / 22 september 2007, pp. 173-180
- Reilly, J., Jisa, H., Baruch, E., Berman, R., 2002, "Propositional attitudes in written and spoken language", Journal of Written language and Literacy, 5, pp. 183-218
- Salas, N., Tolchinsky, L., Mazur Palandre, A., Jisa, H., Chenu, F., 2008, "The effect of age, genre, and modality on Preferred Argument Structure in French and Spanish", 4th International Conference on Speech, Writing and Context (ICSWC), Querétaro, Mexico, 27-29 october 2008