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Editor : François PELLEGRINO

Perceptual and cognitive identification

  Contact person

Scientific framework and objectives

Although the cognitive representation and processing of language have been studied through complementary approaches for quite a few years, several questions remain unanswered owing to the complexity of the problem. Language identification provided a paradigm well suited to the study of the cognitive representations of foreign languages through perceptual experiments and functional cerebral imaging.


We are assessing the perceptual strategies human listeners resort to when identifying languages (especially Afro-Asian languages) and dialects (Arabic dialects and now, British dialects). The aim is to better comprehend how the human brain processes the notion of linguistic distance. Our aim is to determine a critical linguistic distance above which different languages require differential cognitive processing. We compare linguistic distances – as measured in typological studies (phonological systems, the lexicon, rhythm and intonation) – with those obtained from perceptual experiments based on natural or synthesized speech. We also investigate the cerebral correlates of the processing involved using specific methods (ERP, fMRI, etc.).

  Financial support
  • Projet Emergence

    Région Rhône-Alpes
  • ACI, Jeune chercheur

  • APN / ATIP

  • APN / ATIP


  • Barkat-Defradas, M., Vasilescu, I., Pellegrino, F., 2003, "Stratégies perceptuelles et identification automatique des langues: application au continuum dialectal arabe", Revue PArole, 25, pp. 1-44
  • Dellwo, V., Ferragne, E., Pellegrino, F., 2006, "The perception of intended speech rate in English, French, and German by French speakers", proc. of Speech Prosody '06, Dresden, Germany, May 2-5, 2006
  • Jacquier, C., Meunier, F., 2005, "Compression temporelle d’indices acoustiques : Effets sur l’intelligibilité de la parole naturelle chez des sujets normo-entendants", actes de Journées du Cercle de Neuro-audio Acoustique (CNA2), Reims, 27-28 mai 2005
  • Jacquier, C., Meunier, F., 2005, "Perception of time-compressed rapid acoustic cues in French CV syllables", proc. of 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech-Interspeech 2005), Lisbonne, Portugal, 4-8 septembre, pp. 1761-1764
  • Jacquier, C., Meunier, F., 2005, "Relative roles of time-compressed formant transition and voice onset time on non words intelligibility", proc. of XIVth Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP 2005), Leiden, the Netherlands, 31 août - 3 septembre 2005, pp. 23
  • Jacquier, C., Meunier, F., 2005, "Effets de dégradations temporelles d’indices acoustiques sur la perception de la parole", actes de 2èmes Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en Audition, Acoustique musicale et Signal audio (JJCAAS 2005), Marseille, 9-11 mars 2005
  • Jacquier, C., Rouibah, A., Hoen, M., 2005, "ERP Evidence for an Interaction between Phonological and Semantic Processes in Masked Priming Tasks", proc. of Proceedings of the XXVIIth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci2005), Stresa, Italie, 21-23 juillet 2005, Bara, B., Barsalou, L., Bucciarelli, M. (eds), pp. 1030-1035
  • Meyer, J., Pellegrino, F., Barkat, M., Meunier, F., 2003, "The notion of perceptual distance: the case of Afroasiatic languages", proc. of ICPhS, Barcelone, Espagne, Août 2003
  • Pellegrino, F. (ed), 2001, "De la caractérisation à l'identification des langues. Actes sélectionnés de la 1ère journée d'étude sur l'identification automatique des langues (19/01/1999, Lyon)", Lyon, Edition en ligne
  • Rouas, J.L., Barkat-Defradas, M., Pellegrino, F., Hamdi, R., 2006, "Identification automatique des parlers arabes par la prosodie", actes de XXVIème Journées d’études sur la Parole, Dinard, 12-16 juin 2006, pp. 193-196

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