DiLiS - Atelier Typologie sémantique
Motion events in Black Hmong: some preliminary analysis
MSH-LSE, salle Berty Albrecht (+ visio)
Conférence de :
Léa Mouton(DDL)
dans le cadre DILIS
In this talk, I will focus on the expression of motion events in Black Hmong. I will present some data collected during my field work in Vietnam using the stimuli Trajectoire (Ishibashi, Kopecka & Vuillermet, 2006).
The collected data show that the expression of Path is distributed either into verbs and into adnominal elements (prepositions and relator nouns). Moreover, Black Hmong show an interesting asymmetry between Source and Goal. In fact, Black Hmong tends to favor the expression of Source while the general tendency is to favor the expression of Goal (Kopecka & Vuillermet, 2021).
Ishibashi, M., Kopecka, A. & Vuillermet, M. (2006). Trajectoire : matériel visuel pour élicitation des données linguistiques. Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage, CNRS / Université Lyon 2. Projet de Fédération de recherche en Typologie et Universaux Linguistiques.
Kopecka, A. & Vuillermet, M. (2021). Source-Goal (a)symetries across Languages, Studies in Languages. 45:1.
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