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mar. 15/11/2022 Séminaire DiLiS : Assessing structural outcomes of language contact and language shift: The case of Southern Tungusic
MSH-LSE, salle Ennat Léger (14 avenue Berthelot)
Conférence de :
  • Natalia Stoynova

dans le cadre DILIS

Notez le changement de salle:

Le séminaire se tiendra en salle Ennat Léger (MSH-LSE, 14 avenue Berthelot)

(et non en salle Albretch comme annoncé précédemment)


In the talk, I will discuss the data coming from my fieldwork on Nanai and Ulcha (Southern Tungusic). These are two-closely related languages, spoken in the Russian Far East. Both languages are endangered: all speakers are of older generations, they all speak Russian and nowadays use Russian more actively than Nanai and Ulcha. The talk will focus on outcomes of intense contact with Russian and language shift in grammar. I will present three case-studies:

- Morphological adaptation of Russian nouns and verbs (in Nanai and Ulcha)

- Adverbial clauses with Russian conjunctions (in Nanai)

- Morphosyntactic strategies of code-switching (in Nanai and Ulcha compared to some other languages of Russia)

These three topics will be discussed from the point of view of (in)congruence (or structural (in)compatibility) as a mechanism regulating structural restrictions on contact-induced phenomena (cf. Weinreich 1953: 25; Campbell & Harris 1995: 123-125; Myers-Scotton 2002; Aikhenvald 2007: 32; Sebba 2009; Besters-Dinger et al. 2014). The general hypothesis to be tested is that it is easier to borrow / switch if there is congruence between contacting languages (in this particular fragment of language system or generally). The data in question seem to be insightful in this perspective, because both Russian and Southern Tungusic are languages with rich morphology and their grammars differ a lot.

Speaker :

Natalia Stoynova

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Passcode: Awf0XQ


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