lun. 08/02/2021
Réunion Interne Assemblée Générale du laboratoire |
9h30-12h |
En visioconférence |
jeu. 18/02/2021
[Ateliers doctorants] Publier dans un journal scientifique |
14h-16h |
En visio |
Conférence de :
Ateliers doctorants |
Premier atelier pour les doctorants de ce semestre ! Matt et Marc nous parleront des publications dans un journal scientifique : comment savoir dans lequel publier, comment fonctionne le cycle de relecture et de corrections, à quoi faire attention en particulier etc.
The first workshop for PhD students of this semester! Matt and Marc will tell us about publishing in a scientific journal: how to know in which one to publish, how the review and correction cycle works, what to pay attention to in particular etc.
More information…
lun. 22/02/2021
Linguistic and speakerspecific information in Russian Fricatives. |
14h00-15h30 |
en ligne, voir ci-dessous |
Conférence de :
DiLiS, Atelier "Origins of Linguistic Diversity" |
The Russian phonetic inventory is particularly interesting due to its complex phonetics and rich fricative inventory: there are at least 12 fricatives, at four places of articulation /f, s, S, x/, with voicing /v, z, Z/ and palatalization /f’, v’, s’, S’ z’/ contrasts, offering thus a wide range of possibilities for the investigation of fricatives. Even though, a full typological documentation of Russian fricatives is absent in the literature. Furthermore, it is in general not clear yet, how fricatives can be characterized and distinguished, while for example vowels and stop consonant could be described according to their formants and voice onset time, distinct properties if fricatives are highly debated.
Based on an own collected database on Russian fricatives in 2018 in St. Petersburg, we will present three studies: i) Identifying Russian voiceless fricatives /f, s, S/ using Machine Learning, ii) Description on Russian fricative contrast of place of articulation, voicing and palatalization, and iii) within- and inter-individual differences in fricatives.
Meeting ID: 972 8803 9902
Passcode: 091759
mar. 23/02/2021
Atelier Morphosyntaxe - Fillers and placeholders: an introduction |
10h-12h |
en ligne |
Conférence de :
dans le cadre DTT : Séminaire de recherche DiLiS |
Disfluencies are very common in speech. Among these, fillers are elements that are inserted in speech when the speaker searches for a word (among other more marginal functions). Various examples of fillers are the French euh, English y’know and Spanish este. Among fillers, placeholders like Fr. truc or Eg. whatchamacallit are special in that they are lexical substitutes for the delayed constituent and can vary morphologically. This introduction will first present the different types of fillers and then focus on the typology of placeholders. It will discuss the relation of placeholders to parts of speech, morphology, syntax, speech, and their diachrony. It will be mainly based on the following paper:
Podlesskaya, Vera. 2010. “Parameters for Typological Variation of Placeholders.” In Fillers, Pauses and Placeholders, edited by Nino Amiridze, B. H. Davis, and M. Maclagan, 11–32. TSL 93. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
More information…