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mar. 18/05/2021 Séminaire de recherche DiLiS
Focalization in Atlantic languages
hybrid (salle Bollier + visioconférence zoom)
Conférence de :
  • Denis Creissels (DDL)

dans le cadre DILIS

This presentation discusses the typology of term focalization and verb focalization in Atlantic languages. The importance of verbal inflection in the expression of focus in Atlantic languages is well-established since Robert’s (2010) seminal work, but the dramatic increase in the documentation on Atlantic languages in the last decade justifies revisiting this topic. On the basis of a sample of 21 Atlantic languages, the various parameters that may contribute to distinguishing focus constructions from the corresponding plain assertive clauses are examined in turn in order to provide as faithful an account as possible of the diversity in the focus constructions of Atlantic languages.

Link zoom: https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/91824112442
ID de réunion : 918 2411 2442
Code secret : 2i2FLT


mar. 18/05/2021 Representations of abstract relations in infancy (Talk in English)
Conférence de :
  • Jean-Rémy Hochmann (Institut des Sciences Cognitives, Marc Jeannerod, Lyon)

dans le cadre DENDY

Abstract relations are considered the pinnacle of human cognition, allowing analogical and logical reasoning, and possibly setting humans apart from other animal species. Such relations cannot be represented in a perceptual code but can easily be represented in a propositional language of thought, where relations between objects are represented by abstract discrete symbols. Focusing on the abstract relations same and different, I will show that (1) there is a discontinuity along ontogeny with respect to the representations of abstract relations, but (2) young infants already possess representation of same and different. Finally, (3) I will investigate the format of representation of abstract relations in young infants, arguing that those representations are not discrete, but rather built assembling abstract representations of entities. La conférence de Jean-Rémy Hochmann (Institut des Sciences Cognitives, Marc Jeannerod, Lyon) est programmée pour le 18 mai à 11h. à des fins d’organisation, nous aimerions savoir qui sera présent sur site pour cette conférence. Pouvez-vous rapidement vous inscrire sur cet evento https://evento.renater.fr/survey/conference-j-r-hochm...-6cq7wcd4 ? Merci. Véronique, Sophie et Florence


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