mar. 28/09/2021
Nominalizers in Uto-Aztecan languages: Origins, evolution and functions |
10h-12h |
MSH, salle Marc Bloch + visio-conférence (voir résumé) |
Conférence de :
- Albert Alvarez (Université de Sonoro, DDL/Collegium de Lyon)
dans le cadre DILIS : Atelier Morphosyntaxe |
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This talk aims to present a research project to be developed from September 2021 to July 2022 at the Collegium de Lyon and at the DDL Laboratory. This research is focused on nominalizers in Uto-Aztecan languages, a family of more than 30 languages spoken in North and Central America. Nominalizers are affixes attached to a base in order to derive a nominal constituent. These affixes are important in world’s languages because they contribute to the development of language complexity. They can be used for creating new words in a language (in this case, nominalizers are working at the level of lexical morphology, and the derived nominal constituents are thus lexical nominalizations, that is complex lexical items associated with lexical complexity), but they can also be involved in the construction of grammar (syntactic complexity), in particular in the domain of clause combination (in this case, nominalizers are working at the level of morphosyntax, and the nominalized constructions are thus grammatical nominalizations functioning as subordinate clauses embedded in a complex clause). Based on the functional approach to nominalization recently proposed by Shibatani (2019), this study seeks to identify the different synchronic functions associated with these nominalizers in Uto-Aztecan languages and to propose the origins of these markers as well as the contexts and the evolutionary paths involved in their emergence and development. At this stage of the research, I will focus on the event and argument nominalizers in Uto-Aztecan languages, considering their uses in lexical and grammatical nominalizations as well as the possible source constructions at the origin of the nominalization function of these markers. Additionally, it will be shown how the different uses of these nominalizers in Uto-Aztecan languages represent a good morphological support that provides clear evidence in favor of the functional approach to nominalization.
Shibatani, M. 2019. What is nominalization ? Towards the theoretical foundations of nominalization. In Roberto Zariquey, Masayoshi Shibatani, David W. Fleck (eds.), Nominalization in the Languages of the Americas, John Benjamins Publishing: Amsterdam/Philadelphia. 15-167.
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mar. 05/10/2021
“Thing” in Teko: a filler or a placeholder? |
10h-12h |
ISH, salle Bollier |
Conférence de :
dans le cadre DILIS : Atelier Morphosyntaxe |
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In Teko (Tupi-Guarani, French Guiana), the word used when searching for a word is baʔe. This talk will discuss its behavior and use in this function, in order to determine whether it could be considered as a plain filler or as a placeholder. This term is obviously related to the noun baʔe ‘thing’, which is found throughout the Tupi-Guarani branch, and has grammaticalized in many ways. Within this diachronic perspective, this talk will therefore discuss the pragmaticalization of baʔe as a discourse marker.
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mar. 05/10/2021
Réunion Interne Réunion de rentrée axe DENDY |
14h30-16h |
MSH, Elise Rivet |
mar. 19/10/2021
Morphology without morphemes: complexity, typology and evolution |
10h00-12h00 |
ISH, salle Marc Bloch (lien visio en bas) |
Conférence de :
(Surrey Morphology Group, University of Surrey, UK)
dans le cadre DILIS |
When segmenting inflected words into morphemes, linguists usually rely on conventions inherited from specific grammatical traditions, and draw on complex intuitions informed by diachronic evidence and by their own sense of grammatical elegance. As a result, these analyses are not meant to isolate units which are comparable across languages. How, then, can we ensure the comparability necessary to study the typology of inflectional systems ?
The Word-based approach to morphology provides a useful perspective: It takes paradigms to be structured networks of words which can be insightfully studied by characterizing recurrent, empirical formal relationships between them, without the need to reify traditional, abstract constituents such as stems or morphemes. My project aims to leverage computational tools to study these relationships quantitatively, and address key questions in morphology: How can speakers produce and recognize unknown inflected words ? How does the organization of inflectional exponence vary across languages ? How does analogical change contribute to paradigm evolution ?
I approach these questions by collecting and curating large, unsegmented, inflected lexicons. I then write computational tools which produce comparable descriptions such as (non-morphemic) segmentations and analogical patterns. In turn, these descriptions constitute the basis for quantitative models of paradigm organization and change, and for precise measures of linguistic variation.
mar. 26/10/2021
Out of sight and out of mind: distance and accessibility contrasts in Kuuk Thaayorre placeholders |
10h-12h |
MSH, salle Rivet + vidéoconference (voir ci-dessous) |
Conférence de :
- Alice Gaby
(Monash University, Australia)
dans le cadre DILIS : Atelier Morphosyntaxe |
- Link to the videoconference room
- Link to the material
This talk will consider filler and placeholder terms in several Australian Aboriginal languages, with a particular focus on Kuuk Thaayorre. In Kuuk Thaayorre, the most commonly used placeholders are (etymologically) the two pronominal demonstrative forms. The proximal form inhul ‘this one’ is used to avoid disruption, where explicit reference is not necessary for the conversation to progress, whereas the distal form yuunhul ‘that one’ is used to signal disruption, where the desired lexeme is temporarily ‘inaccessible’ to the speaker and reference must be established for the conversation to progress. We will also consider a range of other forms (including ignoratives/epistememes and adnominal demonstratives) that may function as placeholders in Kuuk Thaayorre discourse. Finally, the Kuuk Thaayorre placeholders will be contrasted with the dedicated placeholder terms of Yanyuwa and Wubuy, reporting the preliminary findings of research with John Bradley and Simon Musgrave.
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mer. 27/10/2021
Réunion Interne Assemblée Générale du laboratoire DDL / General Assembly of DDL laboratory |
14h-17h |
Maison Internationale des Langues et des Cultures (MILC), 35 Rue Raulin, 69007 Lyon |