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lun. 01/12/2014 The Principle of Least Effort and diachronic frequency effects in word truncation
ISH, salle Ennat Léger
Conférence de :
  • Jasmeen Kanwal (UCSD)

ASLAN, WP1, séminaire complexité

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mer. 03/12/2014 Réunion TUL - Questionnaires
10h - 17h
Salle A. Frossard (sous-sol ISH)

Réunion autour du projet "Questionnaires" de la Fédération de Typologie, porté par Aimée Lahaussois (Laboratoire "Histoire des Théories Linguistiques", Université Paris Diderot).


mer. 03/12/2014 Développement de la compétence narrative en arabe tunisien : rapport entre formes linguistiques et fonctions discursives
16, quai Claude Bernard salle des conseils
Soutenance de doctorat de : Darine Saidi

ven. 05/12/2014 Séminaire DTT - Atelier Morphosyntaxe - salle Ennat Léger
ISH, salle Ennat Léger

Internal Reconstruction of Morphosyntax

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sam. 06/12/2014 L'occitan alpin d'Usseaux, description d'une langue en danger et en contact avec deux aires dialectales (francoprovençale et piémontaise) et deux langues standards (français et italien).
Salle des colloques, 18 quai C. Bernard
Soutenance de doctorat de : Lucie Amaro-Péguy

mer. 10/12/2014
> 14/12/2014
20 ans de DDL
Atrium, Université Lyon 2

mer. 10/12/2014 Origine de l'Homme et Origine du Langage
Atrium, Université Lyon 2
Conférence de :
  • Jean-Jacques HUBLIN
  • Jean-Marie HOMBERT (DDL)

20 ans de DDL

à venir


jeu. 11/12/2014 Cerveau et Langage : Acquisition et Pathologies
Atrium, Université Lyon 2
Conférence de :
  • Laurie TULLER
  • Nathalie BEDOIN (DDL)

20 ans de LLD

à venir


mar. 16/12/2014 Atelier HELAN NOTE: L'ATELIER COMMENCERA A 14H30!
ISH, salle A. Frossard

Natalia Chousou-Polydouri: "Tupí-Guaraní classification using phylogenetic methods: integrating lexical and morphological data"


ven. 19/12/2014 HDR : Variation de la parole : contraintes linguistiques et mécanismes d'adaptation
ISH, Espace Marc Bloch
Soutenance d'habilitation à diriger des recherches de  : Christine Meunier (LPL, Aix en Pce)

Soutenance d'HDR devant le jury constitué de :
- Martine Adda-Decker (LPP, Paris)
- Ann Bradlow (Northwestern University, IL, USA)
- Valerie Hazan (University College, London, UK)
- Noël Nguyen (LPL, Aix en Provence)
- François Pellegrino (DDL, Lyon)


ven. 19/12/2014 Séminaire DTT : Conférence Natacha Chevrier
ISH, salle Ennat Léger

Natacha Chevrier : « Nasality in Bribri (Chibchan, Costa Rica) »

Bribri is a Chibchan language spoken in Costa Rica, with three dialects (Coroma, Amubre, Salitre). In this talk, I will present the hypothesis that Bribri used to be (and may still be for some dialects) a language without any phonemic nasal consonant (a common characteristic in Central and South America (Cohn 1993: 152-156; Peng 2000; Storto & Demolin 2012: 347-348)), but that such consonants have actually been progressively introduced in the phonology. This analysis is based on Constenla’s work (1981, 1982, 1985) and my own recent fieldwork on Amubre and Coroma. My claim is that Constenla’s description (I), my data from Amubre (II) and from Coroma (III) reflect three different stages of the evolution of Bribri.
The emergence of nasal consonants from nasal vowels is the reverse of the well known process which occurred in well described languages like French or Portuguese (Sampson 1999). It is on the contrary similar to what happened in many other Chibchan languages which attest only nasal consonants while the protolanguage attested only nasal vowels (Constenla 1981, 2012).


Cohn Abigail, 1993, “A survey of the phonology of the feature nasal”, Working Papers of the Cornell Phonetics Laboratory 8, pp. 141-203.

Constenla U. Adolfo, 1981, Comparative Chibchan Phonology, University of Pennsylvania: PhD thesis: Linguistics.
— 1982, “La nasalización en relación con el tono y la intensidad en bribri”, Revista de Filologia y Lingüistica de la UCR 8 (1&2), pp. 109-112.
— 1985, “Prosodic Nasality in Bribri (Chibchan) and Universals of Nasality”, International Journal of American Linguistics 51 (4), pp. 374-376.
— 2012, “Chibchan languages”, in Campbell Lyle & Veronica Grondona (eds), The Indigenous Languages of South America: A comprehensive guide, The world of Linguistics Vol 2, Berlin, Boston: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 391-439.

Peng Long, 2000, “Nasal Harmony in Three South American Languages”, International Journal of American Linguistics 66 (1), pp. 76-97.

Sampson Rodney, 1999, Nasal Vowel Evolution in Romance, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Storto Luciana & Demolin Didier, 2012, “The Phonetics and Phonology of South American Languages”, in Campbell Lyle & Veronica Grondona (eds), The Indigenous Languages of South America: A comprehensive guide, The world of Linguistics Vol 2, Berlin, Boston: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 331-390.


ASLAN -  Université de Lyon -  CNRS -  Université Lumière Lyon 2 -  MSH-LSE -  IXXI -  DDL :  Contact |  Mentions légales |