mar. 09/11/2021
Nominalization and clause linkage in Yukuna (Arawak, Colombia): towards a descriptive approach for field linguists |
10h-12h |
ISH, salle Ennat Léger |
Conférence de :
- Magdalena Lemus Serrano
(Université d'Aix-Marseille)
dans le cadre DILIS |
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The aim of this paper is to present a method for the description of nominalization and clause-linkage for field linguists, and illustrate it with data from Yukuna (ISO 693-3:ycn, Glottocode: yucu1253), based on the work in Lemus Serrano (2020). The method consists in defining a language-specific nominal gridlisting the prototypical internal and external features of Noun Phrases (NPs) and using this grid to identify the degree to which individual clause-linking strategies match or deviate from this prototype, as defined on a language-specific basis. This methodology was applied to all relevant clause-linking strategies in the language, previously identified by the author based on a first-hand corpus of texts. Elicited data was also used when necessary, for hypothesis confirmation.
mar. 16/11/2021
Séminaire de recherche DiLiS
"Methodological considerations in corpus-based morphological typology" |
10h-11h30 |
ISH, salle Elise Rivet (+ zoom - link below) |
Conférence de :
dans le cadre DILIS |
A fundamental question in linguistic typology is the validity of morphological profiles such as agglutinating, inflecting/fusional and isolating. These labels presuppose that 1) a variety of morphological properties are strongly correlated, including rates of allomorphy, suppletion, ablaut processes, and the size of morphological paradigms; and 2) these properties are sufficiently uniform across the various grammatical subsystems of individual languages to constitute meaningful characterizations. Ultimately, these categories invest in the basic assumption that similarities and differences between languages are not entirely determined by genealogical and areal proximity, but that unrelated languages tend to converge on certain bundles of linguistic features for language-internal reasons.
In this study, we assess the reliability of two of these categories, agglutinating and inflecting, by comparing results from a bottom-up, usage-based analysis with existing, grammar-based categorizations. We utilize datasets from 19 languages from the DoReCo database (Paschen et al. 2020). Our sample represent 17 language families and all six macro-areas. The datasets are transcriptions of spontaneous spoken language, morphologically annotated by language experts, each containing at least around 10,000 words. The annotations in these datasets permit a number of novel, nuanced analyses, such as examining differences between nominal and verbal morphological behaviors.
We lay out methods for measuring five morphological categories for these languages: separation/cumulation of meanings in morphemes, in/variance of morphological form, locality/extendedness of morphemes in words, paradigm size, and degree of synthesis. We investigate whether these five factors covary across different languages and the distribution of indices over types and word classes in each language. To the extent that we find substantial language-internal variation, we also examine whether the best predictor for this variation is part-of-speech (in particular contrasting nouns and verbs) or frequency of roots and word forms. Particular emphasis is given to the methodological considerations involved in performing quantitative cross-linguistic analysis on morphologically-annotated texts.
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ID de réunion : 876 9464 1039
Code secret : XEiUK6
mar. 23/11/2021
Séminaire de recherche DiLiS
"From historical data to linguistic typology: A perspective from northern Chaco" |
10h00-12h00 |
MSH-LSE, salle Ennat Leger (et visio) |
Conférence de :
- Luca Ciucci
(The Cairns Institute, James Cook University, Australia)
dans le cadre DILIS |
This talk will show how historical data can contribute to linguistic typology with examples from Old Zamuco, a Zamucoan language spoken in the 18th century in the northern Chaco lowland of South America. The main source of information on this language is a dictionary written by the French Jesuit Ignace Chomé (1696-1768), who also documented neighboring Chiquitano (unclassified), the language of evangelization in the Jesuit missions of southeastern Bolivia. Chomé’s Old Zamuco dictionary was recently discovered (Ciucci 2018) along with Chomé’s Chiquitano manuscripts. Based on data from the upcoming critical edition of the Old Zamuco dictionary (Ciucci, Forthcoming), I will first discuss the inflection of nouns and adjectives, which displays a dedicated form for nominal predication and two forms for argument marking, which are distinguished by referential specificity. Although this threefold system is unique to Zamucoan, the predicate vs. argument contrast shows typological similarities with Tupi-Guarani (Bertinetto et al. 2019). The new Old Zamuco historical data allowed me to identify possessive classifiers and analyze their morphosyntax: Old Zamuco classifiers agree in gender and number with the possessed (Ciucci & Bertinetto 2019), which is a typological rarum (Aikhenvald 2000; Kilarski & Alassonière-Tang 2021). While such agreement features characterize the Zamucoan family, comparison with other Chaco languages reveals traces of areal diffusion (Ciucci 2020).
Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. 2000. Classifiers: A typology of noun categorization devices. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bertinetto, Pier Marco, Luca Ciucci & Margherita Farina 2019. Two types of morphologically expressed non-verbal predication. Studies in Language 43, 1. 120-194.
Ciucci, Luca 2018. Lexicography in the Eighteenth-century Gran Chaco: The Old Zamuco dictionary by Ignace Chomé. In Jaka Čibej, Vojko Gorjanc, Iztok Kosem & Simon Krek (eds.). Proceedings of the XVIII EURALEX International Congress: Lexicography in Global Contexts. Ljubljana: Ljubljana University Press. 439-451.
Ciucci, Luca 2020. Matter borrowing, pattern borrowing and typological rarities in the Gran Chaco of South America. Morphology 30, 4. 283-310.
Ciucci, Luca (ed.) (Forthcoming). Ignace Chomé: Vocabulario de la lengua zamuca - Edición crítica y comentario lingüístico. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana Vervuert Verlag.
Ciucci, Luca & Pier Marco Bertinetto 2019. Possessive classifiers in Zamucoan. In Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald & Elena Mihas (eds.). Genders and classifiers: A cross-linguistic typology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 144-175.
Kilarski, Marcin & Marc Allassonnière-Tang 2021. Classifiers in Morphology. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics 28 June 2021. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Link to meeting: https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/98600447099?pwd=aTYrSEVkMkVzMWZiS0hhS2tGOFZVZz09
mar. 23/11/2021
Atelier "Méthodes" - Axe Dendy - Discussion CER de Lyon |
15h30-16h30 |
MSH-LSE - Salle Ennat Léger |
mar. 30/11/2021
Atelier Typologie sémantique
Path, Manner, Deixis : Towards a semantic typology of Motion events |
10h-11h30 |
MSH-LSE, salle Berty Albrecht |
Conférence de :
dans le cadre DILIS |
Incorporation of Manner in Motion typologies were initiated by revisions to Talmy’s typology (1985, 2000a): Slobin’s equipollent-framed languages (2004), Fortis & Vittrant’s distinction between asymmetrical and equipollent constructions (2011, 2016), Iraide-Ibarretxe’s path salience cline (2009).
The aim of this talk is to draft a typology for motion events, looking at the co-expression and distribution of three semantic components, namely Path, Manner and Deixis, while considering a number of parameters: type of vector (Source/Goal/Medium), presence of a boundary, or type of syntactic construction (serial verb construction, coordination, etc.).
Fortis, Jean-Michel, & Alice Vittrant. (2011). L’organisation Syntaxique de l’expression de La Trajectoire: Vers Une Typologie de La Construction. Faits de Langues - Les Cahiers 3: 71–98.
Fortis, Jean-Michel, & Alice Vittrant. (2016). On the Morphosyntax of Path-Expressing Constructions: Toward a Typology. STUF Language Typology and Universals 69(3): 341–74.
Iraide-Ibarretxe, Antuñano. (2009). Path Salience in Motion Events. In Crosslinguistic Approaches to the Psychology of Language: Research in the Tradition of Dan Isaac Slobin, eds. Jiansheng Guo et al. New York: Psychology Press, 403–14.
Slobin, Dan I. (2004). The Many Ways to Search for a Frog: Linguistic Typology and the Expression of Motion Events. In Relating Events in Narrative: Typological Andcontextual Perspectives, eds. Sven Strömqvist and Ludo Verhoeven. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum, 219–57.
Talmy, Leonard. (1985). Lexicalization Patterns: Semantic Structure in Lexical Form. In Language Typology and Syntactic Description - Grammatical Categories and the Lexicon, ed. Timothy Shopen. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 57–149.
Talmy, Leonard. (2000a). Lexical Typologies. In Language Typology and Syntactic Description: Grammatical Categories and the Lexicon , ed. Timothy Shopen. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 66–168.
Talmy, Leonard. (2000b). Toward a Cognitive Semantics: Typology and Process in Concept Structuring. Cambridge: MIT Press.
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ID de réunion : 810 9539 5145
Code secret : sA3BBU