Training and professional background
Research interests
Scientific activities
Other international activities
Main publications and conferences
 | Ph.D. in Linguistics
- 1975, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
- Titre: Jacaltec: A Study in Complex Sentence Structure
- Jury de thèse: Susumo Kuno (dir), Steve Anderson, Ken Hale, Jorge Hankamer, David Perlmutter
- Publication : Craig, C., 1977, Jacaltec: The Structure of Jacaltec, Austin: University of Texas Press
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 | Description and Typology:
Morphology, syntax, semantic |
 | Typological-functional grammar, West Coast School, USA |
 | Categorization: morpho-syntactic systems, systems of nominal classification, expression of space. |
 | Amerindians languages descriptions: Mayan Languages, Chibchan Languages, Amazonian Languages.
Fieldwork: Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Bolivia
Framing: Mexico, Ecuador, Colombia, Brasil, Argentina, French Guyana, Bolivia |
 | Endangered Languages: Fieldwork Methods, Ethics of endangered languages fieldwork |
 | Fieldwork linguistic: development of a linguistics suitable for fieldwork linguists and native speakers.
Formation of fieldwork linguists |
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 | Projet AALLED (Afrique Amérique Latine Langues en Danger) de l'Agence Nationale de la Récherche |
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 | CCELA CLANLINC : Colombia |
 | Rama language project :
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Access Colette's WebCV and full Curriculum
here (coming soon)
- List of publications below under construction...
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Bert, M., Costa, J., Grinevald, C. & Martin, J.B., 2012, "Langues de France, langues en danger : aménagement et rôle des Linguistes", Toulouse, Privat, Cahiers de l’Observatoire des pratiques linguistiques n° 3 de la Délégation Générale à la Langue Française et aux Langues de France |
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Grinevald, C. & Kauffmann, M., 2012, "Traditional Rama Food. Alimentos Tradicionales del pueblo rama", Managua, Grafitex, 55 p., Coleccion Identidades y Patrimonio Cultural. Programa Conjunto de Revitalizacion Cultural y Desarrollo Productivo Creativo en la Costa Caribe de Nicaragua |
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Grinevald, C., Ortiz, W., Pivot, B. & Kauffmann, M., 2009, "Nuunik El libro del sol. Libro del Maestro", Managua, Grafitex, 42 p., Miss Nora Rigby Collection. GTR-K & IBIS |
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Grinevald, C., Assadi, B. & Kauffmann, M., 2009, "SALPKA. Turkulka. Rama language dictionary, semantic field FISH", Managua, Grafitex, 80 p., Miss Nora Rigby Collection. GTR-K & IBIS |
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Craig, C., 1977, "The Structure of Jacaltec", Austin, London, University of Texas Press (Couverture)
Edited books
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Grinevald, C. & Bert, M. (eds), 2010, "Linguistique de terrain sur langues en danger, Locuteurs et linguistes", 35-36, Ophrys |
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Craig, C. (ed), 1986, "Noun Classes and Categorization", Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company (pdf, Couverture)
Chapters in books
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Grinevald, C., à paraître, "Directionals do it because prepositions don't: path in motion and location in Popti' (Mayan)", in Variation and change in Adpositions of Movement, Cuykens, H., De Mulder, W., Goyens, M. & Mortelmans, T. (eds), John Benjamins Publishing Company |
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Lamarre, C., Vittrant, A., Kopecka, A., Voisin, S., Bon, N., Fagard, B., Grinevald, C., Moyse-Faurie, C., Risler, A., Song, J.K., Tan, A. & Voirin, C., 2022, "Deictic directionals revisited in the light of advances in typology", in Neglected Aspects of Motion Events Description: Deixis, asymmetries, constructions, Sarda, L. & Fagard, B. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 69-94. |
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Pache, M., Meira, S. & Grinevald, C., 2020, "Languages of the Isthmo-Colombian Area and its southeastern borderland: Chibchan, Chacoan, Yukpa and Wayuunaiki.", in Amerindian Socio-cosmologies between the Andes, Amazonia and Mesoamerica. Towards an Anthropological Understanding of the Isthmo-Colombian Area., Halbmayer, E. (ed), Routledge, pp. 61-87 |
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Grinevald, C. & Freeland, J., 2019, "The Role of Autonomy in the Revitalization of the Languages of Nicaragua’s Caribbean Coast", in Indigenous Struggle for Autonomy: The Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua, Baracco, L. (ed), Lexington Books, pp. 201- 228 |
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Grinevald, C., 2016, "The Jakaltek Popti’ noun classifier system: Changes due to Spanish contact", in Language Contact and Change in the Americas: Studies in honor of Marianne Mithun, Berez Kroeker, A., Hintz, D. & Jany, C. (eds), Studies in Language Companion Series 173, Amsterdam/ Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 273-296 (pdf)
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Selz, G., Goldwasser, O. & Grinevald, C., 2017, "The Question of Sumerian “Determinatives”. Inventory, Classier Analysis, and Comparison to Egyptian Classifiers from the Linguistic Perspective of Noun Classication", Lingua Aegyptia, 25, pp. 281-344 (pdf)
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Fortis, J.M., Grinevald, C., Kopecka, A. & Vittrant, A., 2011, "L'expression de la trajectoire : perspectives typologiques", Faits de Langues, Les Cahiers, 3, pp. 33-42. |
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Imbert, C., Grinevald, C. & Sörés, A., 2011, "Pour une catégorie de « satellite » de trajectoire dans une approche fonctionnelle-typologique", Faits de Langues - Les Cahiers, 3, pp. 99-116 (Article)
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Grinevald, C., 2011, "On constructing a working typology of the expression of path", Faits de Langues, Les Cahiers, 3, pp. 43-70 (pdf)
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Grinevald, C. & Bert, M., 2010, "Proposition de typologie des locuteurs de LED", Linguistique de terrain sur langues en danger: Locuteurs et linguistes, 35/36, pp. 117-132 |
Conferences with proceedings
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Bert, M., Grinevald, C. & Amaro, L., 2011, "Evaluation de la vitalité des langues minoritaires: approches quantitatives vs. qualitatives et implications pour la revitalisation", proc. of Vitalità di una lingua minoritaria. Aspetti e proposte metodologiche. Atti del convegno, Bellinzona, Suisse, 15-16 octobre 2010, Moretti, B., Pandolfi, E. & Casoni, M. (eds), Osservatorio Linguistico della Svizzera Italiana, pp. 65-92, Vitality of a Minority Language: aspects and methodological issues |
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Bert, M. & Grinevald, C., 2009, "Whose ideologies, where and when? Rama (Nicaragua) and Francoprovencal (France) experiences", proc. of ELAP Workshop: Beliefs and Ideology, SOAS London, 27-28 février 2009 |
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Grinevald, C., 2006, "Documentación de lenguas en peligro", proc. of Lesser Known Languages in South Asia: Status and policies, Case Studies and Applications of Information Technology, "Lenguas amerindias: mantenimiento, promoción y pervivencia", Barcelona, ?, Lluis, A., Vidal-Folch, I. & Della Corte Caballero, G. (eds), ICCI, pp. 120-140 |
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Dubois, D. & Grinevald, C., 2000, "Denomination of colors in practice", proc. of LACUS Forum XXVI : The Lexicon, Vancouver, 2000, Melby, A. & Lomels, A. (eds), pp. 237-246 |
Invited and keynote conferences
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Grinevald, C., 2019, "The challenge of working with speakers of (very) endangered languages: The case of the Rama Language Project of Nicaragua. "UPPLADOC Language documentation: Multilingual settings and technological advances, Uppsala University, 24 octobre |
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Grinevald, C., 2019, "The challenge of working with speakers of (very) endangered languages: The case of the Rama Language Project of Nicaragua. "UPPLADOC Language documentation: Multilingual settings and technological advances, Uppsala University, 24 octobre |
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Grinevald, C., 2018, "La noción de 'perfil sociolinguistico' de una lengua amenazada", proc. of Congreso Internacional 'Contacto, documentación y revitalización de lenguas en desplazamiento en Hispanoamérica: Desafíos en la diversidad II', Université de San jose, Costa Rica, 26 février |
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Grinevald, C., 2017, "Twenty years of NILI and forty years of the UofO Linguistics Department : an elder from linguistics remembers", proc. of 20th anniversary of Northwest Indian Language Institute, University of Oregon, Eugene, juillet |
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Grinevald, C., 2015, "About linguistic fieldwork…and endangered languages", proc. of International Workshop on Linguistic Fieldwork in South Asia, Uppsala, Suède, 1-2 Juin |
Invited presentations
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Grinevald, C. & Bert, M., 2019, "The global survey of language revitalization efforts: 'Ideological spheres' and the case of Francoprovençal", Language Revitalization Laboratory, Linguistics department, UofO, 2 avril |
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Grinevald, C., 2019, "Langues d'Amérique Latine", Programme Amérique Latine, IEP Lyon 2, 17 janvier |
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Grinevald, C., 2018, "La revitalización lingüística y su importancia para los pueblos", URACCAN Bluefields, Nicaragua, 10 mars |
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Grinevald, C., 2018, "Les langues d’Amérique latine", Programme Amérique latine, IEP Lyon 2, octobre |
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Grinevald, C., 2018, "Langues en danger : le cas de l’Oregon", Description et documentation des Langues en Danger, Université de Grenoble-Alpes, 26 octobre |
Conference presentations
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Bert, M., Grinevald, C. & Pivot, B., 2019, "Challenges specific to the revitalization of very endangered languages: contrasting North & Latin American perspectives - General introduction to the Special session : "Thinking Through the Revitalization of Very endangered languages in a North / Latin American perspective"", Conference of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA), New York City, January 3–6 |
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Grinevald, C. & Pivot, B., 2019, "The revitalization of a treasure language: The case of Rama (Nicaragua)", Conference of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA), New York City, January 3–6 |
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Bert, M., Grinevald, C. & Pivot, B., 2019, "Acknowledgment and valorization of endangered languages: the role of academics in revitalization projects ", PRELA 2019 - Professionnel·le·s et Recherche en Linguistique Appliquée : défis méthodologiques, enjeux sociétaux et perspectives d’intervention, Lyon, 24-26 juin 2019 |
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Vuillermet, M. & Grinevald, C., 2018, "Where is Associated Motion in the typology of motion events?", Journée d’étude Événement et Espace: Mouvement Associé et Posture Associée, Fédération de Recherche Typologie et Universaux Linguistiques / LLF, Paris, France, December 5 |
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Grinevald, C., 2018, "Rama Language Project of Nicaragua 2017", Atelier LED TDR - Retour de Terrain, DDL, Lyon, janvier |
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Grinevald, C., 2001, "Vitalité des langues amérindiennes des Etats-Unis", Espace culturel international Kotopo, Lyon, France, 29 janvier 2001 |
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Grinevald, C., 2001, "Ecriture hiéroglyphique Maya", Espace culturel international Kotopo, Lyon, France, 11 octobre 2001 |
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Grinevald, C., 2000, "A Fieldwork Squib, Hankamer Webfest", Online, pp. 6 (page)
Magazines paper
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Grinevald, C., 2014, "Les langues menacées"/82, Dossier Pour la Science. L’évolution des langues, pp. 80-86 |
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Grinevald, C., 2014, "Le défi des langues en danger"/82, Dossier Pour la Science. L’évolution des langues, pp. 110-116 |
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Grinevald, C. & Milin, R., 2013, "Une richesse linguistique en péril"/Hors-série, L’Atlas du monde de demain. Le Monde - la vie, pp. 154-155 |
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Grinevald, C., 2010, "Langues en danger, idéologies et revitalisation"/124, Culture et Recherche, pp. 29 |
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Grinevald, C., 2010, "Dans l’absolu toute langue, quelle que soit sa nature, est apte à survivre"/118, Les Cahiers de Science et Vie, pp. 112-114 |
Movie or radio
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Grinevald, C., Hagège, C. & Tournadre, N., 2015, "Linguistes de terrain et disparition des langues. La tête au carré - France Inter", 55 minutes |
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Grinevald, C. & Tournadre, T., 2015, "Linguistes de terrain et disparition des langues. La tête au carré - France Inter", 55 minutes |
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Grinevald, C. & Milin, R., 2008, "Lancement de la Fondation Chirac : programme Sorosoro. Interview Europe N1 and France Culture Radio Networks. 10 June 2008, France.", xx |
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Grinevald, C., 2008, ""Langues en danger". In Et pourtant elle tourne, on France-Inter Radio Network, 26 February 2008, France", ? |
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Grinevald, C., 2007, "La disparition des langues", France, 53 |
Newspaper article
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Grinevald, C., 2006, "En 2100, les Terriens parleront 3000 langues de moins. Interviewed by L. Belot & H. Morin", Le Monde, 1 January 2006 |
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Grinevald, C., 2005, "Chasseurs de langues: La mondialisation menace la planète Babel En Amérique latine, des linguistes au secours des dialectes « primitifs »", Le Monde, Paris, 26 août 2005 |
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Grinevald, C., 2005, "How linguists and missionaries share a bible of 6,912 languages. Interviewed by M. Erard", The New York Times, 19 July 2005 |
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Foucart, S. & Grinevald, C., 2003, "Un comité d'experts s'alarme du nivellement linguistique mondial", Le Monde, 2 avril 2003 |