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Linguistic Diversity and its Sources

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The role of language contact in language diversification

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Scientific framework and objectives

Language diversification and change can be assumed to be the result of multiple factors: differential retention of ancestral variation, independent innovations, and contact with other languages, as well as the interplay of these factors (Pakendorf 2013). Hence, an understanding of contact-induced language change is important for our understanding of language evolution. Ideal candidates for such studies are closely related lects that are in contact with different languages, so that it is easier to identify changes that might be due to external influence vs. those that are due to internal innovations. The Northern Tungusic language Even is ideal in this respect, since it is spoken in a number of small communities scattered across northeastern Siberia, and molecular genetic data show intermarriage of different Even groups with their neighbours (Duggan et al. 2013, Pugach et al. 2016).

The study focuses on two of the geographically most disparate Even dialects: the westernmost still viable dialect, Lamunkhin, spoken in the village of Sebjan-Küöl in Yakutia, and one of the easternmost dialects, namely the Bystraja dialect spoken in Central Kamchatka. With respect to Lamunkhin Even, the impact of contact with the Turkic language Sakha (Yakut) is striking: among others, it has led to the borrowing of four paradigms of verbal TAM plus subject agreement markers (cf. Pakendorf 2014, 2015, 2019). This project also entails theoretical reflections on the modalities that underlie contact-induced changes in general, such as the impact of multilingualism (Pakendorf, Dobrushina, & Khanina 2021) and the impact of relexification (Pakendorf 2022).

  • Andriyanets, V., Daniel, M., Pakendorf, B., 2018, "Discovering dialectal differences based on oral corpora", proc. of Dialogue 2018: 24th international conference on Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies, Moscow, 30 May 2018 -02 June 2018, 17, pp. 24-34
  • Dobrushina, N., Khanina, O., Pakendorf, B. (eds), 2021, "Typology of Small-Scale Multilingualism", 25/4, International Journal of Bilingualism, 835-1157 p.
  • Duggan, A., Whitten, M., Wiebe, V., Crawford, M., Butthof, A., Spitsyn, V., Makarov, S., Novgorodov, I., Osakovsky, V., Pakendorf, B., 2013, "Investigating the prehistory of Tungusic peoples of Siberia and the Amur-Ussuri region with complete mtDNA genome sequences and Y-chromosomal markers", PLoS ONE, 8:12, pp. e83570; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083570
  • Pakendorf, B., 2013, "Incipient grammaticalization of a redundant purpose clause marker in Lamunxin Ėven: Contact-induced change or independent innovation?", in Shared Grammaticalization. With special focus on Transeurasian languages, Robbeets, M., Cuyckens, H. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins, pp. 259-283
  • Pakendorf, B., 2013, "The interplay of language-internal variation and contact influence in language change", in The Interplay of Variation and Change in Contact Settings, Léglise, I., Chamoreau, C. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins, pp. 199-227
  • Pakendorf, B., 2014, "Paradigm copying in Tungusic: The Lamunkhin dialect of Ėven and beyond", in Paradigm Change. In the Transeurasian Languages and Beyond, Robbeets, M., Bisang, W. (eds), Amsterdam, New York, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 287-310
  • Pakendorf, B., 2015, "A comparison of copied morphemes in Sakha (Yakut) and Ėven", in Borrowed Morphology, Gardani, F., Arkadiev, P., Amiridze, N. (eds), Berlin/Boston/Munich, De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 157-187
  • Pakendorf, B., 2019, "Direct copying of inflectional paradigms: Evidence from Lamunkhin Even", Language, 95:3, pp. e364-e380
  • Pakendorf, B., 2020, "Contact and Siberian Languages", in The Handbook of Language Contact, 2nd edition, Hickey, R. (eds), Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 669-688
  • Pakendorf, B., Dobrushina, N., Khanina, O., 2021, "A typology of small-scale multilingualism", International Journal of Bilingualism, 25:4 (Special issue on "Typology of Small-Scale Multilingualism" edited by Nina Dobrushina, Olesya Khanina & Brigitte Pakendorf), pp. 835– 859
  • Pakendorf, B., 2022, "Copying form without content. Relexification in ordinary contact-induced change ", Diachronica, 39:4, pp. 525-564
  • Pakendorf, B., 2024, "Language contact in northern Asia", in The languages and linguistics of Northern Asia. Volume 2: Typology, Morphosyntax and Socio-historical Perspectives, Vajda, E. (eds), De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 1175-1210
  • Pugach, I., Matveev, R., Spitsyn, V., Makarov, S., Novgorodov, I., Osakovsky, V., Stoneking, M., Pakendorf, B., 2016, "The complex admixture history and recent southern origins of Siberian populations", Molecular Biology and Evolution, 33:7, pp. 1777-1795

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