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Linguistic Diversity and its Sources

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Sociative causative : typology and areal distribution

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Francoise ROSE

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Sociative causation is a type of causation in which the causer not only makes the causee do an action, but participates in the action as well (I make him run, by running as well). Guillaume and Rose 2007 have presented a typology of the means used to express sociative causation : markers of regular causative (or a combination of two causative markers), applicative, reciprocal but also markers dedicated to sociative causation. Guillaume and Rose (2010) put forward the hypothesis that the presence of deicated sociative causative markers are an areal feature of the Amazonian region, that would have diffused from one family to the other. The project aims at investigating further the areal and typological issues, on the basis of a world-wide balanced sample of languages (with Oscar Cocaud-Degrève and in collaboration with the Sinergia Project Out of Asia of the University of Zürich).

  • Guillaume, A., Rose, F., 2010, "Sociative causative markers in South-American languages: a possible areal feature", in Essais de typologie et de linguistique générale. Mélanges offerts à Denis Creissels, Floricic, F. (eds), Lyon, ENS Editions, pp. 383-402
  • Guillaume, A., Rose, F., 2007, "A typology of sociative causative: between causatives and applicatives", 7ème colloque de l'Association Internationale de Linguistique Typologique, Paris, 25-27 septembre

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