DDL - UMR 5596
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69007 Lyon
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Linguistic Diversity and its Sources

Themes and actions

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Database of Francoprovençal of the Lyonnais region

  Contact person
Michel BERT

Scientific framework and objectives

Conception, development and realization of an open database meant to house the cartographic and linguistic data of the linguistic atlases of Francoprovençal in France, and in a first step, the Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of the Lyonnais region (P. Gardette 1956-1976, 5 vol.).
This project has already made available:
-all the maps of the Lyonnais Atlas: more than 1000 maps. Accessible on ORTOLANG: ORTOLANG
-a portion of the linguistic data: 200 maps in 75 survey points i.e. 15000 entries, re-transcribed in IPA and validated (October 2020). Accessible at ATLEX

Research on the automatic recognition of the (hand written) linguistic data to facilitate data entry has reached in october 2020 a level of recognition of characters of more than 50%.
In parallel, the project aims at creating tools to search data and cartography.
The database also hosts contemporary audio material: more than 4h of raw data, with transcribed and glossed items (octobre 2020).

Principal participants of the project:
DDL : Sébastien Flavier for the computational aspect.
Pierre Gardette Institute, centre de dialectologie, Facultés catholiques de Lyon : Claudine Fréchet (dir) and Fabio Armand.

Région Rhône-Alpes
DGLF-LF (Direction Générale à la Langue Française et aux Langues de France)

ASLAN -  Université de Lyon -  CNRS -  Université Lumière Lyon 2 -  MSH-LSE -  IXXI -  DDL :  Contact |  Terms of use |