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Linguistic Diversity and its Sources

Themes and actions

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A Typological and Contrastive Study of aller ‘go’/venir ‘come’ in French and pāj ‘go’/māː ‘come’ in central Thai

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Scientific framework and objectives

This Ph.D. thesis, under the joint supervision of Prof. Anna Sörés (Lumière Lyon 2 University & DDL Laboratory) et Prof. Alice Vittrant (Lumière Lyon 2 University & DDL Laboratory), began in November, 2017. It focuses on the study of the verbs aller ‘go’/venir ‘come’ in French in comparison with the verbs pāj‘go’/māː ‘come’ in central Thai (Tai-Kadai, Thailand). The aim of this study is twofold: (1) to distinguish and classify the spatial and non-spatial meaning of these verbs and (2) to investigate their spatial meaning in detail. In French, aller/venir belong in the verb class and are generally used for the expression of motion events (either physical or abstract) and the expression of time. In Thai, pāj/māː are both transcategorial (i.e. they can be instantiated as different word classes either lexical or lexical and grammatical) and polyfunctional regarding the morphosyntactic, semantic, as well as discursive properties (speaker, narrator, and character’s perspective). The thesis is based on two parallel corpora, compiled from a contemporary French novel translated into Thai and a contemporary Thai novel translated into French. This Ph.D. thesis is funded by Burapha University, Thailand from October 2017 to October 2020.

Financial support

  • Allocation Doctorale de l'Université Burapha (Thaïlande)
  • Typological and contrastive study of aller ‘go’/venir ‘come’ in French and pāj‘go’/māː ‘come’ in Central Thai
    Burapha University, Thailand
  • Bourse de Couverture Sociale du gouvernement français (Franco-Thai Scholarship Program)

  • ASLAN -  Université de Lyon -  CNRS -  Université Lumière Lyon 2 -  MSH-LSE -  IXXI -  DDL :  Contact |  Terms of use |