Variability in production and perception of speech
Contact person
Jalaleddin AL-TAMIMI , Rene CARRE , Egidio MARSICO
Scientific framework and objectives
This project is undertaken within the framework of the hypo/hyper correction theory, first described as a synchronic process by Björn Lindblom and then reconsidered in a diachronic perspective by John Ohala. This theory considers intra and inter individual variation as one of the principal sources of phonetic changes. This project studies variability in a translinguistic perspective.
The goal of this project is to study individual phonetic variations for three languages: French (standard, north and south varieties), Italian (north and south varieties) and Arabic (Moroccan and Jordanian), in order o evaluate the role of this variation in the correlation between production and perception of speech (size of the respective spaces, direct mapping or indirect one via representations). Moreover, the recordings of the regional varieties allow questioning some language specific points. For example, the status of median vowels of French and Italian, or vocalic length and the process of centralisation in Arabic. Also and more generally for Arabic dialects, the questions of the status of vowels and the use of dynamical information (or dynamical trajectories) in the perception of speech are also addressed.
Pour les dialectes arabes, il s’agit également et plus généralement d’étudier le statut des voyelles ainsi que l’utilisation d’informations dynamiques (ou trajectoires dynamiques) dans la perception de la parole.
Financial support
- ACI Cognitique
Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche 2001-2003
- Al-Tamimi, J., Girard, M., Marsico, E., 2002, "Variabilité inter-langue et inter-individuelle en production et en perception : étude préliminaire en arabe dialectal et en français", actes de XXIVème Journées d'Etudes sur la Parole, Nancy, France, 24-27 juin 2002, pp. 169-172
- Al-Tamimi, J., Barkat-Defradas, M., 2002, "Inter-dialectal and inter-individual variability in production and perception: a preliminary study in Jordanian and Moroccan Arabic", proc. of 5emes rencontres de l'Association Internationale de Dialectologie Arabe (AIDA), Cadix, Espagne, 25-28 septembre 2002, pp. 171-186
- Al-Tamimi, J., Carré, R., Marsico, E., 2004, "The status of vowels in Jordanian and Moroccan Arabic: insights from production and perception", proc. of 48th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, USA, 2004, 116/4, pp. 2629
- Al-Tamimi, J., Ferragne, E., 2005, "Does vowel space size depend on language vowel inventories? Evidence from two Arabic dialects and French.", proc. of the 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (INTERSPEECH~EUROSPEECH 2005), Lisbonne, Portugal, 04-08 September 2005, pp. 2465-2468
- Al-Tamimi, J., 2006, "Analyse dynamique de la réduction vocalique en contexte CV à partir des pentes formantiques en arabe dialectal et en français", actes de XXVIème Journées d’études sur la Parole, Dinard, 12-16 Juin 2006, pp. 357-360

- Al-Tamimi, J., 2006, "Indices dynamiques et perception des voyelles : Étude translinguistique en arabe dialectal et en français", présenté à l'école d'été : Voix, Parole & Langues, Cargèse, 4-9 Juin 2006
- Barkat-Defradas, M., Al-Tamimi, J., Benkirane, T., 2003, "Phonetic variation in production and perception of speech: a comparative study of two Arabic dialects.", proc. of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Barcelone - Espagne, 3-9 september 2003
- Carré, R., Hombert, J.M., 2002, "Variabilité phonétique en production et perception de parole : stratégies individuelles (Phonetic variabilities in speech production and perception: individual strategies)", in Invariants et Variabilité dans les Sciences Cognitives, Mazoyer, B., Lautrey, J., van Geert, P. (eds), Paris, Presses de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme
- Carré, R., Marsico, E., Serniclaes, W., 2003, "Formant transition duration versus prevoicing duration in voiced stop identification.", proc. of ICPhS, Barcelone, Espagne, Août
- Carré, R., Liénard, J.S., Marsico, E., Serniclaes, W., 2002, "On the role of the "schwa" in the perception of plosive consonants", proc. of Int. Cong. on Speech and Language Processing, Denver, USA, Mai
- Carré, R., Serniclaes, W., Marsico, E., 2004, "Production and perception of vowel categories", From Sound to Sense Conference, MIT, Cambridge, USA, Mars 2004
- Carré, R., 2004, "From acoustic tube to speech production", Speech Communication, 42, pp. 227-240
- Gaskell, G., Spinelli, E., Meunier, F., 2002, "Perception of Resyllabification in French", Memory & Cognition, 30, pp. 798-810
- Girard, M., Hombert, J.M., 2003, "Phonological vowel contrast: the case of the French median vowels.", proc. of ICPhS, Barcelone, Espagne, Août 2003
- Meyer, J., Gautheron, B., 2005, "Whistled speech and whistled languages", in Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Brown, K. (eds), 2nd, Oxford, Elsevier