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Development Neurocognition Disorders

Themes and actions

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Editor : Sophie KERN, Alice Catherine ROY

Relationship between the development of feeding and speech

  Contact person
Melanie CANAULT , Sophie KERN

Scientific framework and objectives

Chewing and speech are two motor activities that emerge during the first year of life from mandibular rhythmic cycles. The fact that speech and nutrition activities depend on common anatomical and physiological structures and that feeding and language disorders coexist in some children (Malas et al., 2015) may suggest a link between their development. Our goal is to test experimentally this often assumed by clinicians.

  Financial support
  • Contrat doctoral ASLAN
    Babillage et Oralité alimentaire
    Labex ASLAN - Université de Lyon

  • Lemarchand, L., MacLeod, A., Canault, M., Kern, S., 2016, "Développement du comportement alimentaire chez l'enfant français de 0 à 2 ans : Elaboration d’une échelle de développement et données préliminaires", Orthophonie Audiologie Canada 2016, Halifax (Nouvelle-Ecosse, Canada), 27-30 juin 2016
  • Lemarchand, L., MacLeod, A., Canault, M., Kern, S., 2017, "Speech and feeding development : A longitudinal study on Quebecois French-Speaking children between 8 and 14 months. ", 14th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Lyon, 17-21 juillet 2017
  • Lemarchand, L., MacLeod, A., Canault, M., Kern, S., 2017, "Développement de la parole et de la mastication : Evolution des patrons temporels mandibulaires observés entre 8 et 14 mois chez 4 enfants québécois.", Développement de l'articulation de parole chez l'enfant : du développement typique à la dyspraxie verbale - Journée scientifique, Grenoble , 23/11/2017

ASLAN -  Université de Lyon -  CNRS -  Université Lumière Lyon 2 -  MSH-LSE -  IXXI -  DDL :  Contact |  Terms of use |