Last update : 09/12/2010  |
Research interests
Main publications and conferences
Je suis actuellement post-doctorant à l'Institut Max Planck de Leipzig. Je réalise un projet de documentation des dialectes lazes financé par HRELP (Hans Rausing Endangered Languages Project) basé à la SOAS.
 | Typologie |
 | Morphosyntaxe |
 | Langues caucasiques du sud |
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 | Morphosyntaxe générale I - INALCO, 2007-2008 Morphosyntaxe générale I - INALCO, 2008-2009 Atelier de description linguistique II - INALCO, 2009-2010 |
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PhDs and master thesis
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Lacroix, R., 2009, "Description du dialecte laze d'Arhavi (caucasique du sud, Turquie) - Grammaire et textes (pdf)", Thèse, Sciences du langage, Lyon 2, Lyon, xxi + 901 p. |
Chapters in books
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Lacroix, R., 2012, "Laz Middle Voice", in Ergativity, Valency and Voice, Authier, G. & Haude, K. (eds), Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 165–198 |
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Lacroix, R., 2012, "The multi-purpose subordinator 'na' in Laz", in Clause Linkage in Cross-Linguistic Perspective: Data-Driven Approaches to Cross-Clausal Syntax , Diessel, H. & Gast, V. (eds), Mouton de Gruyter |
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Lacroix, R., 2010, "Benefactives in Laz", in Benefactives and malefactives. Case studies and typological perspectives, Kittila, S. & Zúñiga, F. (eds), John Benjamins, pp. 271-294 |
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Lacroix, R., 2011, "Ditransitive constructions in Laz", Linguistic Discovery, 9 |
Conferences with proceedings
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Lacroix, R., 2009, "Laz relative clauses in a typological and areal perspective", proc. of Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory 2, London, United Kingdom, November 13-14, 2009, Austin, P., Bond, O., Charette, M., Nathan, D. & Sells, P. (eds), University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies, pp. 205-210 |
Conference presentations
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Lacroix, R., 2010, "Selective determiners and topic markers originating from relative clauses in Laz", Syntax of the World's Languages IV (SWL IV), Lyon, France, September 23-26, 2010 |
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Lacroix, R., 2009, "Ditransitive constructions in Laz", Caucasian languages - Workshop for young linguists, Lyon, France, April 8-9, 2009 |
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Lacroix, R., 2009, "Laz prenominal relative clauses: A typologically uncommon strategy", 37. Österreichische Linguistiktagung. Session "Languages of the Caucasus", Salzburg, Austria, December 5, 2009 |
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Lacroix, R., 2009, "Laz relative clauses in a typological and areal perspective", Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory 2, London, United Kingdom, November 13-14, 2009 |
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Lacroix, R., 2009, "The origin of Set II suffixes in the Kartvelian languages : a hypothesis
", Advances in Kartvelian Morphology and Syntax , Bremen, 29-30 septembre |