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Linguistic Diversity and its Sources

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Documentation and description of the Takanan languages of Amazonian Bolivia

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Scientific framework and objectives

This research thread deals with the documentation and description of the endangered languages ​​of Takana family in Amazonian Bolivia, in particular Cavineña, Reyesano (Maropa) and Tacana. This involves collecting data in the field on these languages ​​and analyzing them with the aim, on the one hand, of accounting for the nature and organization of all levels of structure and their functional correlates and on the other hand to explore in these languages ​​particular morphosyntactic phenomena whose study contributes to the development of general linguistics (typology and historical and areal linguistics).

  • Guillaume, A., 2012, "Cavineña", in Lenguas de Bolivia (4 vols.), Volume II, Amazonía, Crevels, M., Muysken, P. (eds), La Paz, Plural editores, pp. 115-154
  • Guillaume, A., 2012, "Maropa (reyesano)", in Lenguas de Bolivia (4 vols.), Volume II, Amazonía, Crevels, M., Muysken, P. (eds), La Paz, Plural editores, pp. 191-229
  • Guillaume, A., 2005, "Documentation of Reyesano", 24/06/2006, Endangered Languages Archive at SOAS University of London
  • Guillaume, A., 2008, "A Grammar of Cavineña", Berlin & New York, Mouton de Gruyter, xxxiv, 900 p., Mouton Grammar Library [MGL 44], ISBN 9783110188424
  • Guillaume, A., 2010, "Documentation du reyesano de Bolivie : portraits des derniers locuteurs", in Locuteurs de langues en danger et travail de terrain sur langues en danger, Grinevald, C., Bert, M. (eds), Faits de Langues, pp. 265-286
  • Guillaume, A., Valenzuela, P. (eds), 2017, "Estudios sincrónicos y diacrónicos sobre lenguas Pano y Takana: fonología, morfología y sintaxis", vol. 39:1 & vol. 39:2, Paris, Amerindia, 506 p.
  • Guillaume, A., 2006, "Linguistique de documentation du cavineña et du reyesano, entretien filmé conduit par E. de Pablo (FMSH-ESCoM), Archives Audiovisuelles de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines et Sociales", pp. 2h23
  • Guillaume, A., To appear, "Takanan languages", in Amazonian Languages. An International Handbook, Epps, P., Michael, L. (eds), De Gruyter Mouton
  • Valenzuela, P., Guillaume, A., 2017, "Estudios sincrónicos y diacrónicos sobre lenguas Pano y Takana: una introducción", Amerindia (Numéro thématique: Estudios sincrónicos y diacrónicos sobre lenguas Pano y Takana: fonología, morfología y sintaxis, edited by A. Guillaume & P. M. Valenzuela), 39:1, pp. 1-49

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