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Description, Typology, Fieldwork

Themes and actions

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A grammar of Nam trik, an indigenous language spoken in the Colombian Andes

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Scientific framework and objectives

Nam Trik is a Barbacoan language spoken in the Southwestern of Colombian Andes by about 8.000-9.000 people. This project will focus on a highly endangered dialect of Nam Trik, spoken in the community of Totoró (76 speakers). Nam trik is a poorly described language. Currently, there are only a few phonological and morphosyntactic descriptions available for Nam trik and there is no descriptive grammar yet. The present doctoral research project started in 2014. It is co-supervized by Antoine Guillaume (DDL, CNRS & Université lyon 2) and Tulio Rojas Curieux (Université du Cauca & GELPS). The main research outcome of this project will be the first comprehensive descriptive grammar of Nam Trik, which will include a phonological, morpho-phonological, morphological and syntactic description of this language. This grammar will be based on a Nam Trik audio-video corpus which will be collected in collaboration with trained members of the community. The HRELP-SOAS programme is funding this doctoral research project and also a documentation project of the language.

  Financial support
  • Bourse d'aide à la mobilité sortante
    International training in functional-typological syntax at the University of Oregon towards the elaboration of typological grammars of two southwestern Colombian languages: Nasa Yuwe (Isolate) et Nam Trik (Barbacoan)
    Labex ASLAN - Université de Lyon
  • ELDP - Individual Graduate Scholarship (IGS)
    Documentation and grammar of Nam Trik (Colombia)
    ELDP - Arcadia - SOAS, London University

ASLAN -  Université de Lyon -  CNRS -  Université Lumière Lyon 2 -  MSH-LSE -  IXXI -  DDL :  Contact |  Terms of use |