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Description, Typology, Fieldwork

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Editor : Anetta KOPECKA

Sociogrammar of Martinican

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Scientific framework and objectives

My PhD research, supervised by Françoise Rose, focuses on Martinican (creole, Martinica). Martinican is a creole language spoken in Martinique, a French Caribean island located in the Lesser Antilles. Martinican is an isolating language and follows a Subject-Object-Verb structure. For my dissertation, I work on a syntactic and phonological description of Martinican and aim at the elaboration of a sociogrammar. This choice stems from the sociolinguistic history of the language : Martinican results mostly from a contact situation between West African languages, French, English, Spanish, Caribe, Tamil, and Latin (Colot, Ludwig 2013). Nowadays Martinican is in permanent contact with French and most Martinican speakers use a bilingual repertoire, Martinican and French. That is the reason why the sociogrammar investigates the linguistic variation in the speech of the native speakers. I explore what Prudent (1981) calls the « interlect » that is to say structures that can be predicted neither from French nor Martinican grammar but that emerge in discourse because of that steady contact between both languages. This doctoral work is based on a corpus by 16 native speakers. I pay attention to the sociolinguistic diversity of these speakers (gender ; age ; work ; city), to the diversity of the genres as well (elicitations ; narrations ; conversations). This description extends the analysis of the relative clauses made during my two years of Master. Thus, I am particularly interested in complex sentences, serial verb constructions and interlectal structures.

  Financial support
  • Contrat Doctoral Lyon 2 - ED 3LA
    Sociogrammar of Martinican
    Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche

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