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Development Neurocognition Disorders

Themes and actions

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Team webmaster : Sophie KERN, Alice Catherine ROY

Influence of music on language processing

  Contact person
Nathalie BEDOIN

Scientific framework and objectives

Growing evidence supports the view that language and music share some cognitive processes and neural substrates. For instance, practicing music improves the processing of speech acoustic changes, syntactic processing, reading and learning of a second language. This could result from the fact that the two domains require temporal attention that is precise enough to segment the signal, hierarchically organized to simultaneously detect interleaved units of different length (phonemes, syllables, word sequences for language), and flexible enough to adapt to rhythm changes.
Our research lies in the context of the dynamic attention theory as well as cortical oscillations theory, in order to build hypotheses on temporal attention. We explore the possibility of improving language processing by listening to music with a regular rhythm, which could facilitate the synchronization of adapted cortical oscillations and a distribution of attention that is optimal for subsequent language processing.
We carry out priming experiments, in which participants listen to musical excerpts before performing a linguistic task, in order to:

  • improve syntactic processing, reading and speech perception in dyslexic and SLI children and even in typically developing children
  • reinforce the impact of syntactic exercises proposed by speech therapists to deaf children with cochlear implants

  Financial support
  • Projets Exploratoires Pluridisciplinaires (PEPS)
    ETUDYS : Accueil, intégration et accompagnement des ETUdiants DYSlexiques à l'université
  • Labex ASLAN
    Impulsivity control in adults with ADHD
    Labex ASLAN - Université de Lyon
  • Projets Exploratoires Pluridisciplinaires (PEPS)
    Does music help language? Study of musical and linguistic processing in children with language disorders (co-resp: B. Tillmann)
  • ANR Projet de Recherche Collaborative
    RALP : Effects of rhythmic stimulation on language processing in the normal population and in children with language disorders (PI: D. Schön, Marseille)
    Agence Nationale de la Recherche
  • Financement ENS de Lyon
    Circ’Handi : Inclusion scolaire et circulation des savoirs professionnels

  • Projets Exploratoires Pluridisciplinaires (PEPS)
    Dys’R’able : Etudiants DYSlexiques à l’université : difficultés en Rédaction et en Anglais, évaluation et aides pour un accès équitaBLE aux conditions de réussite
  • Allocation doctorale ED Neurosciences et Cognition
    Impulsivity and distractibility in ADHD adults: evoked potentials and remediation
    Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche

  • Bedoin, N., Ciumas, C., Lopez, C., Redsand, G., Herbillon, V., Laurent, A., Ryvlin, P., 2012, "Disengagement and inhibition of visuo-spatial attention are differently impaired in children with rolandic epilepsy and Panayiotopoulos syndrome", Epilepsy and Behavior, 25:1, pp. 81-91
  • Bedoin, N., 2016, "Troubles spécifiques du langage écrit", in Le Guide de l'Orthophoniste, Volume 3, Kremer, M., Lederlé, E., Maeden, C. (eds), Lavoisier, Paris, Lavoisier, pp. 1-71
  • Bedoin, N., Marcastel, A., Tillmann, B., 2016, "Difficultés attentionnelles et traitement du langage : Propositions d’aide par la musique et remédiations informatisées", Développements, 18-19, pp. 121-169
  • Bedoin, N., 2016, "De l’importance d’inhiber les détails pour favoriser le traitement global des mots", Les Cahiers Pédagogiques, 525
  • Bedoin, N., Brisseau, L., Molinier, P., Roch, D., Tillmann, B., 2016, "Temporally regular musical primes facilitate subsequent syntax processing in children with Specific Language Impairment", Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10:245, pp. 1-11
  • Bedoin, N., Besombes, A.M., Escande, E., Dumont, A., Tillmann, B., 2016, "Déficits morphosyntaxiques chez des enfants sourds implantés : Hypothèses et pistes de remédiation par le rythme musical", Rééducation orthophonique, 268, pp. 261-288
  • Bedoin, N., Besombes, A.M., Escande, E., Dumont, A., Lalitte, P., Tillmann, B., 2017, "Boosting syntax training with temporally regular musical primes in children with cochlear implants", Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Doi : 10.1016/j.rehab.2017.03.004, pp. 365-371
  • Bedoin, N., 2017, "Rééquilibrer les analyses visuo-attentionnelles globales et locales pour améliorer la lecture chez des enfants dyslexiques de surface", ANAE, 19:Tome III, 148, pp. 276-294
  • Ciumas, C., Saignavongs, M., Ilski, F., Herbillon, V., Laurent, A., Lothe, A., Heckermann, R., de Bellescize, J., Panagiotakaki, E., Hannoun, S., Sappey Marinier, D., Montavont, A., Ostrowsky-Coste, K., Bedoin, N., Ryvlin, P., 2014, "White matter development in children with Benign Childhood Epilepsy with Centro-Temporal Spikes", Brain, 137:4, pp. 1095:1106
  • Kéïta, L., Bedoin, N., Burack, J., Lepore, F., 2014, "Switching between global and local levels: The level repetition effect and its hemispheric asymmetry", Frontiers in Psychology, 5:252, pp. [doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00252]
  • Marcastel, A., Bedoin, N., 2016, "Diagnostiquer le TDAH chez les adultes : apports de l'électrophysiologie", Neurologies, 19:188, pp. 180-185
  • Marcastel, A., Bedoin, N., 2016, "Adultes TDAH : évaluation de l’impulsivité et de la distractibilité", Les Cahiers Pédagogiques, 525
  • Mazur-Palandre, A., Abadie, R., Bedoin, N., 2016, "Etudiants dyslexiques à l’Université : Spécificité des difficultés ressenties et évaluation des déficits", Développements, 18-19, pp. 139-177
  • Przybylski, L., Bedoin, N., Krifi-Papoz, S., Herbillon, V., Roch, D., Léculier, L., Kotz, S., Tillmann, B., 2013, "Rhythmic auditory stimulation influences syntactic processing in children with developmental language disorders", Neuropsychology, 27:1, pp. 121-131

ASLAN -  Université de Lyon -  CNRS -  Université Lumière Lyon 2 -  MSH-LSE -  IXXI -  DDL :  Contact |  Terms of use |