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Krifi, S., Bedoin, N., Herbillon, V., 2003, "Phonetic priming and backward masking in printed stimuli: A better understanding of normal reading and dyslexia", proc. of 13th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP 13), Granada, Spain, 2003, September (eds) (abstract) |
Longtin, C.M., Meunier, F., 2003, "Masked Priming with Morphologically Complex Neologisms in French", proc. of XIIIth Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Grenade, Espagne, septembre, Bajo, T., Lupianez, J. (eds), pp. 440 (abstract) (poster) |
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Pagnon, F., Baguena, N., Honoré-Masson, S., Bedoin, N., Thomas-Antérion, C., Laurent, B., 2003, "Effets de la maladie d'Alzheimer sur les capacités d'imagerie mentale visuelle : traitement de la dorme, de la taille et de la couleur", actes de Alzheimer 2003, Paris, France, 2003, October (eds) (résumé) (poster) |
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