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History and Ecology of Language and languages


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Editor : Anetta KOPECKA, Brigitte PAKENDORF

To appear 
2021  20  19  18  17  16  15  14  13  12  11  10  09  08  07  06  05  04  03  02  01  00 
1999  98  97  96  95  94  93  92  91  90  89  88  87  86  84  82  80  79  78  77  76  75  74  73 
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Author Title Year



Her, O.S. & Tang, M., 2020, "A statistical explanation of the distribution of sortal classifiers in languages of the world via computational classifiers", Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, 27:2, pp. 93-113 (doi.org/10.1080/09296174.2018.1523777)


Josserand, M., 2020, "Speaking about colors: a cross-linguistic statistical investigation of the effects of the physical environment on the way languages conceptualize the color space", Mémoire Master 2, Mémoire Master 2 Sciences Cognitives, ENS Lyon, 83, 83 p.


Liu, D., Duong, N., Ton, N. & Phong, N., Pakendorf, B., Hai, N., Stoneking, M., 2020, "Extensive ethnolinguistic diversity in Vietnam reflects multiple sources of genetic diversity", Molecular Biology and Evolution, 37:9, pp. 2503-2519 (Access article)


Macholdt, E., Arias, L., Duong, N., Ton, N., Phong, N., Schröder, R., Pakendorf, B., Hai, N., Stoneking, M., 2020, "The paternal and maternal genetic history of Vietnamese populations", European Journal of Human Genetics, 28:5, pp. 636–645 (Access article)


Michael, L., Chousou-Polydouri, N., 2020, "Computational Phylogenetics and the Classification of South American Languages", Language and Linguistics Compass, 13:12 (DOI)


Tang, M., 2020, "A simple introduction to programming and statistics with decision trees in R", Teaching Statistics, 42:2, pp. 36-40 (doi.org/10.1111/test.12210)


Tang, M., Kilarski, M., 2020, "Functions of gender and numeral classifiers in Nepali", Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, 56:1, pp. 113-168 (doi.org/10.1515/psicl-2020-0004)


Tang, M., Her, O.S., 2020, "Numeral base, numeral classifier, and noun: Word order harmonization", Language and Linguistics, 21:4, pp. 511-556 (doi.org/10.1075/lali.00069.all)

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