The article by Coupé et al. (Science Advances 2019) has attracted some press attention - read the articles in Science and in The Atlantic.
Elisa Demuru has been awarded the Prize of the foreign post-doc 2019 of the University of Lyon! The award ceremony will take place on Thursday, 14 November from 18h00-20h00 in the Grand amphithéâtre de l’Université de Lyon, 90 rue Pasteur, 69007 Lyon, and will be preceded by 2 talks aimed at a general audience on the topic of “What do animals say?”.
The event is open to all, but it is necessary to register ahead of time: see the link for details and the registration form.
Ouvrage édité
The Bantu Languages, Second Edition
Van de Velde, M., Bostoen, K., Nurse, D. & Philippson, G.
Routledge Press
Article de revues
Human sound systems are shaped by post-Neolithic changes in bite configuration
Blasi, D. & Moran, S., Moisik, S., Widmer, P., Dediu, D., Bickel, B.