Training and professional background
Research interests
Scientific activities
Other international activities
Main publications and conferences
Leave of absence since 2021/09/01
 | Systems dynamics and functional motivations in Path coding. Typological description of Homeric Greek and Old English. Advisor: Colette Grinevald.
PhD dissertation defended on Nov. 27th 2008, with high distinction.
Jury members:
- Colette Grinevald, Professor, CNRS – DDL / Université Lyon 2
- Scott DeLancey, Professor, University of Oregon
- Maya Hickmann, Directrice de recherches, CNRS – SFL / Université Paris 8
- Diana Lewis, Maître de conférence, CNRS – DDL / Université de Lyon 2
- Silvia Luraghi, Associate Professor, Université de Pavia
- Christiane Marchello-Nizia, Professor, CNRS – ICAR, ENS-LSH de Lyon
Full academic background here |
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 | Morpheme ordering ; complexity in morphology. |
 | Path in language typology. |
 | Competing motivations. |
 | Grammaticalization processes. |
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 | 2014-2018 CNRS/TUL Program #7 "Les questionnaires : recensement, analyse, valorisation et réflexion épistémologique". Project coordinated by Aimée Lahaussois (HTL / Paris 7).
 | 2013-2014 Lidilem (Research Unit) Correspondent for the Grenoble Cognition Pole.
 | 2010-2013 Participation to the collaboration between the “Trajectory” Project and the
“Topoi” Project (Freie Üniversität & Humboldt Üniversität).
 | 2010-2012 Creation and coordination of the Typology & Description Workshop (Lidilem
Research Unit, University of Grenoble); with Isabelle Rousset.
 | 2005-2013 Member of the “Trajectory” research program (CNRS/TUL). Coordinated by Colette Grinevald (CNRS University of Lyon 2), Jean-Michel Fortis (CNRS – University of Paris 7), Anetta Kopecka (CNRS – University of Lyon 2) and Alice Vitrant (CNRS – University of Provence).
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 | 2017/2018 Classes:
Writing systems
Language Typology |
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 | 2010 – Senior Fellowship (2 weeks), TOPOI Project, University Humboldt of Berlin.
 | 2007 - Visiting Scholar (February-March-April) in the Linguistics Department of the University of Oregon, in Eugene. Sponsor: Scott deLancey. |
 | 2006 - Visiting Scholar (April-May-June) in the Linguistics Department of the University of Oregon, in Eugene. Sponsor: Scott deLancey.
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PhDs and master thesis
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Imbert, C., 2008, "Dynamique des systèmes et motivations fonctionnelles dans l’encodage de la Trajectoire. Description typologique du grec homérique et du vieil-anglais", Thèse de Doctorat, Sciences du Langage, Université Lyon 2 (Thèse)
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Imbert, C., 2004, "L’expression de l’espace en turc : une approche fonctionnelle-typologique", Mémoire de DEA, Sciences du Langage, Université Lyon 2, 226 p. |
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Imbert, C., 2003, "Expression et métaphorisation de l’efférence dans les langues indo-européennes à satellites. Perspectives diachroniques et typologiques", Mémoire de DEA, Département d'Anglais, Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, 110 p. |
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Imbert, C., 2003, "Sémantique générale et sémantique particulière : hypothèse d'un universau efférence/complétude dans les langues du monde. Hypothèses sur l'existence d'un cognème *p en indo-européen", Mini-Mémoire complémentaire de DEA, Département d'Anglais, Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, 8 p. |
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Imbert, C., 2002, "Prepositions in English : a comparative analysis of their semantic evolution from Indo-European to contemporary English", Mémoire de Maîtrise, Département d'Anglais, Université Aix-Marseille I, 190 p. |
Edited books
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Imbert, C. & Vallée, N. (eds), 2012, "Typologie et description linguistiques : Interfaces et interactions", 46, Grenoble, Ellug, 196 p. (Volume, Link to Journal)
Chapters in books
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Imbert, C., soumis, "The Grammaticalization of relator nouns in Turkish. Turkish 'postpositions' revisited", in New Reflections on Grammaticalization 3, Noonan, M. (ed), Typological Studies in Langage, John Benjamins |
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Imbert, C. & Vallée, N., 2012, "Pour une description typologique des langues", in Typologie et description linguistiques : Interfaces et interactions, 46, Imbert, C. & Vallée, N. (eds), Lidil, Grenoble, Ellug, pp. 5-21 (Article, Link to Journal)
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Imbert, C., 2008, "Path coding in Old English: functional story of a typological shift", in Historical Englishes in Varieties of Texts and Contexts, Amano, M., Ogura, M. & Ohkado, M. (eds), Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, pp. 17-32 (Article (preprint))
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Imbert, C., 2013, "Morpheme Order Constraints Upside Down: Verticality and Other Directions.", Berkeley Linguistic Society, 39 |
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Imbert, C., 2012, "Path: Ways typology has walked through it", Language and Linguistics Compass, 6:4, pp. 236-258 (Article, Link to Journal)
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Imbert, C., Grinevald, C. & Sörés, A., 2011, "Pour une catégorie de « satellite » de trajectoire dans une approche fonctionnelle-typologique", Faits de Langues - Les Cahiers, 3, pp. 99-116 (Article)
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Imbert, C., 2010, "Multiple preverbation in Homeric Greek: A typological insight", Cognitextes, 4 (Article (preprint), Link to Journal)
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Imbert, C. & Vernhes, J.V., 2003, "Le préfixe méconnu ŭ- (<*ud) et son correspondant anglais 'out' ", O LUKHNOS (Université Aix-Marseille I), 2003:2 |
Invited presentations
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Imbert, C., 2010, "Parler d'espace : Diversité des langues et Typologie", Séminaire GIPSA-Lab, Axe Parole et Cognition, Grenoble, 30 septembre 2010 |
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Imbert, C., 2009, "Multiple preverbation in Homeric Greek: What Chibchan Rama has to say", Excellence Cluster TOPOI, Research Area C-I-1, Humboldt-University, Berlin, 23 June 2009 |
Conference presentations
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Imbert, C., accepted, "The emergence of relational particles in English", The Society of Historical English Language and Linguistics International Conference (SHELL 2009), Hiroshima, 28-29 August 2009 [CANCELLED] |
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Imbert, C., 2015, "Anglais vs. Français : L'envahisseur est-il celui qu'on croit ?", Nuit Européenne des Chercheurs, Vaulx-en-Velin, 25 September 2015 |
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Imbert, C. & Ducloux, A., 2014, "Et Darwin demanda : C'est quoi une langue ?", Nuit Européenne des Chercheurs, Vaulx-en-Velin, 26 September 2014 |
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Imbert, C., 2013, "Morpheme order constraints upside down: Vertical Orientation vs. Directionality", 39th Conference of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, Berkeley, 16-17 février 2013 |
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Imbert, C., 2011, "Elements for a multi-layer definition of 'Satellites'", AFLico IV, Trajectory Workshop, Lyon, 23 mai 2011 |