Training and professional background
Research interests
Scientific activities
Administration activities
Awards and research grants
Supervised theses and dissertation
Other international activities
Main publications and conferences
 | 2014-2016
 | 2009-2014 |
 | 2007-2009 MA Research in Linguistic Sciences, Universities Lumière-Lyon 2 and Paris III-ILPGA, Laboratories DDL (Lyon) and LACITO (Villejuif).
 | 2008 |
 | 2005-2006 MA Research in Linguistics Sciences, University of Oregon, Eugene, USA, Exchange program of University Lumière-Lyon 2, Lyon. |
 | 2002-2005 BA in Linguistics Sciences, University Lumière-Lyon 2, Lyon. |
| |
 | Description and Typologie: morphosyntax and semantics
- Nominal categorization
- Composition and word formation
- Grammaticalisation Processes
- Verb Serialization
- Expression of space
 | Phonology: comparison and tonogenesis |
 | Mon-Khmer languages |
 | Languages of Colombia |
 | Endangered Languages, Fiedlwork, Documentation, Revitalization |
 | Language Contact, borrowings, variation |
| |
 | Members of Typology Projects : Typology and Linguistic Universals Federation
- 2015-2018 : DEIXIS DYNAMIQUE (Resp. A. Vittrant et A. Kopecka)
- 2010-2013 : TRAJECTOIRE (Resp. C. Grinevald, J-M. Fortis, A. Vittrant)
 | Participation and talks at workshops and seminars of the laboratory DDL
- 2009-2016 : Morphosyntax Workshop
- 'Constructions and morphemes order in Stieng' FR (12/15)
- 'Serial verb constructions and verb types in Stieng' FR (11/12)
- 'Elements of informational structure in Stieng' FR (03/12)
- 2014-2016 : Semantic typology workshop
- 2010-2012 : Seminars LED-TDR
- 2011-2012 :
Language Contact workshop
Présentation 'SEA linguistic Area' FR (02/12)
- Campbell (2006)
- Enfield (2001)
| |
 | Scientific events organization
Member of conference organization and coordination team
- 2012 :
Seals 22 - Resp. A. Vittrant, J.D. Thach (Agay, INALCO, LACITO)
- 2011 :
AFLICO 4 - Resp. A. Kopecka, D. Lewis, F. Chenu, C. Grinevald, L. Brendlin (Lyon, DDL)
- 2010 :
SWL 4 - Resp. F. Rose, D. Creissels, A. Guillaume (Lyon, DDL)
 | Editing and publication coordination
- 2008 : Assistant editor, Locuteurs de langues en danger et travail de terrain sur langues en danger (2010, Faits de langues), Co-edited by C. Grinevald & M. Bert - ISH (UMS1798), Lyon.
 | Participation to scientific popularization events
- 2016
Fête de la Science, workshop design and animation: lexical composition in Stieng, , ENS, Lyon - 2016
Fête de la Science, Language diversity workshop animation, ENS, Lyon
- 2013
Caravane SOS Racisme, Workshop animation : features of the Stieng language, Lyon
- 2011-2012
Forum des langues , Stand Dynamique du Langage, Lyon
| |
 | Kamsá Project: collaborative work with Kamsá speakers (Sibundoy < Putumayo < Colombia)
- 2017
Pilot trip: meetings with Kamsá community members; collaborative design of an ELDP IPF project (ASLAN; November-December).
 | Stieng project: linguistic documentation with Stieng speakers (Snuol < Kratie < Cambodia)
- 2013
Checking data collected between 2009 and 2011 (ASLAN - ED3LA; February).
- 2010-2011
Textual (natural and elicitated) and lexical data collection (EFEO; November-March).
- 2009-2010
Textual (natural and elicitated), lexical and sociolinguistic data collection (CKS; November-May).
- 2009
Lexical and sociolinguistic data collection (AALLED; February-April).
- 2007
First exploratory fieldtrip: linguistic and sociolinguistic data collection (CKS; August). |
| |
 | Research Grants
- 2017
Fieldwork Grants ASLAN, Colombia.
- 2013
Fieldwork Grants ASLAN & Ecole Doctorale 3LA, Cambodia.
- 2011
Fieldwork Grants, École Française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO), Cambodia
- 2010-2011
Visiting scholaships Explora’Doc (Rhône-Alpes) & Aires’Culturelles (Doctoral School 3LA), University of Oregon.
- 2009-2012
Doctoral contract, University Lumière lyon 2 & Doctoral School 3LA.
- 2009-2010
Senior Fellowship, Center for Khmer Studies (CKS), Cambodia.
- 2009
Fieldwork Grants, AALLED-DDL, Cambodia.
- 2007
Junior Fellowship, Center for Khmer Studies (CKS), Cambodia. |
 | Awards
- 2016
Shortlisted 2nd -
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor position (Syntax & Documentation) - Linguistics Department, University of Hong Kong (HKU)
- 2015
Qualified to the functions of ' Maître de conférence' - sections CNU 07 & 15
| |
 | 2014-2016 : Non-Tenure Track teaching and research assistant (ATER) - Linguistics Dept - Lyon 2
- BA 1
- General Linguistics (Resp. A. Kopecka - 157.5h).
- Sem. 1 : Intro. to linguistics ; phonetics ; phonology
- Sem. 2 : morphology ; syntax
- French Grammar (Sem. 1 - 21h - Resp. B. Martinie ).
- Academic and disciplinary methodology (Sem.1-2 - 168h - Resp. S. Manus).
- Master 1
- TD de Language description (Sem. 1 - 21h - Resp. M. Bert).
- Master 2
- Phonology Workshop : Languages of Southeast Asia (Sem. 1 - 13h30 - Resp. S. Manus).
 | 2015 : Invited Assistant Professor - Manusastra Program - Royal University of Fine Arts (Phnom Penh, Cambodia) & INALCO (Paris)
- Fieldwork methods and ethics seminar - Master 1 (19h30)
 | 2013-2014 : Teaching assistant - Linguistics Dept - Lyon 2
- BA 1
- French Linguistics : Phonology (Sem.1 - 10h30 - Resp. M. Bert).
- General Linguistics : Syntax (Sem. 2 - 10h30 - Resp. A. Kopecka).
- BA 3
- French Linguistics : Phonology (Sem. 2 - 10h30 - Resp. L.Van der Veen).
 | 2011-2012 : Teaching Assistant / GTF - Linguistics Dept - Lyon 2
- TD de General Linguistics (BA 1 - 64h - Resp. A. Kopecka ).
- Sem. 1 : Intro. to linguistics ; phonetics ; phonology
- Sem. 2 : morphology ; syntax
| |
 | 2015-2016 Jinke Song - PhD: Dynamic deixis in the expression of motion in Mandarin Chinese
Co-advisors : Anetta Kopecka (DDL, Lyon2) - Christine Lamarre (CRLAO, Inalco) |
 | 2016-present Léa Mouton - Master 2 Dissertation: Description of an endangered languages of Vietnam
Official Advisor : Lolke Van der Veen (DDL, Lyon 2)
Co-supervisor : Alice Vittrant (DDL, Aix-Marseille)
| |
 | 2010 et 2013
Visiting scholar , Mica Laboratory , Hanoï, Vietnam (feb 2010 & feb 2013) |
 | 2010 Visiting scholar, data analysis and bibliographical work, Pr. Scott DeLancey, Department of Linguistics, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, USA (Explora'Doc-July-September). |
 | 2009-2010 Research Program, Senior Fellowship, Center for Khmer Studies (CKS), Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Novembre-May). |
 | 200 Research Program, Junior Fellowship, Center for Khmer Studies (CKS), Siem Reap, Cambodia (July-August). |
| |
PhDs and master thesis
|  |
Bon, N., 2014, "Une grammaire de la langue stieng: langue en danger du Cambodge et du Vietnam", Thèse de Doctorat, Département de Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, 629 p. |
|  |
Bon, N., 2009, "Une introduction à la langue stieng : profil sociolinguistique et principes phonologiques", Mémoire de Master 2, Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, France, 232 p. |
Chapters in books
|  |
Lamarre, C., Vittrant, A., Kopecka, A., Voisin, S., Bon, N., Fagard, B., Grinevald, C., Moyse-Faurie, C., Risler, A., Song, J.K., Tan, A. & Voirin, C., 2022, "Deictic directionals revisited in the light of advances in typology", in Neglected Aspects of Motion Events Description: Deixis, asymmetries, constructions, Sarda, L. & Fagard, B. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 69-94. |
|  |
Bon, N., 2021, "Expression of spontaneous motion events in Stieng
", in Source-Goal asymmetries across languages, Special issue of Studies in Language, 45/1, Kopecka, A. & Vuillermet, M. (eds), John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 36–74 |
|  |
Bon, N., 2011, "Itinéraires d'une apprentie: en route vers les Stieng", in Linguistique de terrain sur langues en danger : Locuteurs et linguistes, 35-36, Grinevald, C. & Bert, M. (eds), Faits de Langues, Les Cahiers, Paris, Ophrys, pp. 429-442 |
|  |
Bon, N., 2012, "Les classificateurs numéraux du stieng du Cambodge", Typologie et Description linguistiques : interfaces et interactions, 46, pp. 45-77 |
|  |
Bon, N., 2010, "Phonology of the Stieng language: a rime study", Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 3-2, pp. 22-48 |
Invited presentations
|  |
Bon, N., 2016, "The expression of motion events in Stieng. In functional-typological, methodological and analytical perspectives", Research Seminar, HKU Linguistics, Hong Kong , May 26 |
|  |
Bon, N., 2015, "Le stieng, langue en danger d’Asie du Sud-Est : approches sociolinguistique, descriptive, fonctionnelle-typologique et aréale", Séminaires du Centre Asie du Sud-Est (CASE - UMR 8170), Paris, France, 7 mai |
|  |
Bon, N., 2012, "Classificateurs numéraux du stieng + Clichés de terrain", Cours de syntaxe de Licence 3 (Caroline Imbert), Université Stendhal Grenoble 3, 13 novembre |
|  |
Bon, N., 2011, "Phonologie de la langue stieng : étude comparative des rimes et tonogénèse", Introduction à l'étude des langues tibéto-birmanes, Paris - ILPGA et LACITO, 25 novembre |
|  |
Bon, N., 2010, "Describing an endangered unwritten language: An introduction to data collection and analysis", CKS Research Seminar, Center for Khmer Studies (CKS), Phnom Penh, Cambodia, May 15 |
Conference presentations
|  |
Vittrant, A., Lamarre, C., Voisin, S., Kopecka, A., Bon, N., Fagard, B., Grinevald, C., Moyse-Faurie, C., Risler, A., Song, J.K., Tan, A. & Voirin, C., 2017, "Revising the category of directionals in the light of advances in typology", NAMED, International workshop on "Neglected Aspects of Motion-Event Description", ENS, Paris, 19-20 mai 2017. |
|  |
Bon, N., 2017, "Spheres of ideologies in Cambodia: Feedbacks from the field - from 2007 to 2013", LED-TDR Lyon workshop: Sociolinguistics of endangered languages Profiles, Post-vernacularity and Revitalization, DDL-ASLAN, Lyon, France , 24-25 avril |
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Vittrant, A. & Bon, N., 2016, "La complexité cachée des langues d'Asie", ASLAN - Complexity Workshop , Lyon, 15-16 juin |
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Bon, N., 2015, "La composition lexicale en stieng, une langue typique d'Asie du Sud-Est
", Panel : Les langues d’Asie du Sud-Est, une aire de convergence linguistique - Cinquième Congrès Asie & Pacifique, Paris, France, 9-11 septembre |
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Bon, N., 2014, "Traces de contact, évolution vs. conservation. Le cas du stieng comme reflet d’un état antérieur du khmer", Colloque international sur le Cambodge : La conscience du passé chez les Khmers et leurs voisins, Approches linguistique, historique et ethnologique, Phnom Penh, Cambodge, 15-16-17 décembre |