Activités 2019-2020
Liste des visiteurs 2019-2020
Antonio Castillo Ramirez (Université de Sonora, Mexique) : septembre - novembre 2019
Olga Krasnoukhova (University of Antwerp, Belgique) : octobre - décembre 2019
Maïa Ponsonnet (The University of Western Australia) : 13 - 17 janvier 2020
Greenberg Award 2019
Shelece Easterday a obtenu le prestigieux Joseph Greenberg Award de l'Association for Linguistic Typology pour sa thèse intitulée Highly Complex Syllable Structure: A Typological Study of its Phonological Characteristics and Diachronic Development (PhD, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA). Comme distinction, Shelece a été invitée à présenter une conférence plénière en ouverture de la 13ième Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology qui a eu lieu à l'Université de Pavie en Italie (4-6 septembre 2019).
Mary R. Haas Book Award 2019
Adam Tallman a obtenu le Mary R. Haas Book Award - mention honorable de la Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas pour sa thèse intitulée A Grammar of Chácobo, a southern Pano language of the northern Bolivian Amazon (PhD, University of Texas, Austin USA).
Measuring indeterminacy in the morphology-syntax distinction
Tallman, A.
Linguistic Typology
Una guia para escribir la lengua miraña
Seifart, F., Miraña, E.
2019 [second edition]
Méénujcátsi píívye / El origen de las peleas. Texto en lengua bora y traducción al castellano
Vega, V., Ruíz Mibeco, M., Seifart, F., Panduro, C.
2019 [second edition]
Highly complex syllable structure: A typological and diachronic study
Easterday, S.
Language Science Press
En savoir plus : Open access from Language Science Press
Ouvrage édité
Methodological tools for linguistic description and typology
Lahaussois, A., Vuillermet, M.
Special issue of Language Documentation and Conservation
Ŋeːɣidal təːluŋəltin-dəː, ulgujiltin-daː, etkaltin-daː. Negidal’skie skazki, rasskazy i obyčai. [Negidal fairy tales, stories, and traditions]
Pakendorf, B. , Aralova, N.
Kulturstiftung Sibirien
En savoir plus : Access the book
The Mainland Southeast Asia Linguistic Area
Vittrant, A. , Watkins, J.
De Gruyter Mouton
En savoir plus : Présentation chez l'éditeur
Chapitre dans ouvrage
Even and the Northern Tungusic languages
in The Oxford Guide to the Transeurasian Languages, Robbeets, M. & Savelyev, A. (eds)
Pakendorf, B. , Aralova, N.
Oxford University Press
Sakha and Dolgan, the North Siberian Turkic languages
in The Oxford Guide to the Transeurasian Languages, Robbeets, M., Savelyev, A. (eds)
Pakendorf, B. , Stapert, E.
Oxford University Press
Ergativity and case domains
in Further Remarks on Nominalizations, Borer, H., Alexadiou, A. (eds)
Salanova, A., Tallman, A.
Oxford University Press
Morphological complexity, autonomy, and areality in western Amazonia
in The Complexities of Morphology, Arkadiev, P., Gardani, F. (eds)
Tallman, A. , Epps, P.
Oxford University Press
Complex colour denomination in French and Occitan.
in Lexicalization patterns in colour naming: a cross-linguistic perspective, Raffaelli, I., Katunar, D., Kerovec, B. (eds)
Bach, X., Kopecka, A. , Fagard, B.
John Benjamins Publishing Company
The Role of Autonomy in the Revitalization of the Languages of Nicaragua’s Caribbean Coast
in Indigenous Struggle for Autonomy: The Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua, Baracco, L. (eds)
Grinevald, C. , Freeland, J.
Lexington Books
Lexicalization patterns in color naming in Croatian, Czech, and Polish.
in Lexicalization patterns in color naming: a cross-linguistic perspective, Raffaelli, I., Katunar, D., Kerovec, B. (eds)
Raffaelli, I., Chromý, J., Kopecka, A.
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Luchando por reactivar las lenguas indígenas: confluencias, avances y perplejidades
in Lenguas en Contacto: Desafíos en la diversidad, Haboud, M. (eds)
Rojas Curieux, T. , Gonzales Castaño, G. , Díaz Montenegro, E.
Centro de Publicaciones PUCE
Morphology in uralic languages
in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Aronoff, M. (eds)
Sőrés, A., Hevér-Joly, K.
Oxford University Press
Appendice : Guideline to describe a South-East Asian language
in The Mainland Southeast Asia Linguistic Area, Vittrant, A. , Watkins, J. (eds)
Vittrant, A. , Watkins, J.
De Gruyter Mouton
En savoir plus : Lien
in The Mainland Southeast Asia Linguistic Area, Vittrant, A. , Watkins, J. (eds)
Vittrant, A.
De Gruyter Mouton
Entités et espace : complexité sémantique en birman, entre invariant typologique et contraintes langagières
in Le lexique et ses implications : entre typologie, cognition et culture, Baron, I., Bégioni, L., Herslund, M., Rocchetti, A. (eds)
Vittrant, A.
Armand- Colin
in The Mainland Southeast Asia Linguistic Area, Vittrant, A. , Watkins, J. (eds)
Vittrant, A. , Watkins, J.
De Gruyter Mouton
Morphologically assigned accent in Ese ejja: Transitivity, dominance, and an initial three-syllable window
in The study of word stress and accent: theories, methods and data, Goedemans, R., van der Hulst, H., Heinz, J. (eds)
Rolle, N., Vuillermet, M.
Cambridge University Press
En savoir plus : link
Article de revues
Où est l'accord dans une langue sans accord ? L'exemple du birman
Vittrant, A.
Travaux Linguistiques du CERLICO - Accord non accord
LIG-AIKUMA, une application mobile pour la collecte de parole sur le terrain
Gauthier, E., Besacier, L., Voisin, S.
Du terrain à la théorie. Les 40 ans du LACITO
Geografiya mnogoyazychiya narodov Kolymsko-Alazeyskoy tundry v kontse XIX - nachale XX veka [Geography of multilingualism of peoples of Kolyma-Alazeia tundra in the late 19th to the early 20th centuries]
Pupynina, M., Aralova, N. , Koryakov, Y.
Tomskiy zhurnal lingvisticheskikh i antropologicheskikh issledovaniy [Tomsk Journal of Linguistics and Anthropology]
Determinants of phonetic word duration in ten language documentation corpora: Word frequency, complexity, position, and part of speech
Strunk, J., Seifart, F., Danielsen, S., Hartmann, I., Pakendorf, B. , Wichmann, S., Witzlack-Makarevich, A., Bickel, B.
Language Documentation & Conservation
En savoir plus : article online
The acoustic correlates of stress and tone in Chácobo (Pano): A production study
Tallman, A. , Elias-Ulloa, J.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Tikuna. Fènǖèkǖ rǜ âi / El Cazador y el Tigre / The Hunter and the Jaguar
Ángel Ruiz, E., Ángel Ruiz, L., Bertet, D.
in Franchetto, Bruna & Kristine Stenzel (eds.), Línguas indígenas: artes da palavra, Revista Linguíʃtica
En savoir plus : pdf
Consonant strengthening: a crosslinguistic survey and articulatory proposal
Bybee, J., Easterday, S.
Linguistic Typology
En savoir plus : Licensed access
Introduction: Methodological tools for linguistic description and typology
Lahaussois, A., Vuillermet, M.
Methodological tools for linguistic description and typology , Special issue of Language, Documentation and Conservation
Expressing equality, similarity, and pretense in Even (Northern Tungusic, Siberia)
Pakendorf, B.
Faits de Langues (special issue on "Comparaisons d’égalité et de similitude et expression de la simulation" edited by Yvonne Treis & Claudine Chamoureau)
From classifiers to applicatives in Mojeño Trinitario: a new source for applicative markers
Rose, F.
Linguistic Typology
En savoir plus : journal issue DOI pdf
Rhythmic syncope and opacity in Mojeño Trinitario
Rose, F.
Phonological data and analysis
En savoir plus : open access journal issue
Similar but different: the functions of the Mojeño Trinitario root expressing similarity
Rose, F.
Faits de Langues
En savoir plus : journal issue DOI pdf
Public access to research data in language documentation: Challenges and possible strategies
Seyfeddinipur, M., Ameka, F., Bolton, L., Blumtritt, J., Carpenter, B., Cruz, H., Drude, S., Epps, P., Ferreira, V., Galucio, A., Hellwig, B., Hinte, O., Holton, G., Jung, D., Kasinskaite-Buddeberg, I., Krifka, M., Kung, S., Monroig, M., Neba, A., Nordhoff, S., Pakendorf, B. , von Prince, K., Rau, F., Rice, K., Riessler, M., Szoelloesi Brenig, V., Thieberger, N., Trilsbeek, P., van der Voort, H., Woodbury, T.
Language Documentation & Conservation
L’inaccompli dans différentes variétés de wolof
Voisin, S. , Dramé, M.
Africana Linguistica
Trajectoire : a methodological tool for eliciting Path of motion
Vuillermet, M. , Kopecka, A.
Methodological tools for linguistic description and typology , Special issue of Language, Documentation and Conservation
Communication avec actes édités
Désir de langues, subjectivité, rapport au savoir : les langues n’ont-elles pour vocation que d’être utiles?
Bert, M. , Pivot, B. , Yerian, K.
Manner of articulation patterns in word-initial biconsonantal sequences: The effect of morphological context.
Easterday, S.
Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019.
En savoir plus : Available here
Acoustic correlates of metrical proeminence in Mojeño Trinitario
Gordon, M., Rose, F.
Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.
En savoir plus : editor page pdf