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Creissels, D., 2018, "Current issues in the morphosyntactic typology of Sub-Saharan languages", in The languages and linguistics of Africa, Güldemann, T. (ed), De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 712-821


Creissels, D., 2018, "La catégorie des verbes statifs dans le système morphosyntaxique du soninké", Mandenkan, 59, pp. 3-30


Creissels, D., 2018, "Perfective tenses and epistemic modality in Northern Akhvakh", in The semantics of verbal categories in Nakh-Daghestanian languages & Forker, D., Maisak, T. (eds), Leiden / Boston, Brill, pp. 166-187


Creissels, D., 2018, "The Obligatory Coding Principle in diachronic perspective", in Typological hierarchies in synchrony and diachrony, Cristofaro, S., Zúñiga, F. (eds), John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 59-109


Creissels, D., 2018, "Transitivity prominence in typological perspective: the case of Basque", in Studia Philologica et Diachronica in honorem Joakin Gorrotxategi, Lakarra, J., Urgell, B. (eds), Euskal Herriko Univertsitatea / Universidad del Pais Vasco, pp. 175-187


De Barros Monteiro, E., Gonzales Castaño, G., Vargas Moreno, P., 2018, "Interculturalidades en disputa. Ideología y educación intercultural en Ecuador, Brasil y Colombia", in Diálogos interculturales latinoamerincanos, Londoño Calero, S. (eds), Cali, Universidad de San Buenaventura, pp. 209-226


De Pasquale, N., 2018, "Attraversare il confine tra latino e lingue romanze. Dalle marche lessicali al ruolo dell'inferenza nella codifica e nella decodifica della direzione", proc. of 28e Conférence Internationale de Philologie et Linguistique Romane, Rome, 18 - 23 juillet 2016, Antonelli, R., Glessgen, M., Videsott, P. (eds), Editions de linguistique et de philologie, pp. 387-397 (abstract)


Gildea, S., Guillaume, A., 2018, "Introduction: The evolution of argument coding patterns in South American languages", Journal of Historical Linguistics (Special issue on 'The evolution of argument coding patterns in South American languages', edited by A. Guillaume & S. Gildea)), 8:1, pp. 1-6


Guillaume, A., 2018, "From ergative case-marking to hierarchical agreement: a reconstruction of the argument-marking system of Reyesano (Takanan, Bolivia)", in Typological hierarchies in synchrony and diachrony, Cristofaro, S., Zúñiga, F. (eds), Typological Studies in Language 121, Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 217-256


Guillaume, A., Gildea, S. (eds), 2018, "The evolution of argument coding patterns in South American languages", Journal of Historicial Linguistics, 8:1, 167 p. p. (journal issue)  (Couverture)


Guillaume, A., 2018, "The grammatical expression of emotions in Tacana and other Takanan languages", Studies in Language (Special issue on 'Morphology and emotions across the world’s languages', edited by M. Ponsonnet & M. Vuillermet), 42:1, pp. 114-145


Lemus Serrano, M., Durand, T., 2018, "Split Intransitivity and Non-canonical S order in Yukuna", Italian Journal of Linguistics, Special issue “Non-canonical postverbal subjects”:30.2, pp. 213-238 (pdf)


Pakendorf, B., Aralova, N., 2018, "The endangered state of Negidal: A field report", Language Documentation and Conservation , 12, pp. 1-14 (Access article)


Ponsonnet, M., Vuillermet, M. (eds), 2018, "Morphology and emotions across the world’s languages", John Benjamins, Special issue of Studies in Language, 42(1), 295 p., John Benjamins, 0378-4177 (link, ingenta connect)  (Couverture)


Ponsonnet, M., Vuillermet, M., 2018, "Morphology and emotions: A preliminary typology.", Maïa Ponsonnet & Marine Vuillermet (eds.), Morphology and emotions across the world’s languages, Special issue of Studies in Language:42(1), pp. 1-16 (link)


Rolle, N., Vuillermet, M., 2018, "Morphologically assigned accent in Ese ejja: Transitivity, dominance, and an initial three-syllable window", in The study of word stress and accent: theories, methods and data, Goedemans, R., van der Hulst, H., Heinz, J. (eds), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 361-386 (link)


Rose, F., 2018, "A typology of languages with both grammatical gender and genderlects", in Non-canonical gender systems, Fedden, S., Audring, J., Corbett, G. (eds), Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 211-246 (page of editor)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2018, "Are the Tupi-Guarani hierarchical indexing systems really motivated by the person hierarchy?", in Typological Hierarchies in Synchrony and Diachrony, Cristofaro, S., Zúñiga, F. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 290-307  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2018, "Nonverbal predication and the nonverbal clause type of Mojeño Trinitario", in Nonverbal predication in Amazonian languages, Overall, S., Vallejos, R., Gildea, S. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 53-84  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2018, "The rise and fall of Mojeño diminutives through the centuries", Studies in Language, 42:1 (journal issue)  (pdf)


Seifart, F., Evans, N., Hammarström, H., Levinson, S., 2018, "Language documentation 25 years on", Language, 94:4, pp. e324-e345 (full paper)


Seifart, F., Strunk, J., Danielsen, S., Hartmann, I., Pakendorf, B., Wichmann, S., Witzlack-Makarevich, A., de Jong, N., Bickel, B., 2018, "Nouns slow down speech across structurally and culturally diverse languages", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115:22, pp. 5720–5725 (full paper)


Sörés, A., 2018, "« Articles contractés » ou « preposizioni articolate » ? L’aboutissement d’un processus de grammaticalisation », ", Revue Romane, Online-First (Lien)


Sörés, A., Németh, B., 2018, "Evaluative morphology in the verbal domain. Evidence from Hungarian", Studies in Language, 42-1, pp. 202-225.


Sörés, A., Filonov, D., 2018, "L’évolution des verbes de mouvement du latin aux langues romanes : cadre satellitaire vs cadre verbal ", proc. of Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes 26, Rome, Italie, 18-23 juillet, Antonell, R., Glessgen, M., Videsott, P. (eds), Éditions de Linguistique et de Philologie, Société de Linguistique Romane/I, pp. 431-442, Atti del XXVIII Congresso internazionale di linguistica e filologia romanza (abstract)


Tallman, A., Stout, T., 2018, "Tense and temporal remoteness in Chácobo (Pano)", in Proceedings of the Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas 21, Keough, M., Weber, N., Anghlescu, A., Chen, S., Guntly, E., Johnson, K., Reisinger, D., Tkachman, O. (eds), University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics 46


Tallman, A., 2018, "There are no special clitics in Chácobo (Pano)", in Proceedings of the Workshop on Structure and Constituency in the Languages of the Americas 21, Keough, M., Weber, N., Anghlescu, A., Sihwei, C., Erin, G., Khia, J., Daniel, R., Oksana, T. (eds), University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics 46


Vittrant, A., 2018, "Du verbe à l’espace dans les langues d’Asie du Sud-Est : essai de typologie aréale", Thèse de HDR, Sciences du Langage, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)


Voisin, S., 2018, "Le factitif dans les langues atlantiques et les langues bantoues", in Le causatif : perspectives croisées, Thibault, A. (eds), Morphologie, syntaxe, grammaticographie, Strasbourg, ELiPhi, pp. 227-252


Vuillermet, M., 2018, "Be proud to speak Ese’eja!", Numéro spécial deTexts in Indigenous Languages of the Americas Series. , [anciennement Native American Texts Series d’IJAL, la Revue In-ternationale de Linguistique Américaine]


Vuillermet, M., 2018, "Comparative, similative and simulative expressions in Ese Ejja", Yvonne Treis & Kasia Wojtylak (eds.), On the Expression of Comparison: Contributions to the typology of comparative constructions from lesser-known languages, Special issue of Linguistic Discovery 16:1, pp. 141-161 (link)


Vuillermet, M., 2018, "Ese’eja", Matt Coler, Pilar Valenzuela & Roberto Zariquiey (éds.), Indigenous Peruvian Voices. International Journal of American Linguistics , 84:(Supp. 1), pp. S39-S54 (link)


Vuillermet, M., 2018, "Grammatical ‘fear’ morphemes in Ese Ejja: Making the case for a morpho-semantic apprehensional domain", In Maïa Ponsonnet & Marine Vuillermet (eds.), Morphology and emotions across the world’s languages, Special issue of Studies in Language:42(1), pp. 256-293 (link)

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