Founded in 1994, the Dynamique Du Langage (DDL) research unit explores the interface between the diversity of the world’s languages and the universality of human linguistic capacity. Our research lies at the heart of major challenges of our times: from understanding language development in children and in language pathologies to issues of language documentation and vitality and the investigation of the origins of language. The research unit is structured around two research axes (DENDY and DILIS) and a transversal theme (COVALI).


The DDL 30th Anniversary website is accessible HERE.

New Book on Classifiers in Mojeño Trinitario

This new book by Françoise Rose offers a detailed description of the classifiers of Mojeño Trinitario, an Arawak language from Bolivia. Based on a corpus of texts collected in the field, the author analyzes the morphosyntactic and discourse environments of these 32 classifiers, which are primarily CV-shaped suffixes.

The book also explores the semantic extension and distribution of classifiers across various grammatical categories, such as nouns and verbs. This complex system, representative of Arawak languages, is a valuable resource for understanding linguistic diversity.

The book is available for download HERE.

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