Regional Collaborations |
CRNL - INSERM U1028 - UMR 5292 Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon |
IMPACT team: Embodied cognition and action representation (C. Brozzoli, A. Farnè) TRAJECTOIRE team: Visuo-attentional dyslexia (L. Pisella) COPHY and EDUWELL teams: Motor control (C. Schmitz, A. Gomez) |
EMC Laboratoire d'Étude des Mécanismes Cognitifs |
Written production (B. Lété) |
ICAR (UMR 5191) Laboratoire Intéractions, Corpus, Apprentissages, Représentations |
Bilingualism (C. Cohen), Dyslexia (A. Mazur-Palandre) |
IFROSS Institut de formation et de recherche sur les organisations sanitaires et sociales - Lyon 3 |
Clinical research (N. Guilhot) |
IMPACT (INSERM U1028 - CNRS UMR5292) Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon |
Linguistic path and pointing movement (R. Salemme, E. Koun, C. Désoche) |
ISTR Institut des Sciences et Techniques de la Réadaptation, École d'Orthophonie de Lyon |
Typical and atypical development, Developmental language disorders |
LURCO Laboratoire Unadréo de Recherche Clinique en Orthophonie |
Early acquisition (S. Topouzkhanian, G. Hilaire-Debove, T. Rousseau) |
Plateforme NeuroImmersion de Lyon
Interactions between language and movement (A. Farnè, R. Salemme, E. Koun, C. Désoche) |
Plateforme NeuroImmersion de Lyon
Linguistic path and pointing movement (R. Salemme, E. Koun, C. Désoche) |
Service de médecine physique et de réadaptation Hôpital Henri Gabrielle - CHU Lyon |
Locked-In syndrome (G. Rode) |
Service de médecine physique et réadaptation pédiatriques Hôpital Femme Mère Enfant de Lyon |
Developmental language disorders, Early development, Neurodevelopmental deficits in adults (S. Gonzalez) |
Service de psychopathologie du développement Hôpital Femme Mère Enfant de Lyon |
Developmental language disorder, Dyspraxia (P. Fourneret) |
Service ICAP Université Lyon 1 |
Anatomy of the larynx and the vocal tract |
Service Recherche épidémiologique et clinique Hospices Civils de Lyon |
Clinical research (E. Deculier) |
National Collaborations |
CeRCA - UMR 6234 Centre de Recherches sur la Cognition et l’Apprentissage |
Written production (D. Alamargot, D. Chesnet) |
EFL Labex Fondements Empiriques de la Linguistique (EFL) |
Phonological development (N. Yamaguchi) |
ELFE (UMR INED INSERM) Étude Longitudinale Française depuis l’Enfance |
Early language assessment |
GIPSA-lab (UMR5216) Grenoble Images Parole Signal Automatique |
Speech sound development (A. Vilain) |
iBrain (U930) Laboratoire Imagerie et Cerveau |
Early acquisition (C. dos Santos) |
Institut de l'Audition - Institut Pasteur Institut de l'Audition - Institut Pasteur |
Neurocognitive mechanisms of speech perception and production in children (S. Bouton) |
LAPSCO (UMR 6024) LAboratoire de Psychologie Sociale et COgnitive |
Written production : on-line processes analysis (M. Fayol) |
LPNC Laboratoire de Psychologie et Neurocognition (UMR5105) |
Speech sound development (H. Loevenbruck) |
MSH Lyon St-Etienne Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Lyon St-Etienne |
Praxiling (UMR 5267) Université Montpellier 3 |
Early acquisition (M. Barkat-Defradas) |
SFL (UMR7023) Laboratoire Structures Formelles du Langage |
First words (M. Lahrouchi) |
UT2J Unité de Recherche Interdisplinaire Octogone-Lordat |
Language acquisition in refugees (B. Köpke) |
International Collaborations |
Centre for Languages and Literature Lund University |
Literacy (S. Strömqvist) |
Centre for Linguistics, Leiden University
CIESAS Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social |
CiMEC Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, University of Trento |
Motor resonance and posture (F. Pavani & C. Bonfiglioli) |
Département de Psychologie Université de Montréal |
Speech processing and brain oscillations (K. Jerbi) |
Department of Psychology Charles University of Prague |
Early language development (N. Paillereau) |
Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication Ghent University |
Early acquisition (F. Altinkamis) |
Dipartimento di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e della Socializzazione Università Degli Studi Di Padova |
Statistics (L. Finos) |
Ecole d'orthophonie et d'audiologie Université de Montréal |
Early language development (A. MacLeod) |
ELDP Endangered Languages Documentation Programme, Arcadia, SOAS, London University |
Reykjavik University
Literacy (H. Ragnarsdottir) |
Secció de Lingüística General, Universitat de Barcelona
Literacy (L. Tolchinsky) |
Tel-Aviv University
Literacy |
UCSanDiego University of California at San Diego |
Literacy (J. Reilly) Morphology (F. Ackerman) |
Università Roma Tre
Language acquisition in refugees (S. Lippert) |
Université de Beyrouth
Early language development |
Université de Hambourg
Language acquisition in refugees (A. Redder) |
Université de Laval
Early language development (J. Pascale-Roy) |
Université de Liège
Early acquisition (C. Maillart) |
Université de Mons
UQC Université de Québec à Chicoutimi |
Language attitudes towards variation (V. Arnaud) |
UT-Austin University of Texas at Austin |
Early acquisition (B. Davis) |
Networks |
AILLA Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America, University of Texas |
COST Action IS1406
Early language development, Developmental language disorders |
Developmental language disorders |
Developmental language disorders |
E=MC Dys
Developmental disorders |